Perfect timing :)
(too old to reply)
Catriona R
2013-09-04 22:04:58 UTC
Well, I'm glad the patch got delayed those extra 2 weeks as my Titan
Runestone luck went my way and the last one dropped yesterday :-)
Figured I'd wait for reset to get the heart, so did that tonight and
have just spent a while on the Celestial Blessings quest - finished
that just now and got my cloak so for the first time, I am caught up
on the legendary chain, and all ready for the new patch! Couldn't have
timed that much better :-D

The healer challenge isn't too bad, which surprised me; as a 512 ilvl
holy priest it took me 4 or 5 tries (they merged together a bit so I
can't remember which), first one was a dismal failure, naturally, but
as I got used to it it improved. You have to heal Wrathion while he
fights Deathwing, and puts rain of fire on the ground and spawns adds
every now and then (which hurt if they hit you). So after the first
couple of tries I respecced Divine Star which dealt with the adds
nicely, and tried to get practiced at both running from incoming
fireballs and healing at the same time! There's a second phase, where
elementals spawn which shoot spikes at Wrathion; you're supposed to
get in the way of the spikes to protect him, however we priests have a
sneaky trick; just Leap of Faith him out of the way and you can take a
breather instead ;-) (Thank you posters on Wowhead who mentioned that

Biggest problem I had was Deathwing respawning invisible after the ele
phase, so I couldn't target him with my Mindbender, argh! Luckily I
discovered that using psychic scream on the place he seems to be at
least gives him a healthbar so you can target him once more (also
fearing him off Wrathion when he's fixated on him mitigates some dmg).
It's a tricky challenge, takes using a few tools you normally don't
think of, but worked well for me after a few runs, it basically took
figuring out what worked, then being patient and sticking with it.

Very glad to have got that done; I cannot believe I am in touching
distance of a current legendary, and likely to actually get it while
it is relevant. Here's hoping the 5.4 part of the chain isn't too bad!
2013-09-05 11:59:28 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Well, I'm glad the patch got delayed those extra 2 weeks as my Titan
Runestone luck went my way and the last one dropped yesterday :-)
Figured I'd wait for reset to get the heart, so did that tonight and
have just spent a while on the Celestial Blessings quest - finished
that just now and got my cloak so for the first time, I am caught up
on the legendary chain, and all ready for the new patch! Couldn't have
timed that much better :-D
The healer challenge isn't too bad, which surprised me; as a 512 ilvl
holy priest it took me 4 or 5 tries (they merged together a bit so I
can't remember which), first one was a dismal failure, naturally, but
as I got used to it it improved. You have to heal Wrathion while he
fights Deathwing, and puts rain of fire on the ground and spawns adds
every now and then (which hurt if they hit you). So after the first
couple of tries I respecced Divine Star which dealt with the adds
nicely, and tried to get practiced at both running from incoming
fireballs and healing at the same time! There's a second phase, where
elementals spawn which shoot spikes at Wrathion; you're supposed to
get in the way of the spikes to protect him, however we priests have a
sneaky trick; just Leap of Faith him out of the way and you can take a
breather instead ;-) (Thank you posters on Wowhead who mentioned that
Biggest problem I had was Deathwing respawning invisible after the ele
phase, so I couldn't target him with my Mindbender, argh! Luckily I
discovered that using psychic scream on the place he seems to be at
least gives him a healthbar so you can target him once more (also
fearing him off Wrathion when he's fixated on him mitigates some dmg).
It's a tricky challenge, takes using a few tools you normally don't
think of, but worked well for me after a few runs, it basically took
figuring out what worked, then being patient and sticking with it.
Very glad to have got that done; I cannot believe I am in touching
distance of a current legendary, and likely to actually get it while
it is relevant. Here's hoping the 5.4 part of the chain isn't too bad!

I too, finished (my second toon - resto druid) last night as well and
she is up to date. (I completed my main mage a while ago)... From what
I understand the heal fight is the easiest of the 4, with the tank fight
a little harder, then the ranged dps and finally the hardest I believe
is the melee although it might be the opposite.

Anyway, I did the heal fight as well and got it on shot #2. The Druid
is nice for that fight due to being able to dot up and Tank Heal
wraithion while being able to run around during the raining fire. I
spent a lot of time with a pissed off DeathWing after me though - which
was fine. I ran, he ran after me and Wrathion whacked on him from the
back. The biggest pain I encountered was attacking Deathwing. I had
set up Wrathion in Vuhdoo healing add-on as a "private tank", allowing
me to heal him as part of my party, however in the encounter you build
up stacks on yourself for every heal you do and you are supposed to
attack Deathwing every so often. The stacks will add massive damage to
whatever attack you use, but I would lose focus on Wrathion to target
Deathwing to hit him with a instant moonfire. (I always use a focus
macro when raiding to target the tanks target so I'm never in the habit
of tabbing my targets) Very minor issue, but had to usually rescue
Wrathion from 1/2 health by the time I clicked on him to target him again.

