Notes on leveling a warlock...
(too old to reply)
2014-03-06 17:57:54 UTC
As I've been posting, I've been leveling a warlock (Vamlock: Misha-US).
Here's some thoughts.

* The 55% XP boost from heirloom gear and guild buff makes a huge difference.
I didn't take off the gear from the start until I dinged 85. I also used the
heirloom weapon - it was almost always better than drops.

* The DMF 10% boost isn't worth it. It lasts only an hour, and takes too long
to get back after it expires, especially if you're way the hell out in Pandaria.
It might be worthwhile for a mage, who can portal to a close point. I didn't
try the hat - it might be more useful.

* My main SOP was to queue for instances and quest while waiting. Queues were
quite short until I got to 86. I frequently forgot to re-queue.

* I tried to enter zones the moment I reached a suitable level. This meant that
I left most zones unvisited, and in the zones I did visit, did less than half
the quests there. Most quest lines were left unfinished, including missing the
end-quest blue gear. Almost all my quests were yellow. The Armory tells me I
abandoned only 106 quests, but that's a bit more than one quest line per level,
maybe 3-5 per zone.

* I was perpetually slightly undergeared due to the above. I was moving too fast
for enchanting, gemming, and reforging to make sense. I very rarely got AH
stuff - only if a slot was *way* underlevel.

* The main cost was flying training, and an initial set of large bags. Once
I hit Pandaria, I started to accumulate serious gold, getting most of the
cost back.

* My main had been saving Timeless cloth tokens for a while. On dinging 90,
I was able to gear up for LFR instantly. I then spent a bundle on gems,
enchants, and reforging, but that was post-leveling.

* Warlocks rock. Destro was definitely better than Aff for leveling but
both made Ret Pally look sick. Aff seems to win in end-game, but I have to
learn the spec better.

* It's fun to play a pure ranged DPS. I can see why people do it, despite the
long queues.

Here's my pacing:

Feb 10 start
Feb 13 34
Feb 14 45
Feb 21 70
Feb 22 71
Feb 25 80
Mar 1 85
Mar 3 89
Mar 5 90

Not anything like a record pace, but not too bad, I think.

2014-03-07 00:18:53 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Feb 10 start
Feb 13 34
Feb 14 45
Feb 21 70
Feb 22 71
Feb 25 80
Mar 1 85
Mar 3 89
Mar 5 90
Not anything like a record pace, but not too bad, I think.
And quite a lot solo, even instances are mostly a zerg of solos :-)

Whats the /played on the character?

Mine are bad because they spend time doing AH scans, waiting for the
operator to notice, operator answers phone calls, goes out, timeout.
Repeat endlessly.

Considering a few years ago a day (5-6 hours) per level 60-70 then 70-80
was doing fairly well. Or maybe people were just being kind to me

I find swapping out at 88-89 is really easy, I don't want to go back
because the end of the fun is in sight, then it is just like going to
work. Its like the snooze button, best/worst invention ever, someone in
dreamland can be trusted to make a choice ?.
2014-03-07 02:20:46 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by p***@gmail.com
Feb 10 start
Feb 13 34
Feb 14 45
Feb 21 70
Feb 22 71
Feb 25 80
Mar 1 85
Mar 3 89
Mar 5 90
Not anything like a record pace, but not too bad, I think.
And quite a lot solo, even instances are mostly a zerg of solos :-)
Whats the /played on the character?
I dinged 90 at 115 hours - that's about 1 hour 15 minutes
per level. I strongly suspect that if I did it again, I would be well
under 90 hours.
Post by unknown
Mine are bad because they spend time doing AH scans, waiting for the
operator to notice, operator answers phone calls, goes out, timeout.
Repeat endlessly.
Considering a few years ago a day (5-6 hours) per level 60-70 then 70-80
was doing fairly well. Or maybe people were just being kind to me
Back in BC, I vaguely remember around 4 hours/level.

2014-03-07 04:38:25 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by unknown
Post by p***@gmail.com
Feb 10 start
Feb 13 34
Feb 14 45
Feb 21 70
Feb 22 71
Feb 25 80
Mar 1 85
Mar 3 89
Mar 5 90
Not anything like a record pace, but not too bad, I think.
And quite a lot solo, even instances are mostly a zerg of solos :-)
Whats the /played on the character?
I dinged 90 at 115 hours - that's about 1 hour 15 minutes
per level. I strongly suspect that if I did it again, I would be well
under 90 hours.
Post by unknown
Mine are bad because they spend time doing AH scans, waiting for the
operator to notice, operator answers phone calls, goes out, timeout.
Repeat endlessly.
Considering a few years ago a day (5-6 hours) per level 60-70 then 70-80
was doing fairly well. Or maybe people were just being kind to me
Back in BC, I vaguely remember around 4 hours/level.
one warlock has 75 hours and it is only 63, I thought it would be more
given all the time it spends sitting around
I don't have the pvp xp gear
It is nice to finally do..distraction..fly...hover hover hover timeout
instead of coming back to a grey misty world.

