lol @4chan rumor
(too old to reply)
Peter T.
2019-07-09 19:30:23 UTC

My first thoughts was this person absolutely have some knowledge from
inside the Blizzard HQ. When I continued reading I was like "erhh..?".
I really love the "unpruning" part though and I seriously wish it would

Anyhoo. The whole wall of text is based on the usual wishes, rumors etc
found in any WoW forum. But it's well done. :)

Btw. Linking to the screenshots in the blizzard foras seems to be a
reason for a temporary ban.
Peter T.
Catriona R
2019-07-10 15:14:06 UTC
Post by Peter T.
My first thoughts was this person absolutely have some knowledge from
inside the Blizzard HQ. When I continued reading I was like "erhh..?".
I really love the "unpruning" part though and I seriously wish it would
Anyhoo. The whole wall of text is based on the usual wishes, rumors etc
found in any WoW forum. But it's well done. :)
Btw. Linking to the screenshots in the blizzard foras seems to be a
reason for a temporary ban.
Lol, always "leaks"like this, some bits will probably be true by pure
logical thinking, others won't.

Old world revamp wouldn't surprise me, for example; Cata versions of
the zones now feel more dated than the vanilla ones will in Classic,
as many of the Cata ones are very much tied into then current events.
Especially the "Good Garrosh" storylines lol. Just hope if they do
another revamp that this time they keep it all available via bronze
dragons/Caverns of Time.

Some change with the factions: possible, dissolving them... unlikely.
I'd be happy if they expanded the Horde choices in storyline, to be
more for war or more for peace, give Alliance a similar division, and
let those who take the peaceful option make friends with the other
faction to a certain extent. Full peace/dissolution of the factions is
unlikely lorewise, there's too much history of conflict and hate. Us
adventurers rising above the factions and interacting with the more
openminded makes perfect sense though - after all this time we should
have the option to be like Khadgar and work with whoever we want!

Much of the rest... yeah, forums wishlist with a few left-field things
thrown in for good measure. We'll see how many things were right when
Blizzcon comes round ;-)
Peter T.
2019-07-10 20:05:44 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Much of the rest... yeah, forums wishlist with a few left-field things
thrown in for good measure. We'll see how many things were right when
Blizzcon comes round ;-)
I'm not sure what I will expect from the next expansion. Blizzard has
disappointed me since they released WoD. But I know I'm tired of
logging in and doing the same content day after day after day. But I
also have to admit it would help a lot if I joined a guild which I don't
want and don't have the available time for.
The de-pruning sounds as a very good idea and I hope Blizzard will go
back and make the classes a bit more complicated and focused to play.
The pruning never eliminated the huge differences between the classes
pvp-wise, and pvp is a disaster for casters unless the melee is played
by a human with no hands. Literally. But the pruning made it possible
for melee retards like me to actually play a melee char fairly well.
But as it is now I literally have almost exact the same buttons and
rotation no matter what ranged class I pick - mage, lock, hunter,
shaman. I realized that in this expansion. Different class, different
ability names, same buttons and rotations, no class-specific surprises


BC bad
WOTLK good
Cata bad
MoP good
WoD bad
Legion good
BoA bad
Next expansion good

I sit on my hands and keep my game unsubbed until next expansion. :)

Btw I emptied my wallet at Steam's summersale a few days ago. Civ 6 +
all dlc, the witcher 3, the forest, sudden strike 4 and a few more games
+ xcom 1/2 games which I bought on sale in may. That should keep me
busy for the next months.
Peter T.
Tim Merrigan
2019-07-10 21:33:28 UTC
Post by Peter T.
Post by Catriona R
Much of the rest... yeah, forums wishlist with a few left-field things
thrown in for good measure. We'll see how many things were right when
Blizzcon comes round ;-)
I'm not sure what I will expect from the next expansion. Blizzard has
disappointed me since they released WoD. But I know I'm tired of
logging in and doing the same content day after day after day. But I
also have to admit it would help a lot if I joined a guild which I don't
want and don't have the available time for.
It takes time to be in a guild? IME I click "accept" on the first
guild to invite me, and, mostly, that's the last of my dealing with

P.S. several of my 32 alts are exalted in their guilds.

