Post by p***@gmail.comI've heard a little about 5.4....
The exchange rate for JP -> HP goes from 350:250 to 500:250 - get that PvP gear now.
The Proving Ground stuff looks interesting - there's never been a place for a healer to experiment before.
Looking forward to that, should be fun!
Post by p***@gmail.comIt looks like there will be no new VP gear.
It's not clear if the 522 VP dealer will be removed.
It's not clear if the Upgraders will be removed.
Very disappointed regarding gear; if there really is no new VP gear,
and LFR is 528 ilvl, it's gonna feel rather flat in progression
terms... 528 is rubbish when you're wearing mostly 522 already, and
means you'll have to upgrade it to make it worth wearing voer already
upgraded 522. Uh, right. I get they want Flexi to be attractive but
it's about 541 or so, surely they could throw us LFR people a bone and
at least give us 530-532? :-/
Post by p***@gmail.comPrices on VP and JP gear will be dropped significantly.
Myself, I think I'll upgrade my remaining gear this week.
I'm undecided what to do tbh, will probably just burn my valor on
upgrades as I've got all the valor items which don't clash with my
setbonus (still trying to get the tier head to drop so I can switch
out the no-spirit robe and get the 522 valor one...), and if there's
no new items, I guess there's nothing to save it for.
Before patch drops, I'm just working on the legendary chain, 5/12 on
runestones (before running this week's LFR), and trying to get a new
offhand to drop, as I'm a little bit bored of using a 476 from MSV!
Might just burn off my last runes and run Iron Qon several times this
week, not like I'll need to really stockpile them any more, presumably
there'll be a new one for SoO!
Other than that I'm working on my pet collecting atm, discovered that
while my priest still can't solo Zandalari Dinomancers (I *hate*
selfhealing mobs; Blizz, if you have to put them in, give me an
interrupt, pleeease!), my druid has no trouble with them, so he's been
spending a while at it. Got tons of them but only three out of the
four unique ones, sigh. Amusingly my druid has a ton of trouble
soloing the young dinos which my priest finds easy (Disc selfhealing
is handy) so it'll be my priest heading over there to try to get the
direhorn pet then. Also running TK/SSC/Kara every week for pet drops
(and having very little luck), and occasionally farming upgrades for
some pets and boosting my lower lvl pets at the same time.
Not doing a whole lot else, although I've been working on my druid's
dps a bit, may try first part of ToT LFR with him sometime; he's all
epic (496 ilvl) except for trinkets and weapon, oh well - I opened up
the Dominance Offensive quartermaster the other day as I understand
rep requirements get removed with 5.4, and valor goes down again, so
496 trinket will be an improvement on 450!