I saw two blast past me the other day, one had a lot BOA the other
nearly every slot was BOA, fingers, trinkets, the lot. And enchanted to
the hilt.
Of course all slots aren't xp but still they are heavy blues,just doing
some quests in the same areas I -saw- them level twice in an hour in
outland almost together,except one was 2 level higher, I suppose doing
more yellows that orange evens things out.
A guild pair with a mission probably doing like you. I expect they are
high 80s by now :-)

The main delay is going off on some quest that takes a relatively long
while thinking it wasn't..compared to the hard quests at the time.
Others you avoid at the start because they used to be hard..but then you
find everything is severely nerfed.
2014-03-07 09:36:59 UTC
Post by unknown
I saw two blast past me the other day, one had a lot BOA the other
nearly every slot was BOA, fingers, trinkets, the lot. And enchanted to
the hilt.
I didn't know there were BOA rings, and other than the pvp trinkets,
what is BOA?
Twentieth century? Why, I could pick a century out of a hat,
blindfolded, and come up with a better one.
2014-03-07 10:56:29 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by unknown
I saw two blast past me the other day, one had a lot BOA the other
nearly every slot was BOA, fingers, trinkets, the lot. And enchanted to
the hilt.
I didn't know there were BOA rings, and other than the pvp trinkets,
what is BOA?
There is the ultra rare fishing ring, which is what threw me when I
saw it. I knew that meant they were either very very lucky or a very
very old hand. WTF were they doing levelling..unless to hold hands for a
guildy..or something important like a spouse :-)

Actually I can't find any other rings on a quick google search,
I must have been mistaken . Won't be the last time either.
I was just mousing over as they ran off it was the second one and it
showed boa on sooooo many slots plus that ring. I probably mis
remembered assuming there were two, if they had a BOA ring it meant they
-must- have had everything available :-) Then I just compared the levels
and really noted that the orange/yello probably evened out.
[ if you keep up orange/yeelow and don't slip down to green it equals
a few extra pieces. The BOA aren't just XP but the extra high-bluish
quality means you are so much more overpowered = quicker questing =
effective xp boost ]

I should have noted the name for armory. No point doing a realm search
"As of patch 5.4.2 heirlooms can now be mailed to characters on another
realm." that and crossrealm means even that would be useless.

If you mean what in general are BOA from low levels, ...lots.., in
addition to the pvp ones there are head,cloak, and pants??(or some other
slot) from the guild vendor for gold and also pve token vendors.
I am used to seeing the guild ones, the pvp and token ones not so many.
I guess hard core pvp levelled all the alts they need long ago.


Google shows a few pages that list BOAs, of course it depends what
patch they are from. Then there are the pandaria BOA 85+ but this wasn't

The wow head one above shows some rings "Unobtainable in-game currently,
but in the game files" ,
What has the better odds? me being stunned into insensibility , or them
being opened up unannounced?

So I guess there aren't any others....yet :-)
2014-03-07 14:20:46 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by Lewis
Post by unknown
I saw two blast past me the other day, one had a lot BOA the other
nearly every slot was BOA, fingers, trinkets, the lot. And enchanted to
the hilt.
I didn't know there were BOA rings, and other than the pvp trinkets,
what is BOA?
There is the ultra rare fishing ring, which is what threw me when I
saw it. I knew that meant they were either very very lucky or a very
very old hand. WTF were they doing levelling..unless to hold hands for a
guildy..or something important like a spouse :-)
Actually I can't find any other rings on a quick google search,
I must have been mistaken . Won't be the last time either.
I was just mousing over as they ran off it was the second one and it
showed boa on sooooo many slots plus that ring. I probably mis
remembered assuming there were two, if they had a BOA ring it meant they
-must- have had everything available :-) Then I just compared the levels
and really noted that the orange/yello probably evened out.
[ if you keep up orange/yeelow and don't slip down to green it equals
a few extra pieces. The BOA aren't just XP but the extra high-bluish
quality means you are so much more overpowered = quicker questing =
effective xp boost ]
I should have noted the name for armory. No point doing a realm search
"As of patch 5.4.2 heirlooms can now be mailed to characters on another
realm." that and crossrealm means even that would be useless.
If you mean what in general are BOA from low levels, ...lots.., in
addition to the pvp ones there are head,cloak, and pants??(or some other
slot) from the guild vendor for gold and also pve token vendors.
I am used to seeing the guild ones, the pvp and token ones not so many.
I guess hard core pvp levelled all the alts they need long ago.
Google shows a few pages that list BOAs, of course it depends what
patch they are from. Then there are the pandaria BOA 85+ but this wasn't
The wow head one above shows some rings "Unobtainable in-game currently,
but in the game files" ,
What has the better odds? me being stunned into insensibility , or them
being opened up unannounced?
The fishing ring is the only BOA xp boost ring I'm aware of, and my chances
of having it are slim and none.

