Catriona R
2014-05-27 11:37:10 UTC
So I got round to checking my alts' mail earlier... and damn, my
scribe has none at all, must have gone over the 30 days. Considering I
normally keep 150-200 glyphs on the AH, that's a bit of a loss of time
and mats!
Lesson to self: check mail more often... there's a downside to getting
distracted by D3 and playing my ironman challenge character, I've not
logged in enough on my main server. Oops :-)
scribe has none at all, must have gone over the 30 days. Considering I
normally keep 150-200 glyphs on the AH, that's a bit of a loss of time
and mats!
Lesson to self: check mail more often... there's a downside to getting
distracted by D3 and playing my ironman challenge character, I've not
logged in enough on my main server. Oops :-)