Classic brought me back :-)
(too old to reply)
2019-09-18 07:04:00 UTC
I've played WoW from some time in early 2005 until just after Pandaria
launched, then I went cold Turkey with about 180 days /played. I came back
for the expansion that brought Garrisons (whose name I can't even recall)
and skipped the following expansions. Came back briefly earlier in the year
during the free weekend but found my high level characters had changed so
much that it was not worth investing any time in them and left after a few
hours. I have occasionally come back to level characters from 1 to 20 (which
is possible without sub) for nostalgia's sake and to go through all the new
starter zone storylines and I did play the "teaser" part of the Jaina
storyline during the free weekend. However, it was very clear to me that I
would not come back for any upcoming expansions, I had just lost touch with
the high level game.

However, now that Classic has come out, I could not resist. I've resubbed
(though I'll cancel at the end of the month) for some heavy duty reminiscing
:-) and I've had a blast.

I decided to go the same way as back then, so I rolled a dwarf hunter named
Urbin. Obviously some of the fascination is gone, the absolute novelty, the
sense of wonder and the awe for the size of the world cannot be repeated
with what I know today. But despite that, I've had a blast.

It is amazing how much I'd forgotten. I did recall having to go back to the
trainer every two levels to train new skills or new level of old skills.
However, I had totally forgotten, that the skills on the action bar did not
upgrade automatically, so despite having level 2 of some skills, I kept
using level 1 of that skill for three or four levels :-)

I rememberd all the walking of course and all the go hither and yonder
quests that became an absolute nuissance when levelling your third or fourth
character. However, knowing I'll only be doing it for a month and knowing
much more about the game world I found it is relatively easy to plan ahead
and minimize the running for thouse courier quests.

I also decided (with heavy hearth) to use a bear as a pet instead of my
beautiful snow leopard, it's just so much more efficient to have a tanking
pet while soloing. I've taken up skinning and herbalism (as opposed to
herbalism and alchemy back then) to optimised cash flow and have decided to
totally skip cooking, fishing and first aid.

I've levelled through Dun Morogh quickly, went into Loch Modan at level 12
and then got stuck when I hit 15 and all my remaining quests were orange. It
seems that knowing where to go makes questing so efficient that I had to
kill significantly fewer mobs to complete my quests so I am probably a level
or two lower at the same questing stage as the last time round.

So I've moved to Westfall, a zone I was always of two minds about, to gain
some levels before returning back to Loch Modan. Last night I hit level 17
and am looking forward to three more weeks of casual play!

I agree with Lewis (who won't see this post :-) that there were many
annoying things in classic that were much improved with later expansions
(much of the micro managing) but by the time I quit in Pandaria, I felt too
much had been taken away (I love spending a talent point every level for
example). Even if I'd resub for more than a month (which I won't) I doubt
I'd continue playing all the way to 60 and enter endgame content again, but
it certainly is a great coming back for good memories.

I have no idea if and where any of my "main" guildies are playing in classic
and have not logged in on any of my high level characters. Also, my mains
are all on a German speaking server whereas I have now decided to play on an
English speaking one. I find it refreshing (and it greatly helps keeping
things casual) to just plod along on my own and occasionally group with
strangers for some quests along the way (something that seems to happen way
more often than I recall from the old days).

Anyway, I just thought I'd give a /wave to everyone who's still here and
remembers me ;-)
Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Catriona R
2019-09-18 13:50:37 UTC
Post by Urbin
However, now that Classic has come out, I could not resist. I've resubbed
(though I'll cancel at the end of the month) for some heavy duty reminiscing
:-) and I've had a blast.
Hehe I wondered if the temptation would be too hard to resist! The
core game has indeed changed a lot, I have a guildie who quit in TBC
and tried to come back a few times but just can't get into it and I
can understand that, it's a totally different game now, but Classic is
just as we all remember it, or near enough :-)
Post by Urbin
It is amazing how much I'd forgotten. I did recall having to go back to the
trainer every two levels to train new skills or new level of old skills.
However, I had totally forgotten, that the skills on the action bar did not
upgrade automatically, so despite having level 2 of some skills, I kept
using level 1 of that skill for three or four levels :-)
Oh yes, I know that one well, especially as my main is a rogue, whose
spells *do* automatically upgrade (you can only use highest rank), I
have to remind myself now I've started a priest!
Post by Urbin
I rememberd all the walking of course and all the go hither and yonder
quests that became an absolute nuissance when levelling your third or fourth
character. However, knowing I'll only be doing it for a month and knowing
much more about the game world I found it is relatively easy to plan ahead
and minimize the running for thouse courier quests.
Yeah, I find the courier quests fun for a change of pace tbh,
especially when the crowds and competition for mobs get a bit much,
it's a good time to run around delivering things lol.