Now that I don't need it, I see that the DMF hat would have actually been
useful, though DMF was up only for the last few days of my grind. The 10%
roundabout buff only lasts an hour, and from Pandaria it takes nearly 6
minutes to re-apply, so it's not worth it (it was nice to see the higher
numbers, though).

DMF hats are tradable while inside DMF prize boxes, so your main could
stockpile them until it's time for a leveling alt to use them.

2014-03-08 00:55:45 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by unknown
I saw two blast past me the other day, one had a lot BOA the other
nearly every slot was BOA, fingers, trinkets, the lot. And enchanted to
the hilt.
I didn't know there were BOA rings, and other than the pvp trinkets,
what is BOA?
higher level guild perks aren't just extra xp and speed
re the prior message guild vendor gives

head 10% 1350g (may vary with discounts)
back 5% 1080g
legs 10% 1575g
plus a banner for 270g that gives 15% within 100 yds but I always forget

if just that was added on to RAF..dingdingding

Of course you need guild rep to get them, but you can buy guild rep
gear , and open them in a very few levels.
a 50% rep one at low level for 120g, a 100% one for 255
They are BOA so once you have one they can go to fresh alts
immediately, they don't even have to join a guild, but it is a good idea
for the other perks.

4k gold seems a lot but it is cheap for the time, a lvl 90 can be
making hundreds an hour easy, more like 1-2k
On a ~50 warlock I got a dragonling drop that is supposed to be 5k,
( chicken eggs->hatching :-) )
just because I happened to tap the loot6 table of a type of mob that
dropped it when the RNG god looked the other way.
-If- that sells it just paid for the gear that had it tapping that mob
at that time. Well -I- consider it paid for no matter how tenuous :-)
Peter T.
2014-03-08 12:48:02 UTC
Post by unknown
4k gold seems a lot but it is cheap for the time, a lvl 90 can be
making hundreds an hour easy, more like 1-2k
Farming embersilk cloth in deepholm with a lvl90 char with treasure pot
buff usually nets 1.5-2k gold per hour in vendored items and AH'ed mats.
Blizzard nerfed the big farming area in west side of deepholm
recently, but there is another area northeast in deepholm which is just
as good.
Peter T.

2014-03-07 11:58:35 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
As I've been posting, I've been leveling a warlock (Vamlock: Misha-US).
Here's some thoughts.
I just bit the bullet and did engineering. The one I most dreaded.
Surprisingly easy really and it actually has some useful items that
don't explode/fail/turn out rubbish.

and it isn't just me

the first few frames here pretty much describe the engineering
experience before

Look at the guides for shortcuts.
Just have a large large heap of ghost iron and obsidium for the top
levels, like a guildbank tab full. But with flying ores are easy to farm.
Don't do any of the complex recipies until the last ones you may use.
At the end I mistook spirit of harmony for another item so just plowed
through a bunch of fireworks, scopes , thermal anvils(useful given the
panda trainer is way over with nessingwary) and the dragon trinket with
the cogs, not the first one, the higher one.
Ghost iron dragonling.
You could make a bunch of the gathering goggles fairly cheap to level.
8 bolts 2 spirit of harmony
Even blingtron is relatively cheap, I am just waiting to make the
living steel rather than buy it..for 800g but on my ah you could buy all
the mats for about 1500g.

I did get a bit lucky in that near the end I was stuck on that mistake
about the harmony but discovered a banker had 200 lapis lazuli, and with
a tab of ghost iron it was scopes until 1 in skills 2 on green
then I think the last 6 or 7 were thermal anvils, going green but I had
the last three ding a level in a row
Last one, oh I have just enough powder and -just enough bars to make
those last two bolts.. but it is green , well green by now
close one eye, wish, 'create' DING :-)
Standing out at nessingwary over a hot anvil and tea waiting I wasn't
about to do another loop and jeeves and mailbox were on cooldown so no
new mats.
The invisibility tinker..well it sort of works, 13 seconds of a very
blurry cloud with a 3 minute cooldown. No incombat use.
It does actually have some use when gathering to avoid node guardians or
mobs of those pesky psycho rabbits but any action, like mining or
casting flying, breaks it.

Click the fireworks when you make them, some drop recipies for
fireworks, I don't remember what level, maybe they are useful at the
level you get them.

You can put the cogs into the trinket, only one of each type, and they
don't bind. Useable at 87, although the quest trinkets proc better.
Its dragonling proc is pretty much traditional engineering.

Also , if you are alliance, be aware there is an anvil in the eternal
vale hub, it just doesn't show as active or mouseover. Next to the
blacksmith supplies npc in the next room to the ah/bank/mailbox hub.
Stand next to the anvil and forge, they work.

