Land Shark
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Bruce Smith
2015-03-29 16:00:41 UTC
I finally caught my 50 lunkers and purchased the
Land Shark battle pet from Nat Pagle. Boy, if this
is a boosted catch rate, it must have been a negative
drop rate before! Fishing is so tedious; I had plans
of getting the other pet and the mount, but now I'm
doubting. Not feeling the patience that would be
needed to catch another 150 lunkers. Who knows, maybe.

The Land Shark - looks really cool when you summon it
to follow you around, especially when you throw one of
those plus 50% size biscuits at it. But as a battle pet?
Sucks! Was hoping it would be uber powerful and strike
fear in somebody I just entered into a player battle with.
Nahh. Basically just same abilities as a crocolisk. Very

Nat Pagle, you beer guzzling stalker - you sold me a lemon!
Catriona R
2015-03-29 16:11:43 UTC
Post by Bruce Smith
I finally caught my 50 lunkers and purchased the
Land Shark battle pet from Nat Pagle. Boy, if this
is a boosted catch rate, it must have been a negative
drop rate before! Fishing is so tedious; I had plans
of getting the other pet and the mount, but now I'm
doubting. Not feeling the patience that would be
needed to catch another 150 lunkers. Who knows, maybe.
Congrats! :-) Working on that one myself, but slowly, it's infinitely
higher droprate than before though; I used to average one lunker per 2
hours fishing (erm, I only caught three before the patch, can't
inagine why...), now it's 2-3 per 10 mins lure, sometimes only one per
lure, but usually more, so yeah, MILES better.

If it feels a lot worse than that, might need higher skill, apparently
the droprate is better the higher skill you have, so use your best
lures etc, might help a bit.
Post by Bruce Smith
The Land Shark - looks really cool when you summon it
to follow you around, especially when you throw one of
those plus 50% size biscuits at it. But as a battle pet?
Sucks! Was hoping it would be uber powerful and strike
fear in somebody I just entered into a player battle with.
Nahh. Basically just same abilities as a crocolisk. Very
Nat Pagle, you beer guzzling stalker - you sold me a lemon!
Hehe shame, I thought the abilities sounded cool, that said, I've not
levelled a croc yet either, so it'll be of use to me if I level it up
first. Looks awesome anyway!

Talking of awesome looking pets, I'm 11/12 on the new raiding wth
leashes achievement, cannot wait to get my baby naaru, shame that one
can't battle but it looks amazing; I have a holy draenei priest who
will forevermore use that as her companion I think :-)
Bruce Smith
2015-03-30 17:00:14 UTC
Post by Catriona R
If it feels a lot worse than that, might need higher skill, apparently
the droprate is better the higher skill you have, so use your best
lures etc, might help a bit.
I was using the Ephemeral Fishing Pole from the cavedweller
and the worm supreme bait for a skill of 700 + 400, and it
seemed a horrendous catch rate! Maybe it just seemed that
way. One nice thing I learned, as a mage I could throw
those pheromone fish at my mirror images to get the buff (you
can also throw at a bodyguard.)

I'll probably fish up the other needed lunkers; I'm just that
bored :/
Catriona R
2015-03-31 01:32:38 UTC
Post by Bruce Smith
Post by Catriona R
If it feels a lot worse than that, might need higher skill, apparently
the droprate is better the higher skill you have, so use your best
lures etc, might help a bit.
I was using the Ephemeral Fishing Pole from the cavedweller
and the worm supreme bait for a skill of 700 + 400, and it
seemed a horrendous catch rate! Maybe it just seemed that
Heh, that's higher than I've been using recently since the really good
pole/hat won't drop for me, it's just been Worm Supreme plus the base
+fishing on my hat/pole, so about 700+240 or thereabouts. Seems a far
far better droprate than it used to be anyway, although it varies a
bit wih zone, it seems lower in Nagrand than Shadowmoon Valley,
probably because SMV requries lower fishing skill to begin with.
Post by Bruce Smith
One nice thing I learned, as a mage I could throw
those pheromone fish at my mirror images to get the buff (you
can also throw at a bodyguard.)
Ooh, nice, I never even thought of trying that one; I'll give it a go
with my bodyguard next time then, thanks for the tip!
Post by Bruce Smith
I'll probably fish up the other needed lunkers; I'm just that
bored :/
Hehe good luck! I need to get down to that soon, been getting
distracted by other games recently though, rediscovering Portal 2
meant several evenings just vanished this last week... :-)

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