5.4 what should people do?
(too old to reply)
2013-08-14 03:52:14 UTC
I've heard a little about 5.4....

The exchange rate for JP -> HP goes from 350:250 to 500:250 - get that PvP gear now.

The Proving Ground stuff looks interesting - there's never been a place for a healer to experiment before.

Less certain:

It looks like there will be no new VP gear.
It's not clear if the 522 VP dealer will be removed.
It's not clear if the Upgraders will be removed.

Prices on VP and JP gear will be dropped significantly.

Myself, I think I'll upgrade my remaining gear this week.

2013-08-14 11:20:57 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
I've heard a little about 5.4....
The exchange rate for JP -> HP goes from 350:250 to 500:250 - get that PvP gear now.
The Proving Ground stuff looks interesting - there's never been a place for a healer to experiment before.
It looks like there will be no new VP gear.
It's not clear if the 522 VP dealer will be removed.
It's not clear if the Upgraders will be removed.
Prices on VP and JP gear will be dropped significantly.
Myself, I think I'll upgrade my remaining gear this week.
What will I be doing pre-5.4?: Not much. My main mage is as maxed as
it's going to get and almost capped on valors. She is up to date on the
legendary quest line and has her i-lvl 600 cloak (even upgraded twice to
608)...I am finally getting to do other things in game I haven't been
able to get around to. I was actually starting to look forward to
leveling some of my 85's up, and then I logged onto them and just...had
no desire. So, I finally am playing around with leveling battle pets. :)

I run the last two ToT on LFR every week on my alt main, resto druid and
she has 5 of 12 Titan runestones right now. I am hoping to get the 12
before 5.4 hits so I can get her up to date with the legendary quest line.

Post 5.4? Will be getting used to the changes in the resto druid. They
really didn't do much to the mage, but they really haven't tinkered to
much with spells with the resto druid since...hell..almost Wrath it
feels like. I'll have to play around with a single healing mushroom as
a main part of rotation and a new healing spell (Genesis - I think)...

But as usual, when 5.4 hits I'll be back on my Mage as priority and my
druid will fill in the gaps...
John Gordon
2013-08-14 14:45:18 UTC
Post by IYM
leveling some of my 85's up, and then I logged onto them and just...had
no desire. So, I finally am playing around with leveling battle pets. :)
Speaking of battle pets, I finally got exalted with the Cloud Serpent folks
so I could capture the three wild hatchling pets. I've gotten two of them
in rare quality, still looking for the third.

Also still looking for a rare quality cogblade raptor and scalded basilisk,
conveniently both in blade's edge.
John Gordon A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
***@panix.com B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"
Catriona R
2013-08-14 15:23:29 UTC
On Wed, 14 Aug 2013 14:45:18 +0000 (UTC), John Gordon
Post by John Gordon
Post by IYM
leveling some of my 85's up, and then I logged onto them and just...had
no desire. So, I finally am playing around with leveling battle pets. :)
Speaking of battle pets, I finally got exalted with the Cloud Serpent folks
so I could capture the three wild hatchling pets. I've gotten two of them
in rare quality, still looking for the third.
Also still looking for a rare quality cogblade raptor and scalded basilisk,
conveniently both in blade's edge.
I spent ages on the cogblade raptor, very handy for levelling low lvl
pets though, as a lvl 3 (not a beast due to strong mechanical attacks
vs beasts, but anything else) can survive one hit, and they don't have
dots or anything like that, meaning they're great for powerlevelling
low lvl pets. One kill from 3-6, then one per lvl up to 10, very fast
going :-) Took forever to get a rare to drop but I now have one heck
of a lot of lvl 10+ pets ;-)
Catriona R
2013-08-14 12:41:13 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
I've heard a little about 5.4....
The exchange rate for JP -> HP goes from 350:250 to 500:250 - get that PvP gear now.
The Proving Ground stuff looks interesting - there's never been a place for a healer to experiment before.
Looking forward to that, should be fun!
Post by p***@gmail.com
It looks like there will be no new VP gear.
It's not clear if the 522 VP dealer will be removed.
It's not clear if the Upgraders will be removed.
Very disappointed regarding gear; if there really is no new VP gear,
and LFR is 528 ilvl, it's gonna feel rather flat in progression
terms... 528 is rubbish when you're wearing mostly 522 already, and
means you'll have to upgrade it to make it worth wearing voer already
upgraded 522. Uh, right. I get they want Flexi to be attractive but
it's about 541 or so, surely they could throw us LFR people a bone and
at least give us 530-532? :-/
Post by p***@gmail.com
Prices on VP and JP gear will be dropped significantly.
Myself, I think I'll upgrade my remaining gear this week.
I'm undecided what to do tbh, will probably just burn my valor on
upgrades as I've got all the valor items which don't clash with my
setbonus (still trying to get the tier head to drop so I can switch
out the no-spirit robe and get the 522 valor one...), and if there's
no new items, I guess there's nothing to save it for.

