Could be I'm done
(too old to reply)
2013-09-08 15:37:27 UTC
I have been feeling really bored with WOW, and just cancelled my acct.
I might be back, but maybe not.

I have numerous minor complaints, but that is not why. It's just that I
have been playing it for five years, and I am bored. I need a fresh game.
2013-09-09 01:30:53 UTC
I have been feeling really bored with WOW, and just cancelled my acct. I
might be back, but maybe not.
I have numerous minor complaints, but that is not why. It's just that I
have been playing it for five years, and I am bored. I need a fresh game.
A lot of games are now Free To Play , which often means Pay to get

Most aren't too bad , BUT don't expect anything like the support, bug fixes
and response of wow.
Play for a while, see how it goes then decide if you want to pay.
Then you find how truly awful that games payments system will be.
Look up their forums and look for any complaints on payments.
Usually short lived locked and deleted so check a few times.
A quick rule of thumb based on personal experience and therefore
incredibly biased
avoid anything by Gameforge/Frogster.

In wow endgame = end of game start of job
in F2P endgame = end of content end of game
Play them as a game , look to spend $200 or so over a couple of months and
they are good entertainment but don't expect
longevity. E.g. some you rent extra , huge compared to wow bank space, pay
monthly or your very large bank and items in it disappears.

Being a grind monkey I quite like softcaps some have
Wow equivalent reach 90, kill 5000 things -> 91, kill 10000 things ->92
20000 ->93 40000->94 80000->95
when you and 2 others are the only 95s you know you are the pyscho elite of
this small universe :-)
then the game folds or undergoes some fundamental change, miffquit, next

Wow makes it very easy to come back and you are exactly where you were.
So long as you don't treat it as a job and just resub a month a year it is
as viable an interlude as most other games.
I have been trying unsucessfully to schedule a few weeks game playing Wow
since last November , the grind monkey games you can logout any second or
just go AFK and not care if the character gets stomped suit me.
A large problem with new games is they expect you to have spent $3000 last
week on a gamer rig, and have low ping.
Wow is very very cheap for non elite level entertainment, it is a job if
you want to epeen.
2013-09-09 01:45:51 UTC
Post by unknown
A quick rule of thumb based on personal experience and therefore
incredibly biased
avoid anything by Gameforge/Frogster.
hey it isn't just me

Wow also has a lot of complaints and make mistakes
but they do at least tend to follow their own rules, not change them at whim
2013-09-09 12:00:52 UTC
I have been feeling really bored with WOW, and just cancelled my acct. I
might be back, but maybe not.
I have numerous minor complaints, but that is not why. It's just that I
have been playing it for five years, and I am bored. I need a fresh game.
Good luck, ToolPackinMama...sounds like a good break is needed. I'm feeling
the same here. I will be doing the new LFR then I will probably be resting
up until the next expansion.

I used to be part of a fun, social guild but over the last few months this
has dwindled down to just myself and, occasionally, the GM.

I have only briefly flirted with horde characters so I might just roll on a
different server and see where that takes me.
2013-09-09 23:45:05 UTC
On Sun, 08 Sep 2013 11:37:27 -0400, ToolPackinMama
Post by ToolPackinMama
I have been feeling really bored with WOW, and just cancelled my acct.
I might be back, but maybe not.
I have numerous minor complaints, but that is not why. It's just that I
have been playing it for five years, and I am bored. I need a fresh game.
Can I have your stuff/ - redvet
