Post by CryptoengineerPost by Peter T.Post by Cryptoengineer/targetenemy [noexists] [dead]
/cast Conflagrate
I need this macro because unlike my Pally, the 'lock doesn't seem to
autotarget mobs. As a result, I'm losing tags in crowded zones, and
failing to acquire new targets quickly when fighting multiples.
Macro /targetenemy alone to its own key? I've done that on all my
caster chars. Combined with the tidy Plates addon you have a powerful
tool in fights.
I should try tidyplates sometime. ATM I used the standard UI for
and make sure that most of my frequently used spells are bound in
1-9. That way, I cast with my left hand, while the right works the mouse
and clicks less-used spells.
I'm up around iLvl 551, and get about 100k dps, up to 300k blowing
cooldowns (destro lock), solo.
Post by Peter T.What you want has a disadvantage as it only targets the nearest random
enemy in a cone in front of you. So enemies outside this cone wont be
targeted anyway and you have to turn around if you want to target any
enemy at your side or behind you.
What solution would you suggest?
Post by Peter T.I consider your macro to be a possible and risky dps and/or rotation
loss in case your macro auto-picks the wrong enemy even when its
Post by Peter T.Imagine your macro picks a hunter's pet which is at full health while
the enemy hunter is at 1% health and you're at 1% health as well. So
your conflagrate is a wasted cast imho. This is mainly a pvp
Post by Peter T.but it also frequently happens in a pve environment.
I'm pure PvE. If I want a particular target, I'll click it. This is for
two things: quickly tagging heavily farmed mobs in a crowd of other
players, and lessening the time it takes to pick up a new target when
dealing with a crowd of mobs in an instance.
Then it is okay to hasten farming.
The real problem is lack of a comprehensive macro set.
The holes are to deny automation. What should be there in a
comprehensive macro language is not. In the past some things that did
exist were removed as people found ways the supported automation.
Being able to determine what mobs are under attack with what dots could
allow some automation rather than player action.
For mob farming I target named mob types and a complete dot sequence.
A minute to edit the mob names for an hours farming isn't much.
Otherwise just tab/click and an opener dot on a mouse button or right
part of keyboard thus using left and right hands can make farming smoother.
A few extra buttons on a mouse or both hands on keyboard can make a
difference even if you aren't a virtuoso gamer.
Since the voidwalker/lord is gathering mobs anyway and you just want to
tag the rain of fire should AOE work...I think.
Obviously I don't pay much attention, just do what seems to work on
the day and get confused across multiple characters and games.