John Gordon
2015-11-06 19:28:23 UTC
If you just got a level one pet and you want a safe way to put a few
levels on it, visit Nearly Headless Jacob in Crystalsong Forest.
To carry your new pet to victory, bring along a speedy (357) rabbit.
Another critter as the third pet is a fine choice, as all of the enemy
pets are undead.
Begin the battle with the rabbit. Use Dodge first. The enemy pet's first
two abilities will be dodged, and then it will use Death Grip to bring
your shiny new pet to the front line -- but all of the enemy pet's
abilities will be on cooldown*, guaranteeing your pet one round to safely
use an attack, thus qualifying for full exp from the battle.
Attack with your new pet, then swap back to your rabbit and kill the
oppponent's pets as usual. After the battle your new pet will be level
seven or so, which is high enough to survive being carried against other,
more dangerous pet trainers.
There may be faster ways to level up a new pet, but this method is the
absolute safest way that I know of.
* The enemy pet's first attack, Agony, actually doesn't have a cooldown.
But it never attacks on the round following Death Grip. I don't know why.
levels on it, visit Nearly Headless Jacob in Crystalsong Forest.
To carry your new pet to victory, bring along a speedy (357) rabbit.
Another critter as the third pet is a fine choice, as all of the enemy
pets are undead.
Begin the battle with the rabbit. Use Dodge first. The enemy pet's first
two abilities will be dodged, and then it will use Death Grip to bring
your shiny new pet to the front line -- but all of the enemy pet's
abilities will be on cooldown*, guaranteeing your pet one round to safely
use an attack, thus qualifying for full exp from the battle.
Attack with your new pet, then swap back to your rabbit and kill the
oppponent's pets as usual. After the battle your new pet will be level
seven or so, which is high enough to survive being carried against other,
more dangerous pet trainers.
There may be faster ways to level up a new pet, but this method is the
absolute safest way that I know of.
* The enemy pet's first attack, Agony, actually doesn't have a cooldown.
But it never attacks on the round following Death Grip. I don't know why.
John Gordon A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
*** B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"
John Gordon A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
*** B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"