On Sun, 13 May 2018 04:50:55 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by LewisPost by Catriona ROn Sat, 12 May 2018 20:48:09 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewishttps://www.dropbox.com/s/nccsvse0coubu5l/Screenshot%202018-05-12%2014.40.40.png?dl=0
I like all those :-) Haven't got any screenshots to hand but I mostly
use old tier sets, tauren druid T6, troll shaman T0.5 (vanilla dungeon
set 2), belf warlock Sunwell set, draenei priest Primal Mooncloth. My
main UD priest is the only one in anything recent, Nighthold LFR
priest set reminded me a lot of T1 in colours, which was always a
favourite of mine, so I've used that all expansion.
I like the fel armor set, so I use that as well on my Monk. My hunter is
a worgen, so I put together a kind of stupid looking set (because worgen
are stupid looking) that highlights his Competitor's Tabard.
Yeah the fel armor set is pretty good, I'm not deliberately using it
on anything but probably will do on warrior or DK at some point (my
only character that got the full set was a paladin, which didn't
really fit thematically lol)
Post by LewisI also realised that although I have somethign like 15 male characters
and only 3 female ones, all three of those I play regularly and are Max
level, while only my hunter and monk are max level male. (the other
female is an undead DK also wearing the fel armor, though it doesn't
look good on her at all).
I have a split of genders but most my higher lvl are male, not really
a conscious choice but just how it worked out. Some races I only
really like one gender (UD male, gnome female), others I have
characters of both, though only belf and troll actually get much play
on both genders.
Post by LewisPost by Catriona RNewer sets are too boring in colour and too many details that you
can't actually see; I liked bolder palettes where you could see the
"details" (yeah, they were fuzzy, I know, but hey... give me high res
versions and I'm in!).
I never like the TBC era armor because it looked to me like someone
spilled clown make up on everything. But then again, I myself tend to
wear black jeans, black shirts, and black shoes, so there's a theme...
Hehe I understand you there! I love colour in RL, so as long as it's a
*matching* set, I'm fine with most the older ones - the old clown sets
of mismatched gear, nah, don't miss them much. Although I do have an
ongoing project to pick up the last few pieces I need to make a gear
set of what a lvl 60 pre-raid rogue would've been wearing in vanilla
(nostalgia for my first main); my aim is to minimise the stuff that's
now heirlooms so it's obviously deliberate :-)