The googles do seem to work, although I haven't found one obviously in
mist to pop mailbox, and see if it disappears.

There do seem to be a greater number of rich and normal ghost iron
around, some seem to be rather unobtrusively placed wedges down in
between rocks. Maybe people aren't using the goggles much?
2014-03-07 12:14:56 UTC
On 7/03/2014 10:28 PM, | || ||| ||||| || | wrote:

In addition I wasn't sure when the ghost iron bar would stop being
useful so I wasted some time doing them in batches back and forth.
Get a list of the recipes and the mats, do a -lot- of ghost iron bars,
quite a few stacks of windwool and a smattering of other mats. Buy a
thermal anvil ( 20 chargesx 5 minutes per anvil) and camp at the npc. I
used 7 charges off one anvil 500-600 including smelting time but not all
in one trip, the last megasmelts I had the last 20 levels more or less
mapped out and did them back at the hub. Plus the usual engineering 10%
for safety was exactly used up. :-)

Then I remembered I was going to look up a guide before the usual
phone call distraction , came back and charged into it, leeeeeroy :-)
2014-03-09 05:31:10 UTC
Another point that's now turning up:

The Timeless gear means that I've got very little reason to repgrind most of
the factions. It's 496 armor, which is higher than most of the faction

ATM, I'm grinding Black Prince (epic cloak), Klaxxi (weapon, +mantids for Black
Prince rep) and Shado Pan Assault (522 gear), and Shieldwall (BP rep targets,
again). I'm running Timeless dailies, and managed to fill the last spot in my
armor by joining an attack on one of the World Bosses in the TI arena area. The
mob dropped Gloves of the Horned Nightmare. I had a option for the second roll,
so I took it - and got Gloves of the Horned Nightmare a second time (bleh!).

My ilvl is now 495, one short of what's needed to run SoO, so I'll be there

Catriona R
2014-03-09 14:42:33 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
The Timeless gear means that I've got very little reason to repgrind most of
the factions. It's 496 armor, which is higher than most of the faction
ATM, I'm grinding Black Prince (epic cloak), Klaxxi (weapon, +mantids for Black
Prince rep) and Shado Pan Assault (522 gear), and Shieldwall (BP rep targets,
Just a note before you grind too much, Shado-Pan Assault only requires
friendly for all gear now I think (possibly shoulders are still
higher?) one or two wings of ToT LFR should get you there, since iirc
trash gives rep until friendly :-)
Post by p***@gmail.com
I'm running Timeless dailies, and managed to fill the last spot in my
armor by joining an attack on one of the World Bosses in the TI arena area. The
mob dropped Gloves of the Horned Nightmare. I had a option for the second roll,
so I took it - and got Gloves of the Horned Nightmare a second time (bleh!).
I know that feeling, got five pairs of legs before the gloves finally
dropped lol...
Post by p***@gmail.com
My ilvl is now 495, one short of what's needed to run SoO, so I'll be there
Nice one, Timeless weapons will help if you don't already have them,
camping rare item trinkets in Dread Wastes will also help if you still
have a low ilvl 2nd trinket (Timeless one being unique is annoying!),
I managed to get all my alts to 496+ without any LFR or valor gear, so
the new catchup stuff works well.
Peter T.
2014-03-09 16:29:10 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by p***@gmail.com
I'm running Timeless dailies, and managed to fill the last spot in my
armor by joining an attack on one of the World Bosses in the TI arena area. The
mob dropped Gloves of the Horned Nightmare. I had a option for the second roll,
so I took it - and got Gloves of the Horned Nightmare a second time (bleh!).
I know that feeling, got five pairs of legs before the gloves finally
dropped lol...
Min mage has 6 or 7 pairs of t16 gloves and still no panties... :(
Peter T.

2014-03-09 18:27:04 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by p***@gmail.com
The Timeless gear means that I've got very little reason to repgrind most of
the factions. It's 496 armor, which is higher than most of the faction
ATM, I'm grinding Black Prince (epic cloak), Klaxxi (weapon, +mantids for Black
Prince rep) and Shado Pan Assault (522 gear), and Shieldwall (BP rep targets,
Just a note before you grind too much, Shado-Pan Assault only requires
friendly for all gear now I think (possibly shoulders are still
higher?) one or two wings of ToT LFR should get you there, since iirc
trash gives rep until friendly :-)
Have to grind ToT anyway for the BP legendary, but I'll check on the
rep requirement.
Post by Catriona R
Post by p***@gmail.com
I'm running Timeless dailies, and managed to fill the last spot in my
armor by joining an attack on one of the World Bosses in the TI arena area. The
mob dropped Gloves of the Horned Nightmare. I had a option for the second roll,
so I took it - and got Gloves of the Horned Nightmare a second time (bleh!).
I know that feeling, got five pairs of legs before the gloves finally
dropped lol...
Post by p***@gmail.com
My ilvl is now 495, one short of what's needed to run SoO, so I'll be there
Nice one, Timeless weapons will help if you don't already have them,
camping rare item trinkets in Dread Wastes will also help if you still
have a low ilvl 2nd trinket (Timeless one being unique is annoying!),
I managed to get all my alts to 496+ without any LFR or valor gear, so
the new catchup stuff works well.
I'm eligible for the first instance in CoO already, to my surprise. I'd
forgot about the timeless weapons - they're only 20k T coins, so that should
be a fairly quick grind. I'm already able to solo Burning Berserkers, so
it is going quickly.