The rest wasn't bad at all. BTW, I didn't do it, but one trick I read
you can use as a healer, is you can go to Lion's landing (or the Horde
area if your a Hordie) and purchase mercenaries from the Quartermaster
there that will buff you up (if you have extra of those credits from
running that area back in 4.2.) The only pain is that if you wipe, you
have to fly back there to hire more... I was going to try that after my
second attempt, but didn't have too. :)

I was excited for a few minutes after getting my cloak to see the other
3 spec'd cloaks available to purchase from wraithion's quartermaster for
7K gold and went to pick up my Kitty cloak, only to find it said I could
only "carry" one. Hmmm...Ah-ha! Being the smart-ass I am, I thought I
could get around that and tried putting my heal cloak in the bank and go
back and buy the dps cloak - no good...still says I'm carrying it, even
though it's in the bank. Seems the only way you can get the others is
to sell/destroy the one you have then spend 7K on a new one. I haven't
tried putting my cloak in void storage and attempting the purchase,
although I suspect the result would be the same.

I DO wish they would allow you to "earn" the right to wear an OS cloak,
by allowing you to try the other challenges. Would be nice if you can
now go talk to Wrathion and "re-pick" up a quest to try one of the other
challenges - If you down the ranged, melee or tank challenges, you earn
to right to carry those cloaks as well....

Anyway - Gratz!
Catriona R
2013-09-05 12:08:31 UTC
Post by IYM
I too, finished (my second toon - resto druid) last night as well and
she is up to date. (I completed my main mage a while ago)... From what
I understand the heal fight is the easiest of the 4, with the tank fight
a little harder, then the ranged dps and finally the hardest I believe
is the melee although it might be the opposite.
Congrats! I found doing that chain on one character hard enough work,
can't imagine managing two, well done! I can believe the healing fight
is the easiest from the wowhead comments I read beforehand; it was
tricky but perfectly doable once I figured out what I was doing with
Post by IYM
Anyway, I did the heal fight as well and got it on shot #2. The Druid
is nice for that fight due to being able to dot up and Tank Heal
wraithion while being able to run around during the raining fire. I
spent a lot of time with a pissed off DeathWing after me though - which
was fine. I ran, he ran after me and Wrathion whacked on him from the
back. The biggest pain I encountered was attacking Deathwing. I had
set up Wrathion in Vuhdoo healing add-on as a "private tank", allowing
me to heal him as part of my party, however in the encounter you build
up stacks on yourself for every heal you do and you are supposed to
attack Deathwing every so often. The stacks will add massive damage to
whatever attack you use, but I would lose focus on Wrathion to target
Deathwing to hit him with a instant moonfire. (I always use a focus
macro when raiding to target the tanks target so I'm never in the habit
of tabbing my targets) Very minor issue, but had to usually rescue
Wrathion from 1/2 health by the time I clicked on him to target him again.
Lol I didn't realise you were supposed to do dmg; I never did any
other than my Mindbender, thought I'd be best conserving mana! The
losing focus thing sounds odd though; I used /focus and he stayed in
my private tanks the whole way, I never actually targetted him except
when I was using Leap of Faith, as my healing preference is to target
the boss for easy Mindbender use and keep an eye on the boss's target
via target of target frame (handy for spotting tank switches and the
like more quickly). So it seemed pretty smooth to me once I got the
private tanks frame working; I don't usually have one so had to set it
up first!
Post by IYM
The rest wasn't bad at all. BTW, I didn't do it, but one trick I read
you can use as a healer, is you can go to Lion's landing (or the Horde
area if your a Hordie) and purchase mercenaries from the Quartermaster
there that will buff you up (if you have extra of those credits from
running that area back in 4.2.) The only pain is that if you wipe, you
have to fly back there to hire more... I was going to try that after my
second attempt, but didn't have too. :)
I heard that one too, didn't try it as I felt I was ok for stats, mana
was struggling the first few attempts but I had a spirit elixir in my
bags so used that.
Post by IYM
I was excited for a few minutes after getting my cloak to see the other
3 spec'd cloaks available to purchase from wraithion's quartermaster for
7K gold and went to pick up my Kitty cloak, only to find it said I could
only "carry" one. Hmmm...Ah-ha! Being the smart-ass I am, I thought I
could get around that and tried putting my heal cloak in the bank and go
back and buy the dps cloak - no good...still says I'm carrying it, even
though it's in the bank. Seems the only way you can get the others is
to sell/destroy the one you have then spend 7K on a new one. I haven't
tried putting my cloak in void storage and attempting the purchase,
although I suspect the result would be the same.
I DO wish they would allow you to "earn" the right to wear an OS cloak,
by allowing you to try the other challenges. Would be nice if you can
now go talk to Wrathion and "re-pick" up a quest to try one of the other
challenges - If you down the ranged, melee or tank challenges, you earn
to right to carry those cloaks as well....
Sounds a nice idea, I guess the idea is you have to pick a main spec,
but you can at least change spec (and cloak) this way if you really
want to. So beats being locked into one spec for the rest of the
expansion but yeah, would be nice for people with two regularly used
specs to be able to get both.
2013-09-05 14:55:43 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Well, I'm glad the patch got delayed those extra 2 weeks as my Titan
Runestone luck went my way and the last one dropped yesterday :-)
Figured I'd wait for reset to get the heart, so did that tonight and
have just spent a while on the Celestial Blessings quest - finished
that just now and got my cloak so for the first time, I am caught up
on the legendary chain, and all ready for the new patch! Couldn't have
timed that much better :-D
Congrats - I'm still stuck at the Forge event - some combination of lack of
patience and lack of skill (my gear is fine). I also lost some time to a
vacation (Iceland). I'm looking forward to Proving Grounds to allow me
to work on improving my Holy Pally healing.

