Post by Peter T.Post by Catriona RAlso bear in mind it's on Ordos, so having one of the isle shrine
buffs can make a huge difference, quite possibly the 25%
crit/haste/mastery buff, I know that one vastly improves my kill speed
on elites as a priest, at least.
Oh yes. the Chi-Ji buff is SO nice for spellcasters!
It's amazing :-) When I first hit Timeless isle, in less gear than I
have now, it made the difference from killing elites being a bit of a
struggle, to being ridiculously easy. Now they're no struggle, but
it's tons faster with that buff, easily the best of them for me :-)
Post by Peter T.Post by Catriona RStill insane numbers though, I don't get how people get so high, saw a
500k one on the Valentine's boss the other day, seemed insane enough
to me (no matter how I try, I can't break 100k, granted on lesser
geared characters but still - priest can do 90-95k on a short fight,
shaman can do 85-90k, that's as good as it gets for me). I know
there's gear inflation and stuff but how in the hell have we gone from
20-30k freshly dinged at the start of the expansion to 500k+ now?! No
wonder that squish is needed...
Short after 5.3 went live I did the daily HC dungeon run. A shadow
priest from another realm dids 1.2M dps on one of the bosses (very very
short fight hehe...). He told us it was the Lei-Shen trinket that made
this number possible due to the procced 4 sec 100% crit.
I normally peak at 1M-1.5M dps in burst on my arcane mage (562) at the
start of the fight when I do one of the worldbosses. But it has always
faded out to ~350k dps when the fight ends. I wish more hardcore
players would join those fights for comparisons. But they usually never
attend at those bosses as they have similar or better gear than the
worldboss drops.
Wow, some nice numbers there! I only see overall fight figures and I
know mine won't be high, since my best-geared character is a healer
(that said, Disc does plenty adequate dps for my needs, and I can
usually outdps a few low-geared dpsers when I put my mind to it :-)),
and two of my three dps characters are melee (I struggle with melee
dps, fun as it is to play solo, I hate having to get a compromise
between not standing in bad and actually being able to keep hitting
the boss...), and all three are in Timeless Isle gear only. Still find
my mind boggles at how much it's inflated over the course of the
expansion though... no matter how you look at the figures, high-geared
people are doing minimum 10x if not 20x as much dps as newly-dinged at
90. Insane!
Post by Peter T.Recount has a live graph option that shows you the actual DPS. Its
quite interesting to see the burst of all players including your own at
the start of a fight.
Heh, sounds pretty cool indeed, Skada hasn't got that option (think it
counts dps different too, since when I was thinkint 25-30k was normal
at the start of MoP, people using Recount considered 40-45k as
"normal", can't imagine every single group I ever joined was full of
crap people, so i guess it counts a bit lower!), I may try Recount
again sometime, found it was a bit of a memory hog in the past though.
Supposedly my pc should have no trouble with WoW, given I've replaced
everything in the last year or two, but I do still struggle in big
fights with tons of aoe - not badly, but enough that I can notice it,
so I try not to make things worse! (my eyes seem sensitive to lower
fps, most people wouldn't notice a drop to 40 fps, I guess, but to me
it feels horrible and jittery, need it at 60+!)