On Tue, 11 Aug 2020 07:17:29 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by LewisFriend of mine has beta access on both his accounts, says the graphics
update is "significant".
My pc thinks it's significant going by how much the fans on my
graphics card are going when I play, that's for sure. Does look nice,
and I don't even get much in the way of fps drops (after I turned
particles down, anyway, even old bonfires in Org were dropping my fps
before I did that) but it's definitely running hotter than it used to,
might have to consider an upgrade sometime.
I'm not overly excited for this expansion so far, usually playing it
grabs my interest but the first zone was, well, a bit boring. Really,
*really* pretty, but boring, none of the characters really interested
me or made me want to explore it more at max lvl. Hopefully the other
zones will be more interesting, but now they've done a character wipe
so I have to play through it again to get to the next zone, sigh lol.
Torghast is the endgame thing that most interested me as it seems
designed for me, soloable (or small group), repeatable, bit
reminiscent of Diablo rifts, cool. Played it once and haven't gone
back as yeah, it's kinda fun, but I'm less sure about replayability,
and don't want to get bored of it before it even goes live. Hopefully
cosmetic rewards will be such as to actually motivate me to play it,
as I like the concept, just less sure how much it'll hold my interest,
if rewards are similar to islands I'll be playing it for sure though
(and if they allow solo queueing of islands I'll be playing *those* a
ton too, should've always been able to queue in smaller groups)