Before patch drops, I'm just working on the legendary chain, 5/12 on
runestones (before running this week's LFR), and trying to get a new
offhand to drop, as I'm a little bit bored of using a 476 from MSV!
Might just burn off my last runes and run Iron Qon several times this
week, not like I'll need to really stockpile them any more, presumably
there'll be a new one for SoO!

Other than that I'm working on my pet collecting atm, discovered that
while my priest still can't solo Zandalari Dinomancers (I *hate*
selfhealing mobs; Blizz, if you have to put them in, give me an
interrupt, pleeease!), my druid has no trouble with them, so he's been
spending a while at it. Got tons of them but only three out of the
four unique ones, sigh. Amusingly my druid has a ton of trouble
soloing the young dinos which my priest finds easy (Disc selfhealing
is handy) so it'll be my priest heading over there to try to get the
direhorn pet then. Also running TK/SSC/Kara every week for pet drops
(and having very little luck), and occasionally farming upgrades for
some pets and boosting my lower lvl pets at the same time.

Not doing a whole lot else, although I've been working on my druid's
dps a bit, may try first part of ToT LFR with him sometime; he's all
epic (496 ilvl) except for trinkets and weapon, oh well - I opened up
the Dominance Offensive quartermaster the other day as I understand
rep requirements get removed with 5.4, and valor goes down again, so
496 trinket will be an improvement on 450!
John Gordon
2013-08-14 14:48:52 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Other than that I'm working on my pet collecting atm, discovered that
while my priest still can't solo Zandalari Dinomancers (I *hate*
selfhealing mobs; Blizz, if you have to put them in, give me an
interrupt, pleeease!), my druid has no trouble with them, so he's been
Are you sure you can't solo them? I'm able to solo them on my warlock,
who doesn't have an interrupt. As far as I've seen they usually only heal
John Gordon A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
***@panix.com B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"
Catriona R
2013-08-14 15:26:30 UTC
On Wed, 14 Aug 2013 14:48:52 +0000 (UTC), John Gordon
Post by John Gordon
Post by Catriona R
Other than that I'm working on my pet collecting atm, discovered that
while my priest still can't solo Zandalari Dinomancers (I *hate*
selfhealing mobs; Blizz, if you have to put them in, give me an
interrupt, pleeease!), my druid has no trouble with them, so he's been
Are you sure you can't solo them? I'm able to solo them on my warlock,
who doesn't have an interrupt. As far as I've seen they usually only heal
Yeah, I've tried. Your warlock probably had better burst dps than me;
admittedly I last tried a few ilvls ago but I was over 500 then and
I'm only 512 now, doubt there's much difference in my output! I just
cannot reach the trigger point for them to turn into a dino before
they heal, and they heal again before I get there since my one and
only burst cd is on cd... perhaps I should hold off and not use cds
till after the first heal, but eh, it's easier to just use my druid
who has no trouble with them; his dps is high enough that they die
even if I miss the interrupt!
2013-08-23 17:50:37 UTC
My wife would be glad to hear that your druid is kicking butt. She has been disappointed with her druid in MoP as he just doesn't seem to have the punch he used to have. I tell her join the club because my hunter used to be a walking death for mobs but is now a run of the mill. Fortuantely her rogue still can devastate enough so that she can solo any rare on Thunder Isle cept for Haywire.


