Post by p***@gmail.comPost by Catriona RCorrect, I've soloed most of them (didn't try all) and collected all
achievements except Moo-rabi (I was on a priest - no interrupt!) and
that one that needs 5 people to get impaled in one fight, thus,
impossible to solo.
When I did Moo-rabi as a cleanup during Cata, we had a small group, and
downed the boss before he ever got to the first transformation. He may be
soloable even by a priest now.
By shadow, perhaps, but my dps isn't great yet, maybe next expansion!
Post by p***@gmail.comIt looks like the only 5-man ach I still need to get in WotLK is Ruby Void.
I'll have to give it a shot, but killing the (flying) dragon with a
solo melee player sounds tricky (I got the no-healer-mount one by
standing on one of the platforms, and using my regular Holy Pally
spells when players flew past).
I got that one at the time luckily, there was a tactic of using only
amber drakes and a group I was in did that. I'd guess it may be
soloable with one of the drakes; I soloed with ruby drake for my
experienced drake rider achievement a while back, but of a pain but it
worked eventually. Possibly using one of the other drakes you can get
him down low and then carefully dismount to finish him off? Drakes are
fairly powerful with high itemlvl, so maybe the amber is strong enough
Post by p***@gmail.comPost by Catriona RRaids aren't bad either, although I've mostly gone as a pair with my
bf instead of solo; Naxx is easy, Ulduar is fully duoable, including
many hardmodes (my bf and I now have our protodrakes), and I soloed
the first 2 bosses in Icecrown without even trying one day (was bored
so thought I'd see how hard it was... well, not all that hard to start
with, it seems), keep meaning to go back and see how much further I
I'll have to try that. I'm still a pretty lousy dps - its my offspec, and
currently stands around 50k on a good day. Very slowly gearing it up.
Try your healing spec if dps doesn't work - I guess holy pally isn't
quite so good but Disc is excellent for soloing stuff, ok dps (about
45-50k) and really good selfhealing, only thing I lack is an
interrupt. I only hope they keep Disc as good for a while, it's great
being able to do stuff solo for a change, even if the self-healing
elites are hopeless for me.