My OS ret spec is gradually improving - up to about 45 kdps atm. Still *way*
behind dedicated dps.

Part of what's bugging me about the Forge event is the amount of work
just to get to phase 5 - I have to to travel to the island, run half
way across, deal with the courtyard trash, then the first phase in
the room. That all takes a good 15-20 minutes before I can even start on
the hard part. If I log out, I have to start over; I cant even use the
Kirin Tor item to save me part of the trip.

More than once, rezzing by the door, I've found myself *outside* the
room; at which point I have no option but to start over. My usual
response is to say 'f*ck this', and log out.

I'll get it eventually - I can get the boss down to under 30%.

Catriona R
2013-09-06 00:09:04 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by Catriona R
Well, I'm glad the patch got delayed those extra 2 weeks as my Titan
Runestone luck went my way and the last one dropped yesterday :-)
Figured I'd wait for reset to get the heart, so did that tonight and
have just spent a while on the Celestial Blessings quest - finished
that just now and got my cloak so for the first time, I am caught up
on the legendary chain, and all ready for the new patch! Couldn't have
timed that much better :-D
Congrats - I'm still stuck at the Forge event - some combination of lack of
patience and lack of skill (my gear is fine). I also lost some time to a
vacation (Iceland). I'm looking forward to Proving Grounds to allow me
to work on improving my Holy Pally healing.
Wow I thought you'd have passed that by now, can't complain about a
holiday though, that sounds fun! Proving Grounds should be a great
addition, I'm looking forward to improving my healing skills too; at
least, if my key abilities actually work on the NPCs in there - Prayer
of Mending doesn't bounce from NPCs and Lightspring ignores them
entirely, so the legendary chain solo scenarios have been a right pain
to heal when two of my major tools don't function properly :-(
Post by p***@gmail.com
My OS ret spec is gradually improving - up to about 45 kdps atm. Still *way*
behind dedicated dps.
Glad it's not only me struggling, my druid's dps is 60k on a target
dummy, rather less in an actual fight... I'm coming to the conclusion
that feral dps isn't really my spec but oh well, I like the character
even if I suck at dpsing with it!
Post by p***@gmail.com
Part of what's bugging me about the Forge event is the amount of work
just to get to phase 5 - I have to to travel to the island, run half
way across, deal with the courtyard trash, then the first phase in
the room. That all takes a good 15-20 minutes before I can even start on
the hard part. If I log out, I have to start over; I cant even use the
Kirin Tor item to save me part of the trip.
Heh, it didn't feel that long to me but then I only went there once.
Probably best to set aside a chunk of time and blitz it with several
attempts one day!
Post by p***@gmail.com
More than once, rezzing by the door, I've found myself *outside* the
room; at which point I have no option but to start over. My usual
response is to say 'f*ck this', and log out.
Ack, now that sucks :-/
Post by p***@gmail.com
I'll get it eventually - I can get the boss down to under 30%.
Getting there then, good luck! Knowing you're making progress helps a
lot with these; if I feel it's improving, or can see where I can do
slightly better, it gives me more confidence for the next go - and if
that fails, I can usually see what else I could've done.

Next up for me (and IYM) seems to be collecting Timeless Coins on the
Timeless Isle - initially it seemed to be a separate item to the
common currency on the island but now it just seems to need 5k of the
currency. Great, being on a high pop server will not be in my favour
here, the island will be farmed to hell the first week or so anyway,
without everyone who wants the cloak being forced to farm it! I guess
I'll be staying up late one night to get them while it's quiet :-P