Something that occurred to me while on yet another batch between the
various human zones: annoying they may be, but they built a connection
between the zones; you could really feel that Redridge, Westfall,
Duskwood, are all a part of the kingdom of Stormwind just as much as
Elwynn. That's not so evident now the zones are self-contained with
very few questing links between them.
Post by Urbin
I've levelled through Dun Morogh quickly, went into Loch Modan at level 12
and then got stuck when I hit 15 and all my remaining quests were orange. It
seems that knowing where to go makes questing so efficient that I had to
kill significantly fewer mobs to complete my quests so I am probably a level
or two lower at the same questing stage as the last time round.
Hehe I always seem to have that problem, so I jus tplan to do two
zones at a time from the start: more travelling, but less struggling
on orange quests and more fun and rep!
Post by Urbin
I have no idea if and where any of my "main" guildies are playing in classic
and have not logged in on any of my high level characters. Also, my mains
are all on a German speaking server whereas I have now decided to play on an
English speaking one. I find it refreshing (and it greatly helps keeping
things casual) to just plod along on my own and occasionally group with
strangers for some quests along the way (something that seems to happen way
more often than I recall from the old days).
If you happen to be on Pyrewood Village, I'd be happy to give you a
hand/send you some LW-made gear - I've got a 42 human rogue and a 13
dwarf priest (had to start an alt to slow down my main to let guildies
catch up a bit lol, dungeon aggro isn't great when my tank is 6 lvls
below me!), the priestmay well run into you around Loch Modan or
Westfall at some point hehe :-)
Post by Urbin
Anyway, I just thought I'd give a /wave to everyone who's still here and
remembers me ;-)
Great to hear from you and glad you're having fun! :-)
2019-09-19 18:41:51 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Something that occurred to me while on yet another batch between the
various human zones: annoying they may be, but they built a connection
between the zones; you could really feel that Redridge, Westfall,
Duskwood, are all a part of the kingdom of Stormwind just as much as
Elwynn. That's not so evident now the zones are self-contained with
very few questing links between them.
Yes that is true. And it seems more so than the elven zones on Kalimdor
(even though there are a number of elven zones you level through, but they
never seemd to be so compact and connected as the human starter zones, the
same is true for the dwarven zones, mainly because after Loch Modan the
progression goes into the Wetlands, which are mainly human again.

And having the main settlement in the human starter zones being named
Goldshire, Lakeshire, Darkshire certainly adds to the feeling (though
Sentinell Hill/Moonbrook don't fit into that scheme so well).
Post by Catriona R
If you happen to be on Pyrewood Village, I'd be happy to give you a
hand/send you some LW-made gear
Thanks for the offer, but I am on Nethergarde Keep.

I am thinking about rolling a healer to have a look what healing was like in
Classic. I never dared until very late into the game with my Shaman (an
option not open to the alliance in classic), I could continue with my tour
into history, my first alt was a Shadow Priest, I could go Disc or Holy this
time round... we'll see how I go, I'll focus on getting Urbin to 20 first

