Catriona R
2014-01-01 00:43:06 UTC
Been trying to lay hands on a timeless neck item for ages, they seem
super rare drops compared with everything else, so I checked wowhead
and yep, other people agree that they never drop. Someone suggested
Kukuru's chests seem to have a decent droprate so I decided to wipe
out my entire 95k coins collection and see what I got! I went through
all my coins, used all keys, then bought more keys with the coins I
gained, rinse and repeat until not enough left to buy any keys, took
most of an hour including mailbox runs when my bags filled up.
Keys used: 512
Coins spent: 256000
Coins earned: 161235
Timeless BoAs: 49 (including 3 necklaces!)
Bonkers: 11
Burden of Eternity: 2
I didn't get any burdens until about 475 keys into my run, and I
finished up by my last two keys giving me a burden and a necklace, go
figure! Combining the two gave me a good stats combo so I'm happy
anyway :-)
Funny how inconsistent luck is; a batch of 50 keys gave me 2 BoAs and
nothing else at all; the following batch of 34 keys gave 6 BoAs. And
like I said, the burdens needed a very very long wait before they
chose to drop; I'd thought I was going to end up with none!
Time to get a few more bags for my BoA items banker I think; this lot
will have totally nuked her remaining bank space... thankfully I have
an alt levelling who'll take a few soon but still, 49 more is a lot
super rare drops compared with everything else, so I checked wowhead
and yep, other people agree that they never drop. Someone suggested
Kukuru's chests seem to have a decent droprate so I decided to wipe
out my entire 95k coins collection and see what I got! I went through
all my coins, used all keys, then bought more keys with the coins I
gained, rinse and repeat until not enough left to buy any keys, took
most of an hour including mailbox runs when my bags filled up.
Keys used: 512
Coins spent: 256000
Coins earned: 161235
Timeless BoAs: 49 (including 3 necklaces!)
Bonkers: 11
Burden of Eternity: 2
I didn't get any burdens until about 475 keys into my run, and I
finished up by my last two keys giving me a burden and a necklace, go
figure! Combining the two gave me a good stats combo so I'm happy
anyway :-)
Funny how inconsistent luck is; a batch of 50 keys gave me 2 BoAs and
nothing else at all; the following batch of 34 keys gave 6 BoAs. And
like I said, the burdens needed a very very long wait before they
chose to drop; I'd thought I was going to end up with none!
Time to get a few more bags for my BoA items banker I think; this lot
will have totally nuked her remaining bank space... thankfully I have
an alt levelling who'll take a few soon but still, 49 more is a lot