Stupid amusing thing I never noticed until today:
(too old to reply)
2007-08-01 00:01:25 UTC
Far Sight can be chained, even to inside buildings/caves/etc.
John Salerno
2007-08-01 01:32:23 UTC
Post by Polarhound
Far Sight can be chained, even to inside buildings/caves/etc.
Yeah, I loved when I discovered this. And not stupid at all, very useful! :)
2007-08-01 09:59:05 UTC
Post by John Salerno
Post by Polarhound
Far Sight can be chained, even to inside buildings/caves/etc.
Yeah, I loved when I discovered this. And not stupid at all, very useful! :)
Priests can do the same with Mind Vision too.

2007-08-01 10:59:41 UTC
Post by steve.kaye
Post by John Salerno
Post by Polarhound
Far Sight can be chained, even to inside buildings/caves/etc.
Yeah, I loved when I discovered this. And not stupid at all, very useful! :)
Priests can do the same with Mind Vision too.
Isn't Mind Vision from mob to mob only? Far Sight can be used even without.
2007-08-01 11:06:30 UTC
Post by Polarhound
Post by steve.kaye
Post by John Salerno
Post by Polarhound
Far Sight can be chained, even to inside buildings/caves/etc.
Yeah, I loved when I discovered this. And not stupid at all, very useful! :)
Priests can do the same with Mind Vision too.
Isn't Mind Vision from mob to mob only? Far Sight can be used even without.
It is but I'd think you'd struggle to find an area that you'd want to
scout that didn't have mobs that can be used with mind vision. It can
be an issue in caves where you either have to be able to see the next
target or be able to target it with /target but I've found that it's
not usually a problem.

I'm fairly sure that the /target command can be used from the point of
view of the current mind vision target too - I think that was a trick
people used to find a particular rare mob in an instance. You could
zone in and use /target to target a specific named mob that was closer
to the rare mob's location and do /target <raremob> to see if he
existed. If he didn't - reset the instance and have another go.

2007-08-01 12:26:04 UTC
Post by Polarhound
Far Sight can be chained, even to inside buildings/caves/etc.
It can? How? If I recast it while active, it just cancels.
Best Online comic: http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html
2007-08-01 22:08:22 UTC
Post by RogerM
Post by Polarhound
Far Sight can be chained, even to inside buildings/caves/etc.
It can? How? If I recast it while active, it just cancels.
If you left-click the icon again, it cancels

Right click the icon, then left click the new location. If you happen
to move the mouse while left-clicking, it will cancel.
2007-08-01 22:16:38 UTC
Post by Polarhound
Right click the icon, then left click the new location. If you happen
to move the mouse while left-clicking, it will cancel.
So do you think this (chaining Far Sight) is just an exploitation, or
that it was intended to work this way?
2007-08-05 15:14:18 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
Post by Polarhound
Right click the icon, then left click the new location. If you happen
to move the mouse while left-clicking, it will cancel.
So do you think this (chaining Far Sight) is just an exploitation, or
that it was intended to work this way?
It seems like an exploit to me. If it was intended, it would not not be
so easy to screw it up.
Best Online comic: http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html
John Salerno
2007-08-05 16:06:01 UTC
Post by RogerM
Post by d***@gmail.com
Post by Polarhound
Right click the icon, then left click the new location. If you happen
to move the mouse while left-clicking, it will cancel.
So do you think this (chaining Far Sight) is just an exploitation, or
that it was intended to work this way?
It seems like an exploit to me. If it was intended, it would not not be
so easy to screw it up.
Also interesting to note that it *doesn't* work for hunters.