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Nethergarde Keep-EU (PvE Classic) | Urbin (17), Hunter
Catriona R
2019-09-20 00:17:06 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Something that occurred to me while on yet another batch between the
various human zones: annoying they may be, but they built a connection
between the zones; you could really feel that Redridge, Westfall,
Duskwood, are all a part of the kingdom of Stormwind just as much as
Elwynn. That's not so evident now the zones are self-contained with
very few questing links between them.
Yes that is true. And it seems more so than the elven zones on Kalimdor
(even though there are a number of elven zones you level through, but they
never seemd to be so compact and connected as the human starter zones, the
same is true for the dwarven zones, mainly because after Loch Modan the
progression goes into the Wetlands, which are mainly human again.
True, although that dam helps a bit and there are stillplenty of
dwarves around. The human zones though, were the first I did inWoW, so
I may be biased by that, but I love them, they really feel like one
interconnected kingdom :-)
Post by Urbin
And having the main settlement in the human starter zones being named
Goldshire, Lakeshire, Darkshire certainly adds to the feeling (though
Sentinell Hill/Moonbrook don't fit into that scheme so well).
Hehe true, although Sentinel Hill is evidently moreofan outpost than a
town I think, Moonbrook was probably the main town in westfall in days
on by, still doesn't fit the "shire" theme though.
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
If you happen to be on Pyrewood Village, I'd be happy to give you a
hand/send you some LW-made gear
Thanks for the offer, but I am on Nethergarde Keep.
I was considering that as I was a bit concerned about launch queues,
but my guild had already selected PV; I did take my Horde names on
Nethergarde Keep and Mirage Raceway though, so whenever I feel like
trying Horde I'll pick one to play on (filled my character limit on PV
with Alliance names hehe)
Post by Urbin
I am thinking about rolling a healer to have a look what healing was like in
Classic. I never dared until very late into the game with my Shaman (an
option not open to the alliance in classic), I could continue with my tour
into history, my first alt was a Shadow Priest, I could go Disc or Holy this
time round... we'll see how I go, I'll focus on getting Urbin to 20 first
Sounds like a plan, just don't forget downranking was a thing! ;-) I'm
not sure how pugs are yet for healers, I've heard horror stories of
people trying to treat it like retail and aoe everything (and indeed
that is a tactic used by some, and apparently works, if you have 3-4
mages, however it does not work in a usual mix of classes type
group...); I've been lucky enough to get guild groups all the way so
far, which have been great. Might have to pug a bit with my priest,
depends how many guild alts are doing dungeons though.
2019-09-23 01:37:19 UTC
Glad to see there's some positiveness with what Blizz has offered in
accordance to what the fans were wanting. There are people on this group that
would rather drink bleach then discuss classic WoW
2019-09-23 06:54:38 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
I am thinking about rolling a healer to have a look what healing was like in
Classic. I never dared until very late into the game with my Shaman (an
option not open to the alliance in classic), I could continue with my tour
into history, my first alt was a Shadow Priest, I could go Disc or Holy this
time round... we'll see how I go, I'll focus on getting Urbin to 20 first
Sounds like a plan, just don't forget downranking was a thing! ;-)
It's one of the things I remember, though only passively, I never healed
when it was still possible. It's one of the reaons I'm curious to see how
healing is with it in effect.

I've started my priest, she's currently at level 7 working here way through
Elwynn Forest. At first I was impressed. At levels 1-3 her Smite was so
powerful, she zapped mobs before they even got close to here (certainly much
less meleeing than with the hunter at the same level). However, now that
she's at level 7, she is going through water worse than a mage. At level 6,
she didn't have the money to train new skills (the hunter needed to send
over 10 silvers) because she had blown it all on drinks :-( I can fight one
or two same level mobs before going OOM. If I'm fighting above my level
mobs, I'm OOM after one, fighting a mob three levels above me is suicide.

Also, after having quested with Urbin, my hunter, in Westfall and seeing the
"LF tank DM" spam in /1 I am not sure how easy it will be getting a group
together. Finding a spot as a healer should be easy enough, but actully
completing the group with a tank is likely to be a challenge...

We'll see if I'll bring her high enough to be able to test this...

