Post by XQPost by unknownA few strings match but it looks like they are shifting the graphics up
as -always- rather than using OS specific services.
If thats the case it is a generic warning about too old. Wow is cross
platform so OS changes usually don't do much.
Graphics drivers and minimum res are always a significant drag on
rendering options.
Not supported doesn't necessarily mean it will break, if it says system
then that seems like the whole system, is it a mac or windows?
Hi, I'm running WindowsXP. The computer is about 10 years old with an
AthlonXP CPU. My graphics card is a bit more up to date, Radeon 3600 HD.
Post by unknownSYSTEM_INCOMPATIBLE_SSE:: This system will not be supported in future
versions of World of Warcraft"
That's warning message I get, but it doesn't tell me specifically what part
will be causing the problem. I know it's an out of date system but it was
good to still be able to play WoW on it. I don't think it could be upgraded
any further.
Yeah I still kept an Athlon, as a server for printers etc, it does
internet just fine and nice to have a completely seperate box but it is
crucifed by the latest changes to youtube and flash.
A perfectly good machine made redundant by slack bloated code.
The only reason it is even worth the power draw is as a reference for
old software.
Not that the new machines are ever off but 16seconds boot is also nice.
It would be the graphics tripping it, the supported site
still says xp, it is always the graphics, probably the 3D rendering and
shading support.
Unfortunately your machine has old expansion slots, you will have
trouble getting anything better unless maybe you find some topend for
the time secondhand. And they would be outdated next year, or the year
Put it this way, apart from the support for shaders and 3d the cpu and
card benchmarks
Athlon Xp 2000+ ->322 Single core 1.6G
Radeon 3600 ->120
for $800 for the complete box, 8G ram, sata3, usb 3
Intel I5-4670 7,500 4 core 3.4G ( and lots of wider,fast hardware
supporting it, higher clocked wider memory, SATA 3 SSD )
Integrated Graphics HD 4600 -> 600 ('free' with cpu)
GTX 660 -> 4000
And the benchmarks don't even really scale.
Wow only uses about half a core , maxes the builtin GPU, but they all
do, otherwise why haveit? :-) but it gives 60fps on mostly high quality
settings 1920x1080 in stormwind.
The numbers are rubbery but new computers are 20-30 times more
timewasting bytes shifted per second, 8x more eyecandy rendered, or 30x
with a medium card
and costs about 1/2 what yours cost new. 20-60 times more bling per buck.
They -have- given you a lot of warning instead of falling over once the
xpac patch goes in. Even then you could maybe wait and see if it still
works, but definitely on borrowed time.
It is a pain to change but it is getting cheaper to upgrade, if you wait
until just before expansion , or after , they will be faster and cheaper
next year.
Maybe in a another decade or two they will work like fridges and be
expandable just by buying more bricks. Until then this is the best our
best minds ,40 years and a few thousand billion $ can achieve.
Not very impressive, but then I have to recall that I really do very
very little with it anyway, clicking virtual buttons to get bling.