Post by Peter T.Post by Catriona RPost by Peter T.I give up doing LFRs unless its wednesday. Third wing/first boss; a
single wipe and 8 peeps left the raid...
Ouch. I'm finally going through SoO for the first time this week (had
only done wing 1 before), and not much problems that way, thankfully.
Couple of wipes on some bosses but not usually more than a couple
leave, bigger problem is when tanks leave after the boss they
wanted... third wing tonight, both tanks left after first boss. One
dps produces a tank offspec and clears the trash for us, one tank
arrives soon after, so we kill 2nd boss that way (considering it took
a wipe before clearing, that was quite some time without 2nd official
tank), then the dpser who was a tank leaves... 20 mins of waiting
later, we finally get a new tank! Must've been 40 mins plus in the
I have tried spending 2½-3 hours on a single wing without completing it.
1 boss down, 5 peeps leaves, next boss, waiting for maybe 1-2 tanks
and 2 heals etc... Last boss. The raid fall apart due to low dps, low
healing or bad tanking from dpsers with tank offspec. Requeue for the
last boss 1-2 days later. Same scenario.
I discussed this with my guildies recently. And it seems that only
wednesdays and most thursdays are good for SoO/lfr. Every lfr needs a
few heavy dps trucks and 1 experienced tank and those vanishes as they
usually also does flex and normal thursday and friday night until
they're vp capped. Thats my - I hope - valid guess.
Sounds fairly likely, I was surprised to have so little trouble
running through on a weekend tbh! No more than 2 wipes on any boss,
despite not having really high-geared folk in tanking/healing, going
by healthpools. Thok the Bloodthirsty was possibly the toughestes but
we got him the 3rd time. Maybe it's just a different pool of players
involved (I see below you're Alliance, although I wouldn't expect that
big a diference between the factions), or maybe I was just lucky! Or
perhaps my high gear despite not knowing the encounters helped the
healing side lol; healing meters don't really tell you much, I know,
but I was consistently top of them, so I guess the actually good
healers had all been and done it earlier in the week/don't bother at
all any more.
Post by Peter T.I wish you were ally. My fairly small guild does flex raids for main
and alts with other small guilds and we usually manage to pick up 12-18
peeps every flex raid night 3 times a week). Cozy and relaxing
atmosphere with a lot of mature +35y peeps. It would have been a
pleasure to invite you. :)
Sounds a cool group, although most raidgroups want voice, which I
don't use, so I likely wouldn't be a fit for you anyway; I gave up
raiding with organised groups years ago because of that, nobody ever
wants me :-)
My first ally alt made it to 90 this week actually, but isn't likely
to gear up much; it's a rogue, and raids are so melee unfriendly that
I just don't fancy the stress of trying the LFR with him lol. Also
it's bloody hard to get anything off the Timeless isle on Alliance -
Draenor is just a little lopsided in population, so Celestials/Ordos
will never ever happen (I'll try the raid browser on Wednesday and see
if there's any chance at all of a crossrealm group), and I can't even
find the rares when timers don't work - there's just so few alliance
on the isle that nobody ever actually sees them so timers never get
updated. I have to go there when my bf is there on horde and look over
at his screen to get an idea what rares are due.....