On Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:29:58 +1030, | || ||| ||||| || |
Post by unknownPost by Catriona Rhttps://twitter.com/TheCrafticus/status/519905342667227136
"Those are going to be rogue-only opened this time around."
Grrr. I've been using a blacksmith alt for my boxes for ages, since my
rogue is Alliance, and the rest of my main characters are Horde, and
all my old rogue friends have quit the game (interestingly all my
closest friends in WoW over the past 5-6 years had max level rogues
when they were playing). Great.
Yeah half a bank tab, the initial one without bags, with stacks of keys
for the blacksmith.
I think they must have been a skill up at some time.
I hope the skillups have the 'mine a lot , make useless junk' path
again. That is the a nice fixed cost fixed time path that suits me :-)
Skillups now are... don't bother skilling up, you can make everything
at 1 skill. Blech. Very nice for lazy people who hate professions I
guess, but for those of us who really enjoy professions and felt it a
nice minigame to skill everything to max and go hunting out rare
recipes... it sucks. Well, perhaps there's something I've not noticed
which actually has a skill requirement, but it certainly seemed as
though nothing changed in availablility between me having 1 skill in
JC and having 700 skill... oh and yeah, skillups are very fast, since
you can go 1-700 on stuff you make in Draenor.
Granted, the random drops of items that you can reconstruct to get 5
points (maxes out at 600) is a really cool mechanic, I like that! But
I don't quite get the need to make all recipes have no skill
requirement, just a nice fast levelup to 600 would've been enough.
I'm getting a little less enthusiastic about WoD now I've hit 100 and
seen the "endgame", it seems most things I enjoyed got nerfed, and
most things I didn't are being pushed - like hey, I gotta do a heap of
dungeons to unlock a garrison building upgrade which benefits
followers (who have nothing to do with dungeons). Oh and you can't
queue for said dungeons on normal at lvl 100, gotta be heroic... which
you can only queue for if you did proving grounds to silver. Awesome.
Think I'll be hoping I can solo the earlier dungeons with some decent
gear (can do Jade Temple/Stormstout Brewery alright at 90, so I guess
low 90s should be ok at 100 after a patch or two), or hoping any of my
old friends come back and are interested in duoing some (low chance, I
Hopefully, it's still not finished, like hey, endgame isn't required
for another month yet, and I may not have seen all it has to offer;
heck, 6.1 may be pretty soon around the corner with more stuff anyway.
I'm just a bit concerned, it feels such a letdown after the incredibly
fun levelling process, which I seriously loved, can't say a thing
against the levelling zones, they're fantastic!
Post by unknownPost by Catriona ROh well, I hadn't decided what to use my 90 boost on (hadn't wanted to
use it tbh, I like levelling), so I guess I'll be producing a fresh
rogue - got a 60 one which I used for Ravenholdt repfarm years back
but I'm not too keen on the race tbh, may as well reroll to something
else, if I can decide what. But I'm somewhat irritated by this one,
not everyone is in a large guild with tons of active rogues - I'm
betting rogues who like to be left in peace won't be much more happy
tbh :-P
I did a mage, and tbh the levelling although quick still took a lot
longer than just the profs. Not you just in general, get a guide
stockpile the mats, done. Pretty much 'are we there yet' rather than a
nice trip.*
Only needs to be lvl 60 and as long as profs are at 1 you get them.
Character appears in the faction city in pandaland with 600 profs.
Embersilk bags on character, not bank :-(
Has non-epic(top expensive) flying but only 2 fps in panda but you can
fly anyway.
Profs don't have extras, like a mage had no ports bought and no recipes.
No glyphs.
You do get a couple of hundred gold I think, which goes some way to the
extra kit, -some- way :-)
Sounds cool, I just need to pick a race. Hate orcs, not big on
goblins, not convinced pandas work for me as rogues, and tauren can't
be rogues. Would like a blood elf, BUT... their upgrade hasn't
happened yet, and having seen what happened to humans, who are
probably closest to them in appearance, well, I won't risk it. So,
troll (which I have at 60), or UD which would be lvl 1. Got a feeling
the troll may get a boost tbh, even though I'm not that keen on him...
Post by unknown* A nice trip is relative.
If anyone cares this is someone else going on a little 350km or so side
trip through my home, after a few years of good rain after a 10 year
drought. Good rain being relative.
( a bit of language )
Charleville, tibooburra,packsaddle,broken hill, oodnadatta,marla bore
pretty much the same over the horizon. Dad and uncles worked on the big
This is what I do for a visit 200km for lunch then back , and I just sat
and watched the whole video mentally nodding and frowning at their
choices :-)
Heh wow, have to say I didn't watch it all, was a bit long so I just
dipped into a few bits lol, but that looks awesome, totally different
to anything over here! Love the look of that, though perhaps wouldn't
want to break down, it seemed very very quiet in the parts I saw
anyway ;-)
Probably not too interesting but I found a half decent one of where I
grew up for a bit of a contrast:
- goes right past my old
house at one point, weather is a little unrealistic though, I was more
used to rain and grey skies!