Catriona R
2013-08-23 18:17:28 UTC
hold off and not use cds till after the first heal, but eh, it's easier to just use my druid who has no trouble with them; his dps is high enough that they die even if I miss the interrupt
My wife would be glad to hear that your druid is kicking butt. She has been disappointed with her druid in MoP as he just doesn't seem to have the punch he used to have. I tell her join the club because my hunter used to be a walking death for mobs but is now a run of the mill. Fortuantely her rogue still can devastate enough so that she can solo any rare on Thunder Isle cept for Haywire.
Sounds like I need to level my rogue then! My druid isn't... amazing,
shall we say. Possibly because my gear isn't very good, possibly
becauseI suck at druid, but I feel kinda weak tbh, it's just he does
better again self-healing mobs than my priest does, thanks to actually
having an interrupt :-) Haven't played rogue this expansion but I miss
it, maybe that'll be next on my list after my shaman then, if I ever
get the shaman to 90, that is!

Catriona R
2013-08-14 23:17:45 UTC
On Wed, 14 Aug 2013 13:41:13 +0100, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
Before patch drops, I'm just working on the legendary chain, 5/12 on
runestones (before running this week's LFR), and trying to get a new
offhand to drop, as I'm a little bit bored of using a 476 from MSV!
Just got 2 runestones in last segment, yay! No drops though, boo :-P
Pretty "interesting" run, as my net was playing up the whole way (I'd
blamed it on the new launcher setting p2p on for the background
downloader, but killing that off didn't fix things, seems it was my
ISP as I got dc'd 2 mins after finishing the run, nice timing!), and
oof, it's not too easy healing when you're frozen up for what felt
like 20+ sec at a time, by pure luck it never froze with me standing
in fire! Yet despite that I was second on healing meters; I know they
don't mean much but when you're 50%+ ahead of all the others (and 2
weren't even healing so far as I could see), there's obviously some
difference; thank goodness there was one high output healer who wasn't
lagging out or we may have had some slight troubles...
2013-08-16 14:29:25 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
I've heard a little about 5.4....
Since I am an engineer I'll be farming up a TON of ghost iron
and making living steel on my alchemist. Seems the new plans
for engineers went in and the new mount is wicked!

Takes 30 living steel and 30 of a new power source(with a daily CD yuck)
which also takes ghost iron bars.

Otherwise nothing else differently.
2013-08-16 14:53:49 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
I've heard a little about 5.4....
Well, I pulled the trigger, and I now have *every* item enhanced 2/2, just for the heck of it. My ilvl now stands at 526, without doing any real raiding.

Catriona R
2013-08-16 14:57:20 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by p***@gmail.com
I've heard a little about 5.4....
Well, I pulled the trigger, and I now have *every* item enhanced 2/2, just for the heck of it. My ilvl now stands at 526, without doing any real raiding.
That is amazing, well done! Thought my 512 was decent, but it's some
way below you :-P
2013-08-16 17:08:47 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by p***@gmail.com
I've heard a little about 5.4....
Well, I pulled the trigger, and I now have *every* item enhanced 2/2, just for the heck of it. My ilvl now stands at 526, without doing any real raiding.
Same - Even my ilvl 600 legendary cloak is at 608...except that I didn't
enhance the lowest 3 pcs of 502 LFR gear I have. I hadn't wanted to
waste my valors...but apparently with nothing to use them for in the the
next patch, why bother? Hard to understand why they are not releasing a
new valor set...

I've actually cut down my playing time substantially over the last
month.... I didn't even feel like going on last night... Played a game
on my tablet while listening to music....lol
2013-08-16 18:45:15 UTC
Post by Warulak
Post by p***@gmail.com
I've heard a little about 5.4....
Since I am an engineer I'll be farming up a TON of ghost iron
and making living steel on my alchemist. Seems the new plans
for engineers went in and the new mount is wicked!
Takes 30 living steel and 30 of a new power source(with a daily CD yuck)
which also takes ghost iron bars.
Otherwise nothing else differently.
Oh yesssss , that makes sense a flying flower picker, for a mining heavy
and being engineering it will probably have a high chance to fail/explode

( vid of mount in action on ptr)

technically the skin has blades, and there is a lot of alchemy in the
making, and alchemy likes herbalism, so it could make sense if you stand way
over there and look sideways at it
oh yeah, it is a weedwhacker suit with bad gyros, maybe thats the failure
? :-)

chunder inducing if it always lurches about like that
mmo indicates it does, and can't herb while flying just ground, which can

2013-08-23 17:51:56 UTC
Good idea. I have been hording away the ghost bars on my engineer as well.

The new flying mount is rumored to look like a flying shredder.