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Nethergarde Keep-EU (PvE Classic) | Urbin (19), Hunter | Sunh (7), Priest
Catriona R
2019-09-23 14:03:31 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
I am thinking about rolling a healer to have a look what healing was like in
Classic. I never dared until very late into the game with my Shaman (an
option not open to the alliance in classic), I could continue with my tour
into history, my first alt was a Shadow Priest, I could go Disc or Holy this
time round... we'll see how I go, I'll focus on getting Urbin to 20 first
Sounds like a plan, just don't forget downranking was a thing! ;-)
It's one of the things I remember, though only passively, I never healed
when it was still possible. It's one of the reaons I'm curious to see how
healing is with it in effect.
Very diferent to today anyway, basically as priest I use max rank most
things but have a lower rank ofHeal/Greater Heal available, and it's
the lower rank I use more, with the max rank for emergencies. Stacking
+healing gear makes the low ranks really mana efficient :-)
Post by Urbin
I've started my priest, she's currently at level 7 working here way through
Elwynn Forest. At first I was impressed. At levels 1-3 her Smite was so
powerful, she zapped mobs before they even got close to here (certainly much
less meleeing than with the hunter at the same level). However, now that
she's at level 7, she is going through water worse than a mage. At level 6,
she didn't have the money to train new skills (the hunter needed to send
over 10 silvers) because she had blown it all on drinks :-( I can fight one
or two same level mobs before going OOM. If I'm fighting above my level
mobs, I'm OOM after one, fighting a mob three levels above me is suicide.
A tip: invest some money in a good wand ASAP, the higher dmg the
better - my priest hit lvl 20 last night and his routine in high teens
has been: Shield, Smite, SW:P, Mind blast, wand to dead, spirit tap
procs and tops my mana back up! (The shield may seem expensive,
however it means I don't lose so many inner fire charges, and don't
have to break the 5 second rule to heal up after the fight - you may
remember, mana only regens when you have not cast anything within the
last 5 seconds :-)) I only drink after particularly hard fights now I
have spirit tap maxed out, it's a very very good talent!
Post by Urbin
Also, after having quested with Urbin, my hunter, in Westfall and seeing the
"LF tank DM" spam in /1 I am not sure how easy it will be getting a group
together. Finding a spot as a healer should be easy enough, but actully
completing the group with a tank is likely to be a challenge...
We'll see if I'll bring her high enough to be able to test this...
Hehe good luck! I haven't gone yet, been hoping for a guild group but
unfortunately in the time I took getting there all the people who were
at DM level increased a bit and want the next bunch of dungeons so I
may have to brave a pug! Hopefully some guild alts get there soon...
2019-09-24 08:22:50 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
It's one of the things I remember, though only passively, I never healed
when it was still possible. It's one of the reaons I'm curious to see how
healing is with it in effect.
Very diferent to today anyway, basically as priest I use max rank most
things but have a lower rank of Heal/Greater Heal available, and it's
the lower rank I use more, with the max rank for emergencies. Stacking
+healing gear makes the low ranks really mana efficient :-)
I have yet to see any +healing gear and doubt I'll have to funds to buy any
off the AH :-) But I'll keep that in mind.
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
I've started my priest, she's currently at level 7 working here way through
Elwynn Forest. At first I was impressed. At levels 1-3 her Smite was so
powerful, she zapped mobs before they even got close to here (certainly much
less meleeing than with the hunter at the same level). However, now that
she's at level 7, she is going through water worse than a mage. At level 6,
she didn't have the money to train new skills (the hunter needed to send
over 10 silvers) because she had blown it all on drinks :-( I can fight one
or two same level mobs before going OOM. If I'm fighting above my level
mobs, I'm OOM after one, fighting a mob three levels above me is suicide.
A tip: invest some money in a good wand ASAP, the higher dmg the
Wow, how could I forget wands! I guess mages get one by default but my
priest came with a two handed mace :-) I'll go check if I can find a wand
vendor somewhere (I won't be able to afford anything from the AH with my
Post by Catriona R
my priest hit lvl 20 last night and his routine in high teens
has been: Shield, Smite, SW:P, Mind blast, wand to dead, spirit tap
procs and tops my mana back up! (The shield may seem expensive,
however it means I don't lose so many inner fire charges
I constantly shield anyway, to avoid interrupting my smite casts, so keeping
the shield up while wanding will be an improvement over keeping it up while
casting. Although I won't be able to spirit tap as I've decided to go holy
since my aim is to heal (if I ever get there).
Post by Catriona R
and don't have to break the 5 second rule to heal up after the fight -
you may remember, mana only regens when you have not cast anything within
the last 5 seconds :-))
Yes, I remember and a 5 second bar addon was one of the first things I
installed after creating the priest :-)

