Retiring from Wow for awhile
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't.exist.com (Peter James)
2014-03-27 09:24:02 UTC
I think I'm going to retire from WoW at the end of the current charging

Does anyone know for how long my alts etc would be stored on Blizzards
servers in my absence.
If I decide to start up again after the next major patch would they
still be there?
The e-mail address obviously doesn't exist. If it's essential
that you contact me then try peterATpfjamesDOTcoDOTuk
2014-03-27 10:55:11 UTC
Post by 't.exist.com (Peter James)
I think I'm going to retire from WoW at the end of the current charging
Does anyone know for how long my alts etc would be stored on Blizzards
servers in my absence.
If I decide to start up again after the next major patch would they
still be there?
This is one thing about wow, most of the f2p games your items and
chars or even the game may not be there after a year time. Some you pay
to rent extra bank space, a LOT more than wow but still $rented, that goes.

Yes, two+ years and the WoW mains, alts and lvl 1 bankers and their
guild banks were still there.

Some things were not quite as I remembered, some things had changed into
other things of similar class or greys,every item that could take damage
was damaged and needed to be repaired before sale.
There is an item squish coming so that will probably happen again.

Most of the stuff was out of date and near worthless.
Saronite swordbreakers 1500g at time of leaving, vendor a line of them.
tabs full of 200g-500g wotlk gemstone stacks and cut gems, vendor.

If you have any AH banking probably best to convert to gold, but even
that will go through inflation.
The paid boosts with professions are already starting to kill the alt
levelup goods, profs, gear etc anyway. The new expansion will probably
have yet another layer of rare and exotic mats so what else are you
going to hang on to?
If you don't have professions maxed maybe try and get them up now
-if- mat prices are low on your server. Who knows what they will be next
Catriona R
2014-03-27 10:57:03 UTC
Post by 't.exist.com (Peter James)
I think I'm going to retire from WoW at the end of the current charging
Does anyone know for how long my alts etc would be stored on Blizzards
servers in my absence.
If I decide to start up again after the next major patch would they
still be there?
Forever :-) Officially, I think it's something like 6 months that they
*guarantee* to keep characters for, but I don't believe they've ever
deleted any, as obviously, that's not a good way to encourage people
to return. Make sure you've got nothing in your mail/on the AH, as
mail only lasts the usual 28 days, otherwise you should be fine :-)
Peter T.
2014-03-27 11:54:29 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Forever :-) Officially, I think it's something like 6 months that they
*guarantee* to keep characters for,
I second that. 6 months is the guaranteed time. But unofficially its
like forever. A player who recently joined our guild has been away
since BC. That was 6 years ago. :)
Peter T.

2014-03-27 12:04:48 UTC
Post by 't.exist.com (Peter James)
I think I'm going to retire from WoW at the end of the current charging
Does anyone know for how long my alts etc would be stored on Blizzards
servers in my absence.
If I decide to start up again after the next major patch would they
still be there?
After a significant period of activity, another player can petition to
take your character's name, but characters will otherwise remain intact
2014-03-27 18:18:43 UTC
Post by 't.exist.com (Peter James)
I think I'm going to retire from WoW at the end of the current charging
Does anyone know for how long my alts etc would be stored on Blizzards
servers in my absence.
So far, forever.
How do I set my laser printer to "STUN"?