On Tue, 5 May 2020 03:04:26 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by LewisPost by Catriona ROn Mon, 4 May 2020 02:43:52 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by LewisPost by Catriona RMechagon dungeon, which will need some gear, however you can get gear
in Nazjatar fairly easily which should be enough for the dungeon on
heroic mode
Ah, that makes a huge difference. I think mythic groups were wanting
ilvl 430 at the time it unlocked.
Ouch! That's just silly, that lvl of gear wasn't even available
outside of raids/high-end mythic+ dungeons till the following patch...
Yep. Though it might have been 415. Whatever it was, it was better than
the gear you got. Finding mythic groups has always been a huge pain in
the ass. When I had to do the mythic Boralus instance early on I could
only do it by creating my own group "Quest Mythic, no Drama" and kicking
anyone who whine even once about :not doing it right" when we didn't
Ugh, I can imagine. Not really a new thing, I remember silly demands
for access to groups right back to TBC, but always frustrating, I've
just entirely given up on non-queued instances now, and only very
rarely do the queued ones. A shame, as it's supposed to be an MMO, but
other players just suck the fun right out of things, so the more
soloable/duoable content the better as far as I'm concerned. Horrific
visions having flex size of 1-5 is very much something I'm liking,
wish they'd make all group content that way!
Post by LewisPost by Catriona ROtherwise, depends what you want to do, I'm chipping away at zone
achievements (mostly needing RNG or other players to be around for
events so not progressing fast) and rep farming for paragon caches at
present, and meaning to do more story content, but I suspect none of
what I'm doing really appeals to you!
I keep finding more TV to watch. Just watched all 5 seasons of Babylon
5, rewatched The Good Place, and am almost through Schitt's Creek.
Next up, Devs (but that is short). After that, maybe I'll was DS-9 and
skip all the O'Brien scenes? (god, I hate O'Brien)
Sometime I should try DS9, I missed out on that as I went from TNG to
Voyager and never made time for more than the odd episode of DS9
alongside them... been years since I watched any of those tbh, hmm,
something to look out for when I have some time. Making time for tv
shows doesn't happen so much though as I still play WoW a fair bit,
and Guild Wars 2 as well, and I haven't played anything like as much
Classic as I intended to either (eh that's partly down to my guild
changing beyond recognition though, the friends I had there all quit
and it's full of strangers, even down to the entire officer team, and
half the policies that previously worked for me have changed. I'm
weighing up whether to stick it out or look elsewhere, while knowing
there's not really any other guilds out there that suit me and Classic
without a guild is, well, not great for a shy person who finds it a
ton of stress to find pugs)