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Nethergarde Keep-EU (PvE Classic) | Urbin (19), Hunter | Sunh (10), Priest
Catriona R
2019-09-24 23:05:56 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
It's one of the things I remember, though only passively, I never healed
when it was still possible. It's one of the reaons I'm curious to see how
healing is with it in effect.
Very diferent to today anyway, basically as priest I use max rank most
things but have a lower rank of Heal/Greater Heal available, and it's
the lower rank I use more, with the max rank for emergencies. Stacking
+healing gear makes the low ranks really mana efficient :-)
I have yet to see any +healing gear and doubt I'll have to funds to buy any
off the AH :-) But I'll keep that in mind.
True enough, neither have I lol, but when you do reach that stage it
helps, bu the 30s and 40s there's some craftable by tailors anyway -
+dmg/healing also works, so I mostly get that, depending on
availability/price :-)
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
A tip: invest some money in a good wand ASAP, the higher dmg the
Wow, how could I forget wands! I guess mages get one by default but my
priest came with a two handed mace :-) I'll go check if I can find a wand
vendor somewhere (I won't be able to afford anything from the AH with my
Check the AH first; the enchanter-made ones are the strongest by far,
and also cheap as people skill up on them so there is high supply. I
paid a massive 5s for my first wand and 11s for my 2nd :-)
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
my priest hit lvl 20 last night and his routine in high teens
has been: Shield, Smite, SW:P, Mind blast, wand to dead, spirit tap
procs and tops my mana back up! (The shield may seem expensive,
however it means I don't lose so many inner fire charges
I constantly shield anyway, to avoid interrupting my smite casts, so keeping
the shield up while wanding will be an improvement over keeping it up while
casting. Although I won't be able to spirit tap as I've decided to go holy
since my aim is to heal (if I ever get there).
Spirit tap is the first 5 points in the shadow tree - take it anyway
:-) You're not locked into one tree, and even if you intend to heal
more than solo, a cheeky wand on a dying trash mob can give you a nice
mana boost mid-fight, so it's 100% worth it IMO. I'm going for
holy/disc myself but spirit tap is still my first priority, then the
talent to let me heal while being hit, now I'm working on wand spec in
disc hehe.
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
and don't have to break the 5 second rule to heal up after the fight -
you may remember, mana only regens when you have not cast anything within
the last 5 seconds :-))
Yes, I remember and a 5 second bar addon was one of the first things I
installed after creating the priest :-)
Oh that's not a bad idea, I just count and watch my manabar but could
be worthwhile getting one of those to be sure! Totally different
playstyle, I did enjoy oldstyle healer play with the mana management,
should be fun when I lvl a bit :-)
2019-09-30 11:00:49 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
A tip: invest some money in a good wand ASAP, the higher dmg the
Wow, how could I forget wands! I guess mages get one by default but my
priest came with a two handed mace :-) I'll go check if I can find a wand
vendor somewhere (I won't be able to afford anything from the AH with my
Check the AH first; the enchanter-made ones are the strongest by far,
and also cheap as people skill up on them so there is high supply. I
paid a massive 5s for my first wand and 11s for my 2nd :-)
Thanks. I bought my level 11 priest a wand from the AH for 9s and haven't
sat down to drink once since then!

Also, I've started adding points into spirit tap, but as it's only 1 point
so far, don't see the effect yet.

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Nethergarde Keep-EU (PvE Classic) | Urbin (21), Hunter | Sunh (11), Priest
Catriona R
2019-09-30 15:11:25 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
A tip: invest some money in a good wand ASAP, the higher dmg the
Wow, how could I forget wands! I guess mages get one by default but my
priest came with a two handed mace :-) I'll go check if I can find a wand
vendor somewhere (I won't be able to afford anything from the AH with my
Check the AH first; the enchanter-made ones are the strongest by far,
and also cheap as people skill up on them so there is high supply. I
paid a massive 5s for my first wand and 11s for my 2nd :-)
Thanks. I bought my level 11 priest a wand from the AH for 9s and haven't
sat down to drink once since then!
Hehe the difference is amazing isn't it :-) It's very much worth
spending money on upgrading your wand regularly, even if you think
it's expensive, it's probably cheaper than all the water you don't
have to drink!
Post by Urbin
Also, I've started adding points into spirit tap, but as it's only 1 point
so far, don't see the effect yet.
Yeah, once in a while it'll proc and you'll love the suddenly full
mana bar, in a few lvls you'll really start to notice it and then
start planning spell use to be out of the 5 second rule when it's up

