Firelands fun
(too old to reply)
Catriona R
2014-12-28 02:30:08 UTC
I ran Firelands a bit after 6.0 and got started on the legendary
chain, don't know if anyone here's done it? It starts off with just
gathering items in Firelands (slightly annoyingly, it asks for 25,
when six bosses drop them, so you need 4 full clears and one extra
boss!), then you do a solo thing in Coldarra, which was probably very
hard at the time but now you oneshot everything (and then the end
cinematic bugged out so I had to watch it on Youtube, not quite the
same... :-P)

Then came tonight's fun - sounds simple enough: the first 4 bosses
each do things in the fight that drop crystals. Loot 3 crystals,
combine them to make a bigger one, put that on the ground before boss
does a particular ability, boss does ability and charges up the
crystal, then loot charged crystal, done! After you get all 4
crystals, take them to a portal, use them to open it, and do battle
first with a tree guy, then a fire elemental.

Ok, seems simple enough? Well, three of the four, it was, comments on
wowhead got me through nicely - unfortunately I started with the HARD
one, doh! Shannox, anyone who's soloed him probably already met
Rageface's nice permastun. For this one, the aim is, break traps to
spawn crystals, use the big crystal before he throws his spear. Ok, so
I read that he only throws traps if you're not alone, so I put an alt
on follow - killed dogs, looted crystals, made big crystal, and waited
for the spear... and waited, and waited. Y'know what? I don't think he
throws it when both dogs are dead!

Of course I wasted my crystals finding this out so fine, wipe and
start over. Don't kill dogs... Rageface owned me. Right. Kill
Rageface, and leave Riplimb? I live, but can't loot crystals due to
too many hits on me interrupting loot cast. Argh! Eventually some
thinking got it: kill both dogs, loot crystals. Wipe, then start over,
kill Rageface but not Riplimb - spear was thrown, crystal was charged,
success! Phew!

After that, the rest seemed much less hassle, wowhead comments made it
fairly clear what to do each time, no problems, aside from falling
down 3 times before finally looting the charged crystal on Beth'tilac!
Final fight was the easiest part with lvl 100 dps. So, now I have the
epic quality first stage of the staff, plus Tarecgosa's essence is
with me after another visit to Coldarra, now waiting on reset to go
back in the Firelands to start collecting cinders; this'll take a few
weeks I think but looking forward to see what happens next :-D
Catriona R
2015-01-11 23:22:45 UTC
On Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:30:08 +0000, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
So, now I have the
epic quality first stage of the staff, plus Tarecgosa's essence is
with me after another visit to Coldarra, now waiting on reset to go
back in the Firelands to start collecting cinders; this'll take a few
weeks I think but looking forward to see what happens next :-D
So tonight, adventures in higher difficulties of Firelands, as the
higher the difficulty, the more shards drop, up to 3x as much between
25h and 10N, so naturally trying 25H was my aim! Well... it would
appear I don't have the dps to solo that mode yet :-P

Alysrazor actually did die first time on 25H despite my panic at
seeing her 24 million health, so long as I keep the flying buff up and
don't end up on the ground it's fine! Beth'tilac might've been
similar, but I fell down and got permastunned, decided I'd be safer on
25N. Rhyolith I ended up with fire dmg debuff stacked waaay too high,
dead, was fine on 25N though. By this time I gave up on 25H and just
did Shannox on 25N, went fine luckily, although Rageface did start to
eat my face, thankfully my dot broke the stun!

As for Baleroc, well, he owned me on 25N, that Decimation Blade thing
he does, over 90% of your healthpool, 3 times in a row, yeah you need
the dps to kill him before he does it, and that I most certainly do
not have (39% and 37% wipes on my two attempts), 10N for that one
then. Big drop in cinders for this one, 20 compared with the 51-56 I
was getting on 25.

Back to 25N for Staghelm (and a lovely long run back to the entrance
to do so), had more trouble with the trash before him tbh, running
around in circles trying to not be in the way of the cat druids'
pounce/stuns lol, got through it though and the boss was fine, just
aoe occasionally to clear out the spawned adds. Ragnaros was ok as
well, a bit tougher than 10 due to the increased healthpool but
nothing seemed too lethal, phew!

Final result: 341 cinders. I need 1000, so if I carry on getting them
at that rate, two more weeks will (just) do it, fingers crossed :-)
Catriona R
2015-01-25 19:40:38 UTC
On Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:22:45 +0000, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
On Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:30:08 +0000, Catriona R
Final result: 341 cinders. I need 1000, so if I carry on getting them
at that rate, two more weeks will (just) do it, fingers crossed :-)
Bit quiet round here lately, I guess everyone's run out of stuff to
talk about, I'm mainly doing old things myself, working on mount
collecting (199 at present, 1 more for an achievement!), also
legendaries... so, Firelands. Two weeks later, I got my 1000 cinders,
handed in at Coldarra and got to watch a pretty cool scene of the blue
dragonflight choosing its new Aspect; a nice lore moment that was only
ingame for this chain :-) Got another new quest, looked it up... ah
dammit, another 6 weeks plus of farming Firelands lol. On the plus
side, once that is done, I will be finished, and have a nice, if
rather outdated now, legendary staff :-)