P.P.S. If I had a group of RW friends I played with regularly, it
might be different.
Post by Peter T.
The de-pruning sounds as a very good idea and I hope Blizzard will go
back and make the classes a bit more complicated and focused to play.
The pruning never eliminated the huge differences between the classes
pvp-wise, and pvp is a disaster for casters unless the melee is played
by a human with no hands. Literally. But the pruning made it possible
for melee retards like me to actually play a melee char fairly well.
But as it is now I literally have almost exact the same buttons and
rotation no matter what ranged class I pick - mage, lock, hunter,
shaman. I realized that in this expansion. Different class, different
ability names, same buttons and rotations, no class-specific surprises
BC bad
WOTLK good
Cata bad
MoP good
WoD bad
Legion good
BoA bad
Next expansion good
I sit on my hands and keep my game unsubbed until next expansion. :)
Btw I emptied my wallet at Steam's summersale a few days ago. Civ 6 +
all dlc, the witcher 3, the forest, sudden strike 4 and a few more games
+ xcom 1/2 games which I bought on sale in may. That should keep me
busy for the next months.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan
Catriona R
2019-07-10 21:34:30 UTC
Post by Peter T.
I'm not sure what I will expect from the next expansion. Blizzard has
disappointed me since they released WoD. But I know I'm tired of
logging in and doing the same content day after day after day. But I
also have to admit it would help a lot if I joined a guild which I don't
want and don't have the available time for.
The de-pruning sounds as a very good idea and I hope Blizzard will go
back and make the classes a bit more complicated and focused to play.
The pruning never eliminated the huge differences between the classes
pvp-wise, and pvp is a disaster for casters unless the melee is played
by a human with no hands. Literally. But the pruning made it possible
for melee retards like me to actually play a melee char fairly well.
But as it is now I literally have almost exact the same buttons and
rotation no matter what ranged class I pick - mage, lock, hunter,
shaman. I realized that in this expansion. Different class, different
ability names, same buttons and rotations, no class-specific surprises
Yeah, and in going for spec flavour they removed class flavour. I'll
never find it right that a fire mage completely forgets how to cast a
frostbolt, for example; I mean sure, it's never going to be optimal
dps, but give them the option? Just doesn't make sense to me, at least
when it comes to basic skills like that; I still object to my rogue
somehow forgetting how to use poisons after many years, too...
Post by Peter T.
BC bad
WOTLK good
Cata bad
MoP good
WoD bad
Legion good
BoA bad
Next expansion good
BC bad? Haven't heard that opinion often; I always thought the pattern
started with Cata. BC was, admittedly, a bit limited in endgame if you
weren't into grouping all the time (I'm not), but no worse than any of
the pre-LFR expansions on that front, on the whole it's one I've got
great memories of and would love to relive if Classic should expand
that far a few years down the line. They'd got the specs into a pretty
good spot by then, I think most were really fun to play and hybrids
weren't so pigeonholed into one role and one only.
Post by Peter T.
I sit on my hands and keep my game unsubbed until next expansion. :)
Hehe, hopefully next one will be good indeed, after WoD I had my
doubts for the future, then Legion was so good that I know they can
still make something good. Just a shame BfA wasn't it; I'm actually
enjoying the new content this patch, but possibly because I don't have
the attitude many do of trying to grind everything out asap - I see
tons of complaints about it being too grindy... while I'm having
plenty of fun just logging in when I'm in the mood, not every day!
Post by Peter T.
Btw I emptied my wallet at Steam's summersale a few days ago. Civ 6 +
all dlc, the witcher 3, the forest, sudden strike 4 and a few more games
+ xcom 1/2 games which I bought on sale in may. That should keep me
busy for the next months.
That sounds like a lot! :-) I'm sticking with WoW and GW2, but not
playing either a huge amount, bit busy in RL at present so time is
limited. Waiting for Classic, too; I got in the first two stress tests
and loved it, capped at lvl 10 but that was enough to get me right in
the mood for more, just hope they fix the obvious problems in time,
but it's already looking good.
2019-07-11 01:18:34 UTC
Post by Peter T.
Post by Catriona R
Much of the rest... yeah, forums wishlist with a few left-field things
thrown in for good measure. We'll see how many things were right when
Blizzcon comes round ;-)
I'm not sure what I will expect from the next expansion. Blizzard has
disappointed me since they released WoD. But I know I'm tired of
logging in and doing the same content day after day after day. But I
also have to admit it would help a lot if I joined a guild which I don't
want and don't have the available time for.
WoD was fine when it started, but then everything simply ground to a
halt and you were repeating the same grind waiting for Tanaan. Then
once you finished Tanaan in a couple of weeks, a slightly different
grind for months and months and months.

I found Legion and Broth have both been pretty much fine with a lot of
content choices and enough things to keep you going if you wanted to.

I am current;y not active because my main computer died and I haven't
replaced it, but now that flying is unlocked I will be resubbing soon.
Post by Peter T.
BC bad
WOTLK good
I'd reverse those. WOTL:K was dreadful with the absurd gear-up and epics
becoming as common as ... well, commons. It was an itemization
Post by Peter T.
Cata bad
Other than Deathwing, I barely remember Cata, but I did really like when
Deathwing would fly through a zone and kill everyone.
Post by Peter T.
MoP good
WoD bad
Legion good
BoA bad
I'd say BoA is right up at the top of the list of expansions. Tons of
content, lost of different content, and a lot of variety in what you can
do. My only real complaints are the forced mythic (not because of the
mythics, but because of having to micromanage the damn LFG for mythics).
For more than a thousand generations the Jedi were the guardians of
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