Peter T.
2014-03-10 11:20:20 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Just a note before you grind too much, Shado-Pan Assault only requires
friendly for all gear now I think (possibly shoulders are still
higher?) one or two wings of ToT LFR should get you there, since iirc
trash gives rep until friendly :-)
I will not recommend using the VPs on shado-pan assault gear unless the
overall ilvl is too low for SoO lfr (the ilvl requirement should be 490
overall afaik). Go for the shadopan trinket if the overall ilvl is too
low for SoO lfr. A single shadopan epic should be enough unless youre
running around in pure greenies. And save the VPs for upgrades on SoO
lfr/flex epics.

My shammy went from 493 overall (I had loads of timeless gear waiting
for her) to 539/elemental and 541/resto when I hit 90 five weeks ago.
Gearing up this char hasnt been that intensive.

1st wing: 4 runs
2nd wing: 3 runs
3rd wing: 3 runs
4th wing: 2 runs

Two runs - first 9 bosses downed two times

Both timeless worldbosses downed each week. Three 559 drops from Ordos
and a single tier drop from Celestials + 2 pvp items.

I finally got my 483 boa staff replaced with a 528 staff from Blackfuse
a week ago. My dps almost doubled up!

5 Burdens from quests, chests and mobs on timeless. Two of the Burdens
are guaranteed - the blazing chest and archie quest. The rest came from
a single mob drop and 2 drops from a 40k coin session on Kukuru's chest

When I do the daily timeless quest I always go for the frogs on eastern
side of the island. 1.4m hp and they drop ~40 coins every time + maybe
a Bufo kill (250-400 coins). So the daily timeless usually yields
2.5-3k coins incl. rewards and coin drops every day.
The advantages of going for the frogs are remarkable. Compared to their
healthpool they drop the same amount of coins as the 3.5m hp burning
berserkers located at the blazing trail. Their location does a
difference too as 99% of the players on Timeless farms turtles, cranes,
bisons or just rep farms ordon trash. So the frog area is muuuuuuch
less crowded.
Farming tigers is another good idea as they drop the tiger meat that
yields 100 coins when handed in But I personally avoid those and go
straight to the frog area as I hate being stunned all the time. I
prefer nuking everything without too much hassle with moving around etc. :)
When I rumble on Timeless Isle I always go for the chi-ji buff. So I
usually spend some time on riding between the shrines until I get it.
The yu'lon and xuen buffs are fine too while I GRRRRR when I get the
totally useless niuzao buff.

At this point I have stopped doing more LFR runs due to the long queue
times. So I do the daily and weekly timeless quests and a quick hc now
and then + 1-2 flex runs once a week. And if I miss one of my guild's
weekly flex runs I just apply for a spot in /trade.

My 2 cents.
Peter T.

Peter T.
2014-03-10 11:45:17 UTC
Post by Peter T.
When I do the daily timeless quest I always go for the frogs on eastern
side of the island. 1.4m hp and they drop ~40 coins every time + maybe
a Bufo kill (250-400 coins). So the daily timeless usually yields
2.5-3k coins incl. rewards and coin drops every day.
Oh btw. Dont forget to keep an eye on the debuff from the frogs. 10
stacks and you instantly die. :) So give it a 3-5 secs break between
each frog attack so the debuff can wear off.
Also. Be careful which frogs you attack. If one frog are close to
another you probably pull both frogs and unless you have a hell of a dps
boost your chances to survive the frogs before you hit 10 stacks of
debuff are like 50%.
Peter T.

