Catriona R
2015-07-22 18:41:34 UTC
Well, it was pretty fun the first few weeks, problem is... I've mostly
finished with it now, hmm. Exalted with 2 factions, only need probably
2-3 more weeklies for the Saberstalkers. Got most slots at 695 now,
those I don't likely won't take much longer and anyway, would be nice
to get SOME upgrades in LFR. Got all toy drops, only need to save
apexis for the mount (comes fast enough by garrison missions tbh), and
several thousand claws for the saberstalker rewards (eh, sod that,
I'll farm them properly next expansion).
All I really miss now in Tanaan is 4 rares for the killing them all
achievement (1 never spawns, the other 3 are in elite areas and I'm
not too keen on trying to find their spawnpoints solo), and one pet
from the pet battle bags. Admittedly, I'm glad it's not quite as much
a grindfest as Timeless Isle (I *still* miss tons of stuff for Going
to Need A Bigger Bag, and I tend to visit at least once a week to have
another shot...), but I'd hoped it'd last more than a month before I
got bored; TI seemed to hold the interest for longer.
Back to old content for me then, I guess... well, ok, and doing weekly
LFR runs soon, if I can just bring myself to do Everbloom and actually
start that legendary chain. And this is meant to be the last major
patch, with no sign of the next expansion; I hope it's not another
year+ of the current content...
finished with it now, hmm. Exalted with 2 factions, only need probably
2-3 more weeklies for the Saberstalkers. Got most slots at 695 now,
those I don't likely won't take much longer and anyway, would be nice
to get SOME upgrades in LFR. Got all toy drops, only need to save
apexis for the mount (comes fast enough by garrison missions tbh), and
several thousand claws for the saberstalker rewards (eh, sod that,
I'll farm them properly next expansion).
All I really miss now in Tanaan is 4 rares for the killing them all
achievement (1 never spawns, the other 3 are in elite areas and I'm
not too keen on trying to find their spawnpoints solo), and one pet
from the pet battle bags. Admittedly, I'm glad it's not quite as much
a grindfest as Timeless Isle (I *still* miss tons of stuff for Going
to Need A Bigger Bag, and I tend to visit at least once a week to have
another shot...), but I'd hoped it'd last more than a month before I
got bored; TI seemed to hold the interest for longer.
Back to old content for me then, I guess... well, ok, and doing weekly
LFR runs soon, if I can just bring myself to do Everbloom and actually
start that legendary chain. And this is meant to be the last major
patch, with no sign of the next expansion; I hope it's not another
year+ of the current content...