Post by Catriona RPost by SFIs this newsgroup broken or are you all just like me taking a break from wow?
Mostly on a break... or at least, a nostalgia trip into vanilla... :-)
cool, a private server I guess?
Yep, at long last an English language PVE one launched last month
(Nostalrius), for some reason until now they've all been PvP, which I
hate, seemingly I'm not alone in that as we have a fairly consistent
2k+ population so far (it'll drop when Legion comes out, but that's
not an issue anytime soon!). The higher lvl I get, the more things I
notice that aren't scripted quite right, but it's still close enough
to bring back the memories, so I'm having fun :-)
Post by Catriona RI think this has been one of the longest break I had in a long time. I just
couldn't face another stupid lfr or even a normal raid. I fell asleep as
soon as I entered. And I'm not good enough a player for heroic or mythic
raids. I don't like grinding not in any game. I do miss my guildies and wow
friends though so perhaps I'll be going back soon but perhaps only to level
some alts. Could be that when I log in that I find everyone has taken a
break lol!
Hehe quite possibly, although the new patch seems to have woken a few
up - I went to Warspear on Wednesday and found it about twice as busy
as it's been recently. Not that much of the content appeals to me, oh
hey, valor for doing group stuff, hey a mount for more group stuff. I
hate pugging 5-mans (funny thing is I'm loving them on the vanilla
realm, people there have a much more relaxed attitude than modern day
players... it's not just gogogo pull as much as you can), and I got so
bored of LFR that I've not even set foot in HFC yet. Although I
clearly should soon, since that's all that lies between me and my
legendary ring...
Post by Catriona RI'm playing runescape now, quests are nice but there is also a lot of
grinding in that game. I finished Life is Strange which is for me the best
game ever! But it is not an mmorpg, just a story game.
I absolutely loved Life is Strange, glad to see another fan! Must
admit I didn't play it myself yet; my bf got it first and I was
watching his playthrough, amazing game, so I've got my own copy now,
but by the time I got it (waited for the whole thing thing to be out,
as it made sense to continue enjoying the story together with my bf on
his copy first), the vanilla realm was about to launch and I got
sucked into that. I am totally going to play it through on my own copy
soon though, loved the whole feel of that game.
I seem to have found myself buying a few songs off the soundtrack too,
the music was fantastic :-) Apparently there's a physical version
coming out early next year, which includes a soundtrack CD, so I
suspect I'll end up owning two copies of the game then... I REALLY
want that soundtrack, and I'd rather have an official one than just
pirate it off Youtube!
Post by Catriona RI'm not really convinced Legion will give wow the boost it needs ....
Yeah, WoD was the one that brought tons of people back, and it was
such a letdown that I suspect a lot won't give it another chance.
Legion looks fantastic from the info at Blizzcon, but, so did WoD, so
I'm remaining cautious until I've seen more about how it'll actually
play out. At least this time they've remembered that some of us like
having max lvl content in the outside world... that is a good start!
I see the beta client is available for dataminers now, so I guess it
won't be long till beta starts, quicker than I expected, I guess they
won't have endgame stuff up at first (usually starts with the lowbie
zones and builds up) but hopefully in a couple of months we'll have an
idea of what it'll be like. Keeping my fingers crossed for good things
this time (and for a beta invite lol...)