Catriona R
2014-03-10 14:29:22 UTC
Post by Peter T.
Post by Peter T.
When I do the daily timeless quest I always go for the frogs on eastern
side of the island. 1.4m hp and they drop ~40 coins every time + maybe
a Bufo kill (250-400 coins). So the daily timeless usually yields
2.5-3k coins incl. rewards and coin drops every day.
Oh btw. Dont forget to keep an eye on the debuff from the frogs. 10
stacks and you instantly die. :) So give it a 3-5 secs break between
each frog attack so the debuff can wear off.
Also. Be careful which frogs you attack. If one frog are close to
another you probably pull both frogs and unless you have a hell of a dps
boost your chances to survive the frogs before you hit 10 stacks of
debuff are like 50%.
Roots/cc are wonderful on those frogs - as a priest I have Void
Tendrils, which means I get max 1 stack of debuff, then the frog can't
touch me :-) If you don't have a class ability which helps, kill a few
silkworms on the island, they drop webbing which works the same way (I
usually have tons of the stuff as I'm farming Gu'chi for the pet),
admittedly on a longer cd, but it still helps if you get 2 frogs at a
Catriona R
2014-03-10 14:27:16 UTC
Post by Peter T.
Post by Catriona R
Just a note before you grind too much, Shado-Pan Assault only requires
friendly for all gear now I think (possibly shoulders are still
higher?) one or two wings of ToT LFR should get you there, since iirc
trash gives rep until friendly :-)
I will not recommend using the VPs on shado-pan assault gear unless the
overall ilvl is too low for SoO lfr (the ilvl requirement should be 490
overall afaik). Go for the shadopan trinket if the overall ilvl is too
low for SoO lfr. A single shadopan epic should be enough unless youre
running around in pure greenies. And save the VPs for upgrades on SoO
lfr/flex epics.
The trinket at least is worthwhile, as if you're unluckly in LFR it's
best available other than the 50k Timeless Coins one. I still use it
in my healing set (granted, I haven't farmed LFR, burned out on that
getting my cloak so didn't really bother much with SoO). Having a full
set of upgraded Shado-Pan Assault gear kinda made LFR pointless for me
tbh, it's like "oh, farm ages for a drop, and THEN I have to spend 500
valor to make it actually not worse than what I was wearing? Sod that"
:-P Ofc not an issue for the newly-levelled but yeah, the ilvl
difference is so minimal that it makes little difference as far as I'm
Post by Peter T.
My shammy went from 493 overall (I had loads of timeless gear waiting
for her) to 539/elemental and 541/resto when I hit 90 five weeks ago.
Gearing up this char hasnt been that intensive.
1st wing: 4 runs
2nd wing: 3 runs
3rd wing: 3 runs
4th wing: 2 runs
Two runs - first 9 bosses downed two times
Not that intensive? To me that much raiding would = major burnout time
lol, guess different people are different! :-)
Post by Peter T.
When I do the daily timeless quest I always go for the frogs on eastern
side of the island. 1.4m hp and they drop ~40 coins every time + maybe
a Bufo kill (250-400 coins). So the daily timeless usually yields
2.5-3k coins incl. rewards and coin drops every day.
The advantages of going for the frogs are remarkable. Compared to their
healthpool they drop the same amount of coins as the 3.5m hp burning
berserkers located at the blazing trail. Their location does a
difference too as 99% of the players on Timeless farms turtles, cranes,
bisons or just rep farms ordon trash. So the frog area is muuuuuuch
less crowded.
That varies with server, on mine the frogs are farmed just as much as
the rest :-) Kinda annoying when I'm there waiting for Bufo (not
killing anything) and get spammed with group invites...
Peter T.
2014-03-10 15:13:22 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by Peter T.
1st wing: 4 runs
2nd wing: 3 runs
3rd wing: 3 runs
4th wing: 2 runs
Two runs - first 9 bosses downed two times
Not that intensive? To me that much raiding would = major burnout time
lol, guess different people are different! :-)
I always do SoO lfr at times where I can expect short waiting times in
the queue. First two wings are usually done wednesday and thursday
afternoon or night as most heavy ilvl560+ dps trains are available there
(= almost no issues with wipes) as they just need to VP cap asap. Third
and fourth wing is usually done saturday and sunday afternoon. And
peeps who does the last two wings tend to have a clue about the fights
so those are relatively easy too despite the difficulty steepness
compared to the first 2 wings.
My laptop is placed in the kitchen so I usually do the dishwashing while
im in a queue. Viola. Problem with queue times solved. :)

But apart from the raiding part there is not really much work in it
compared to pre-5.4 patches. 5.3/Isle of Thunder was a walk in the
desert and I really hated that part. 5.2 was just... meh. The daily
timeless quest is 10-20 mins of frog chopping incl. teleporting to and
from the island. But its also shows that gearing up isnt that hard if
you put a little effort in it.
I have made around 105-110k coins on my shammy in 5 weeks mainly by
killing the frogs. I recently spent 40k'ish on kukuru's chests and got
2 burdens + 7500 coins on the teleport trinket. And now I sit with 56k
coins which I consider spending on either a new trinket or some more
burdens at kukuru. But actually I'm satisfied with my trinkets atm. I
have timeless 496/SoO 522 trinkets on each spec and I do acceptable to
fine dps and healing in lfr and flex.
Post by Catriona R
That varies with server, on mine the frogs are farmed just as much as
the rest :-) Kinda annoying when I'm there waiting for Bufo (not
killing anything) and get spammed with group invites...
Luckily my realm is a low-pop. Evil tongues says my "rp" realm will be
connected to a handful of other rp/non-rp realms within the next few
weeks. There is no official info about it yet. But if the rumors are
right Blizzard have seen that the rp aspect on my realm is long gone. :)

The really hard part was the rep grinding on my shammy. I really really
really wanted the teleport trinket. So when my shammy hit 90 I spent a
few concentrated hours on heavy-farming ordos trash in 496 gear and
corpse running until I hit honored with the emperor!
Peter T.

