Catriona R
2014-12-28 02:30:08 UTC
I ran Firelands a bit after 6.0 and got started on the legendary
chain, don't know if anyone here's done it? It starts off with just
gathering items in Firelands (slightly annoyingly, it asks for 25,
when six bosses drop them, so you need 4 full clears and one extra
boss!), then you do a solo thing in Coldarra, which was probably very
hard at the time but now you oneshot everything (and then the end
cinematic bugged out so I had to watch it on Youtube, not quite the
same... :-P)
Then came tonight's fun - sounds simple enough: the first 4 bosses
each do things in the fight that drop crystals. Loot 3 crystals,
combine them to make a bigger one, put that on the ground before boss
does a particular ability, boss does ability and charges up the
crystal, then loot charged crystal, done! After you get all 4
crystals, take them to a portal, use them to open it, and do battle
first with a tree guy, then a fire elemental.
Ok, seems simple enough? Well, three of the four, it was, comments on
wowhead got me through nicely - unfortunately I started with the HARD
one, doh! Shannox, anyone who's soloed him probably already met
Rageface's nice permastun. For this one, the aim is, break traps to
spawn crystals, use the big crystal before he throws his spear. Ok, so
I read that he only throws traps if you're not alone, so I put an alt
on follow - killed dogs, looted crystals, made big crystal, and waited
for the spear... and waited, and waited. Y'know what? I don't think he
throws it when both dogs are dead!
Of course I wasted my crystals finding this out so fine, wipe and
start over. Don't kill dogs... Rageface owned me. Right. Kill
Rageface, and leave Riplimb? I live, but can't loot crystals due to
too many hits on me interrupting loot cast. Argh! Eventually some
thinking got it: kill both dogs, loot crystals. Wipe, then start over,
kill Rageface but not Riplimb - spear was thrown, crystal was charged,
success! Phew!
After that, the rest seemed much less hassle, wowhead comments made it
fairly clear what to do each time, no problems, aside from falling
down 3 times before finally looting the charged crystal on Beth'tilac!
Final fight was the easiest part with lvl 100 dps. So, now I have the
epic quality first stage of the staff, plus Tarecgosa's essence is
with me after another visit to Coldarra, now waiting on reset to go
back in the Firelands to start collecting cinders; this'll take a few
weeks I think but looking forward to see what happens next :-D
chain, don't know if anyone here's done it? It starts off with just
gathering items in Firelands (slightly annoyingly, it asks for 25,
when six bosses drop them, so you need 4 full clears and one extra
boss!), then you do a solo thing in Coldarra, which was probably very
hard at the time but now you oneshot everything (and then the end
cinematic bugged out so I had to watch it on Youtube, not quite the
same... :-P)
Then came tonight's fun - sounds simple enough: the first 4 bosses
each do things in the fight that drop crystals. Loot 3 crystals,
combine them to make a bigger one, put that on the ground before boss
does a particular ability, boss does ability and charges up the
crystal, then loot charged crystal, done! After you get all 4
crystals, take them to a portal, use them to open it, and do battle
first with a tree guy, then a fire elemental.
Ok, seems simple enough? Well, three of the four, it was, comments on
wowhead got me through nicely - unfortunately I started with the HARD
one, doh! Shannox, anyone who's soloed him probably already met
Rageface's nice permastun. For this one, the aim is, break traps to
spawn crystals, use the big crystal before he throws his spear. Ok, so
I read that he only throws traps if you're not alone, so I put an alt
on follow - killed dogs, looted crystals, made big crystal, and waited
for the spear... and waited, and waited. Y'know what? I don't think he
throws it when both dogs are dead!
Of course I wasted my crystals finding this out so fine, wipe and
start over. Don't kill dogs... Rageface owned me. Right. Kill
Rageface, and leave Riplimb? I live, but can't loot crystals due to
too many hits on me interrupting loot cast. Argh! Eventually some
thinking got it: kill both dogs, loot crystals. Wipe, then start over,
kill Rageface but not Riplimb - spear was thrown, crystal was charged,
success! Phew!
After that, the rest seemed much less hassle, wowhead comments made it
fairly clear what to do each time, no problems, aside from falling
down 3 times before finally looting the charged crystal on Beth'tilac!
Final fight was the easiest part with lvl 100 dps. So, now I have the
epic quality first stage of the staff, plus Tarecgosa's essence is
with me after another visit to Coldarra, now waiting on reset to go
back in the Firelands to start collecting cinders; this'll take a few
weeks I think but looking forward to see what happens next :-D