My first talents are spirit tap, then less pushback while healing
(lifesaver if something's hitting you), then wand spec, after that
it's down to what spec you're aiming for but I think those 3 talents
benefit every priest while levelling :-)
2019-10-08 14:53:56 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
A tip: invest some money in a good wand ASAP, the higher dmg the
Wow, how could I forget wands! I guess mages get one by default but my
priest came with a two handed mace :-) I'll go check if I can find a wand
vendor somewhere (I won't be able to afford anything from the AH with my
Check the AH first; the enchanter-made ones are the strongest by far,
and also cheap as people skill up on them so there is high supply. I
paid a massive 5s for my first wand and 11s for my 2nd :-)
Thanks. I bought my level 11 priest a wand from the AH for 9s and haven't
sat down to drink once since then!
Hehe the difference is amazing isn't it :-) It's very much worth
spending money on upgrading your wand regularly, even if you think
it's expensive, it's probably cheaper than all the water you don't
have to drink!
Post by Urbin
Also, I've started adding points into spirit tap, but as it's only 1 point
so far, don't see the effect yet.
Yeah, once in a while it'll proc and you'll love the suddenly full
mana bar, in a few lvls you'll really start to notice it and then
start planning spell use to be out of the 5 second rule when it's up
My first talents are spirit tap, then less pushback while healing
(lifesaver if something's hitting you), then wand spec, after that
it's down to what spec you're aiming for but I think those 3 talents
benefit every priest while levelling :-)
Well, by now my hunter is at level 26 (having completed Dun Morogh, Loch
Modal, Westfall (minus a few low level quests), Redridge Mountains and now
partially into the Wetlands.

I brought my priest from Elwynn Forest into Westfall and experienced a nasty
shock. After easily soloing the higher level quests in Elwyn, I was brought
to a firm stop on even the lowest level quests in Westfall at level 11. Most
of the mobs are between level 12 and 15 even on the starter quests, those
Harvesters hit like trucks (my PW:S is used up by two of their hits), I end
up OOM after soloing a single mob (because relying on the wand ends up in
death) and I've died repeatedly by pulling a level 12 add half way through
killing another level 12 mob. Not fun. At all. As my subscription only runs
for a few more days it is pretty clear that getting my priest high enough
for a DM run is an illusion, I've briefly debated whether I want to extend
the sub for another month but decided not to step onto that slippery slope
(it would be the second of many more to come :) So I have cancelled my sub
after the planned month and decided to focus the remaining few days on my

It's been nice to be back but it's time to leave again. Thanks everyone for
still being here!

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Nethergarde Keep-EU (PvE Classic) | Urbin (26), Hunter | Sunh (11), Priest
Catriona R
2019-10-09 14:20:12 UTC
Post by Urbin
Well, by now my hunter is at level 26 (having completed Dun Morogh, Loch
Modal, Westfall (minus a few low level quests), Redridge Mountains and now
partially into the Wetlands.
I brought my priest from Elwynn Forest into Westfall and experienced a nasty
shock. After easily soloing the higher level quests in Elwyn, I was brought
to a firm stop on even the lowest level quests in Westfall at level 11. Most
of the mobs are between level 12 and 15 even on the starter quests, those
Harvesters hit like trucks (my PW:S is used up by two of their hits), I end
up OOM after soloing a single mob (because relying on the wand ends up in
death) and I've died repeatedly by pulling a level 12 add half way through
killing another level 12 mob. Not fun. At all.
Ahh, yeah, it's well worth doing 2 zones at once at that lvl, like go
to Loch Modan and get some lvls on the easier quests there then come
back -some classes (hunters once they have a pet lol) are tough enough
to just keep going, but most aren't and can use the extra exp from
visiting another zone!
Post by Urbin
As my subscription only runs
for a few more days it is pretty clear that getting my priest high enough
for a DM run is an illusion, I've briefly debated whether I want to extend
the sub for another month but decided not to step onto that slippery slope
(it would be the second of many more to come :) So I have cancelled my sub
after the planned month and decided to focus the remaining few days on my
It's been nice to be back but it's time to leave again. Thanks everyone for
still being here!
Hehe understandable, glad to have seen you posting here again though!
And it'll still be there in the future if you fancy another visit :-)
Peter T.
2019-09-18 15:16:02 UTC
Post by Urbin
Anyway, I just thought I'd give a /wave to everyone who's still here and
remembers me ;-)
Cheers. :)

I'm still unsubbed though. But I plan a short visit to classic later
this year.
Peter T.
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