2014-03-10 16:10:31 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by Peter T.
1st wing: 4 runs
2nd wing: 3 runs
3rd wing: 3 runs
4th wing: 2 runs
Two runs - first 9 bosses downed two times
Not that intensive? To me that much raiding would = major burnout time
lol, guess different people are different! :-)
LFR is not much like raiding.
Post by Catriona R
That varies with server, on mine the frogs are farmed just as much as
the rest :-) Kinda annoying when I'm there waiting for Bufo (not
killing anything) and get spammed with group invites...
Interesting. Timeless Isle is pretty dead on the servers I'm on.
"Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?" "Why are you wearing that
stupid man suit?"
Peter T.
2014-03-10 16:16:43 UTC
Post by Lewis
LFR is not much like raiding.
True. But doing second wing on lfr with a bunch of clueless ignorants
is a nightmare and doomed to fail. :)
Peter T.

Catriona R
2014-03-10 16:43:05 UTC
On Mon, 10 Mar 2014 16:10:31 +0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
Post by Peter T.
1st wing: 4 runs
2nd wing: 3 runs
3rd wing: 3 runs
4th wing: 2 runs
Two runs - first 9 bosses downed two times
Not that intensive? To me that much raiding would = major burnout time
lol, guess different people are different! :-)
LFR is not much like raiding.
To me it is, perhaps because I take it more seriously than many do - I
give it as much concentration and effort as I would any other raid.
Raiding in any form is very draining and tiring for me, I just can't
manage too much of it.
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
That varies with server, on mine the frogs are farmed just as much as
the rest :-) Kinda annoying when I'm there waiting for Bufo (not
killing anything) and get spammed with group invites...
Interesting. Timeless Isle is pretty dead on the servers I'm on.
I'm on one of the highest pop servers in Europe, usually queued every
evening, might make a difference. It's quietening down a little now,
but still, on Wednesdays in particular, when the epoch stone quest
resets, every turtle and frog in the place is dead, and most other
2014-03-10 17:19:26 UTC
Post by Catriona R
On Mon, 10 Mar 2014 16:10:31 +0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
Post by Peter T.
1st wing: 4 runs
2nd wing: 3 runs
3rd wing: 3 runs
4th wing: 2 runs
Two runs - first 9 bosses downed two times
Not that intensive? To me that much raiding would = major burnout time
lol, guess different people are different! :-)
LFR is not much like raiding.
To me it is, perhaps because I take it more seriously than many do - I
give it as much concentration and effort as I would any other raid.
Why would you do that? No one else is. And there's no need to either,
LFR is EZ mode.
Post by Catriona R
Raiding in any form is very draining and tiring for me, I just can't
manage too much of it.
The first time I did the kill Wassisname in Ogrimmar raid on my mage I
just mashed 1-6 in pretty much random order and was middle of the DPS. I
did much the same on my hunter, but missed some key part of the tactics
on the last boss, so lay their dead for 95% of the fight.

IN the end, the only thing that mattered was he died and I got loot and
an achievement on both toons.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
Catriona R
2014-03-10 17:32:59 UTC
On Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:19:26 +0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
On Mon, 10 Mar 2014 16:10:31 +0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
Post by Peter T.
1st wing: 4 runs
2nd wing: 3 runs
3rd wing: 3 runs
4th wing: 2 runs
Two runs - first 9 bosses downed two times
Not that intensive? To me that much raiding would = major burnout time
lol, guess different people are different! :-)
LFR is not much like raiding.
To me it is, perhaps because I take it more seriously than many do - I
give it as much concentration and effort as I would any other raid.
Why would you do that? No one else is. And there's no need to either,
LFR is EZ mode.
Because I want to do my best - LFR is endgame for me, so why wouldn't
I? And frankly, it feels wrong to just slack and not bother trying, I
just can't do that.
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
Raiding in any form is very draining and tiring for me, I just can't
manage too much of it.
The first time I did the kill Wassisname in Ogrimmar raid on my mage I
just mashed 1-6 in pretty much random order and was middle of the DPS. I
did much the same on my hunter, but missed some key part of the tactics
on the last boss, so lay their dead for 95% of the fight.
IN the end, the only thing that mattered was he died and I got loot and
an achievement on both toons.
Perhaps it's all that matters to you, but I get no satisfaction out of
not doing a good job.
Peter T.
2014-03-10 17:43:38 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
To me it is, perhaps because I take it more seriously than many do - I
give it as much concentration and effort as I would any other raid.
Why would you do that? No one else is. And there's no need to either,
LFR is EZ mode.
Will you explain why so many LFRs fails over and over again at Galakros,
Dark Shammys, Nazgrim and Spoils? With an experienced raid group any
LFR boss is super easy mode. No doubt. Even the healers will dps if
they arent busy with nosepicking or chitchatting in the corner. :)
Peter T.

