Post by LewisPost by Catriona RTime to celebrate for Alliance on my server at least, it's a nightmare
getting hold of anything there and prices are sky-high :-P
"Yes, in 6.0 auction houses are unified between factions on a given
server. The benefit you cite is a major reason behind the change."
Interesting. They've been kicking and screaming about this for a decade
now about how it was unpossible and would destroy the economy and other
The impossibility isn't practical, it was always in game design
philosophy and psychology of playing. We just can't budge last decades
management decisions :-)
Most of the commodity items that make up a lot of the economy have a
very few players, low dozens if that in most niches. Maybe a hundred or
two out of thousands of players.
If they really wanted an economy rather than a gold sink then longer
postings, less punitive deposits and a wanted/tender listing would
improve it greatly. AND cut trade spam a lot :-)
Not exactly an efficent supply/demand economy, so why claim it is an
The AH cut is okay, once it sells, but for many things the deposit just
makes it not worth the effort or cost putting up every 48 hours.
I make more on just putting up samples of things that *may* sell
occasionally and asking if people want more when the samples go.
This is useless for single higher price/value items, usually higher deposit.
Only the near zero deposit items are worth churning wrt gold cost.
For those niches there is usually too much competition and too few
buyers , relative to supply, to make it worth the time on a 48 hour cycle.
I can see how a wanted list could flood the cache with having to drag in
all possible items, but with only a few 10,000's and ah scans that isn't
unusual or a real problem now. Maybe the new file format will make it