Looking at the 6.1 info, I can see the new jukebox fitting well with
my collecting habit, I'm guessing it'll bet a nice excuse to go to
lots of old content to look for music - and so many awesome pieces of
music too, will be great to have them available ingame easily :-) Not
seeing a lot of new lvl 100 content, granted, but at least between the
music and the new pets I'll have plenty to do in old areas, seems
that's what this expansion is tbh, farm old raids for whatever you
didn't yet collect!
2015-01-26 01:15:40 UTC
Post by Catriona R
On Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:22:45 +0000, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
On Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:30:08 +0000, Catriona R
Final result: 341 cinders. I need 1000, so if I carry on getting them
at that rate, two more weeks will (just) do it, fingers crossed :-)
Bit quiet round here lately, I guess everyone's run out of stuff to
talk about, I'm mainly doing old things myself, working on mount
collecting (199 at present, 1 more for an achievement!), also
Oh right, I should login this week and get 600 garrisos resources.
β€œAn idea isn't responsible for the people who believe it.”
― Don Marquis
Catriona R
2015-01-26 14:33:54 UTC
On Mon, 26 Jan 2015 01:15:40 +0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
On Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:22:45 +0000, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
On Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:30:08 +0000, Catriona R
Final result: 341 cinders. I need 1000, so if I carry on getting them
at that rate, two more weeks will (just) do it, fingers crossed :-)
Bit quiet round here lately, I guess everyone's run out of stuff to
talk about, I'm mainly doing old things myself, working on mount
collecting (199 at present, 1 more for an achievement!), also
Oh right, I should login this week and get 600 garrisos resources.
Lol, yeah, that does rather sum up lvl 100 content. I've regained my
interest in playing by managing to shift myself back into
end-of-expansion mode and farming older content for various things
I've not collected yet... lvl 100 stuff I'm doing is just a bit of rep
farming/Apexis dailies, even stopped LFR now as there's no upgrades in
it for me any more (that didn't last long).

Not convinced that 6.1 looks likely to add much lvl 100 content but at
least I'll have a few more things to farm in older zones... I do think
the next batch of subscriber numbers could be rather telling, as I'd
guess I'm far from alone in not being too impressed by current endgame
options. People who aren't collectors like me, with reasons to do
older content, will have most likely given up already!
Catriona R
2015-02-04 23:05:28 UTC
On Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:40:38 +0000, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
Got another new quest, looked it up... ah
dammit, another 6 weeks plus of farming Firelands lol. On the plus
side, once that is done, I will be finished, and have a nice, if
rather outdated now, legendary staff :-)
Well, Firelands may have a way to go but Val'anyr is now completed -
with the complexity of the Firelands chain I expected a bit more
hoop-jumping in Ulduar but no: once I (finally) got my 30 fragments,
all I had to do was throw them into Yogg-Saron's mouth and he forged
the mace for me, nice! According to Rarity's count on mount attempts,
it's taken me 10 weeks to get, not bad at all :-) Also picked up the
meta achievement for Ulduar 25 last week, so have a nice new
protodrake out of it as well :-)
Catriona R
2015-03-25 12:33:13 UTC
On Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:40:38 +0000, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
Two weeks later, I got my 1000 cinders,
handed in at Coldarra and got to watch a pretty cool scene of the blue
dragonflight choosing its new Aspect; a nice lore moment that was only
ingame for this chain :-) Got another new quest, looked it up... ah
dammit, another 6 weeks plus of farming Firelands lol. On the plus
side, once that is done, I will be finished, and have a nice, if
rather outdated now, legendary staff :-)
Exactly 2 months later: staff completed! :-D Wowhead comments gave me
a macro that makes it less annoying to actually use the mount aspect
of the staff (having to equip it is a nuisance), so great, ok, it's
quite common now but I'm still happy to have it - also happy to not
have to wait for half a dozen other people to do the event before I
got a turn, it's a bit busy in Org some Wednesdays! Not much need to
describe the event, sure you've all seen it, probably so many times
you're sick of it lol, but it's still pretty cool to be the one in the
middle actually getting the staff :-D

That's three legendaries my main has now (Dragonwrath, Vala'nyr and
the Pandaria cloak), also got Sulfuras on my druid, and a warglaive,
annoyingly also on my druid (who can't equip swords, sigh), I'll have
to get working on a few more legendaries I think, quite fun targetting
2015-03-25 21:41:22 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Exactly 2 months later: staff completed!

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Catriona R
2015-03-26 02:03:35 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Exactly 2 months later: staff completed!
Thanks! Feels great to finally finish a long project like that, I
started the chain back when 6.0 hit, so must've been around August,
skipped a month or so around WoD launch but it didn't take that long
for me to get bored of endgame and back into the old raids, so it must
be a 4-5 month chain even allowing for the weeks I skipped, nice to
get the reward at the end after all that :-)

Only question now is: what to aim for next? Maybe I should actually
start on the WoD legendary chain, it's just the thought of doing
dungeons to get started that puts me off; once I'm into the LFR stage
it'll be more my thing!