2014-03-10 15:11:19 UTC
Post by Peter T.
Post by Catriona R
Just a note before you grind too much, Shado-Pan Assault only requires
friendly for all gear now I think (possibly shoulders are still
higher?) one or two wings of ToT LFR should get you there, since iirc
trash gives rep until friendly :-)
That's correct - only the shoulders require above friendly. I have LFR
shoulders, so not worth it.
Post by Peter T.
I will not recommend using the VPs on shado-pan assault gear unless the
overall ilvl is too low for SoO lfr (the ilvl requirement should be 490
overall afaik). Go for the shadopan trinket if the overall ilvl is too
low for SoO lfr. A single shadopan epic should be enough unless youre
running around in pure greenies. And save the VPs for upgrades on SoO
lfr/flex epics.
Fair point. I was able to get into SoO at 495, which surprised me. I'm now
at 501.
Post by Peter T.
My shammy went from 493 overall (I had loads of timeless gear waiting
for her) to 539/elemental and 541/resto when I hit 90 five weeks ago.
Gearing up this char hasnt been that intensive.
1st wing: 4 runs
2nd wing: 3 runs
3rd wing: 3 runs
4th wing: 2 runs
Two runs - first 9 bosses downed two times
Both timeless worldbosses downed each week. Three 559 drops from Ordos
and a single tier drop from Celestials + 2 pvp items.
I'm a little confused about the Celestials - how many times can I do them
a day/week? The other day I took one down, and got a good drop. The group
immediately did a second one, and I got nada, zilch, not even gold.
Post by Peter T.
I finally got my 483 boa staff replaced with a 528 staff from Blackfuse
a week ago. My dps almost doubled up!
5 Burdens from quests, chests and mobs on timeless. Two of the Burdens
are guaranteed - the blazing chest and archie quest. The rest came from
a single mob drop and 2 drops from a 40k coin session on Kukuru's chest
I think the drop rate on the chests may have been nerfed - I've dropped at
least 60k without seeing a Burden - outright buying them might be better.
Post by Peter T.
When I do the daily timeless quest I always go for the frogs on eastern
side of the island. 1.4m hp and they drop ~40 coins every time + maybe
a Bufo kill (250-400 coins). So the daily timeless usually yields
2.5-3k coins incl. rewards and coin drops every day.
I've been going for the Ordo trash, just for the rep. I'll have to try the
Post by Peter T.
When I rumble on Timeless Isle I always go for the chi-ji buff. So I
usually spend some time on riding between the shrines until I get it.
The yu'lon and xuen buffs are fine too while I GRRRRR when I get the
totally useless niuzao buff.
At this point I have stopped doing more LFR runs due to the long queue
times. So I do the daily and weekly timeless quests and a quick hc now
and then + 1-2 flex runs once a week. And if I miss one of my guild's
weekly flex runs I just apply for a spot in /trade.
Now that I have two 90s, maxing VPs on one becomes more urgent. My main
finally has the T16 2 item buff, which is nice.

Peter T.
2014-03-10 15:22:20 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
I'm a little confused about the Celestials - how many times can I do them
a day/week? The other day I took one down, and got a good drop. The group
immediately did a second one, and I got nada, zilch, not even gold.
You only get loot once a week. If you forget to spend a coin on bonus
roll you just do the boss once more.
Post by p***@gmail.com
I think the drop rate on the chests may have been nerfed - I've dropped at
least 60k without seeing a Burden - outright buying them might be better.
Same here. Send a prayer to the RNG god. :) I think I spent the same
amount 1-2 months ago and all I got was like ten Bonkers pets and a few
timeless items. :)
Post by p***@gmail.com
Now that I have two 90s, maxing VPs on one becomes more urgent. My main
finally has the T16 2 item buff, which is nice.
Peter T.

John Gordon
2014-03-10 15:22:26 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
I'm a little confused about the Celestials - how many times can I do them
a day/week? The other day I took one down, and got a good drop. The group
immediately did a second one, and I got nada, zilch, not even gold.
All four celestials count as the same boss, so you can only get one drop
per week (or two if you use a coin.)
John Gordon Imagine what it must be like for a real medical doctor to
***@panix.com watch 'House', or a real serial killer to watch 'Dexter'.