The Pit is the pits
(too old to reply)
2014-11-22 19:15:42 UTC
I just did 'The Pit' Aphexis Crystal Daily. Its well-named:
My lock hasn't felt so squishy, or so frustrated, for most of his

If a clothie winds up alone at the bottom, he's surrounded by
hundreds of 100 lvl mobs, many elite. I had to corpserun, about
10 yards at a time, to get out of them. My toon had fully red
armor by the time I got out and could repair.

Its also a HUGE pita to rejoin with a group which may be on the
far side of the pit. There's only so many mass rezes available.

I finished it off solo, using the cannon and an Iron Star at the
south end of the pit.

Catriona R
2014-11-22 19:35:52 UTC
On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:15:42 -0600, Cryptoengineer
Post by Cryptoengineer
My lock hasn't felt so squishy, or so frustrated, for most of his
If a clothie winds up alone at the bottom, he's surrounded by
hundreds of 100 lvl mobs, many elite. I had to corpserun, about
10 yards at a time, to get out of them. My toon had fully red
armor by the time I got out and could repair.
Its also a HUGE pita to rejoin with a group which may be on the
far side of the pit. There's only so many mass rezes available.
I finished it off solo, using the cannon and an Iron Star at the
south end of the pit.
I've not been there yet, but I've heard people say, don't go to the
bottom, it's a deathtrap, easier to stay at the top and camp respawns
there, apparently. I can believe it, I had a look from above one day
and it looked crazy!

My painful experiences have been in Nagrand, exploring that mainly
elite area - beware by the mushroomy coastal bits, there's some
enormous packs of Warsong wolfrider types, if they spot you, you're
dead... :-(
2014-11-24 01:40:10 UTC
Post by Catriona R
On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:15:42 -0600, Cryptoengineer
Post by Cryptoengineer
My lock hasn't felt so squishy, or so frustrated, for most of his
If a clothie winds up alone at the bottom, he's surrounded by
hundreds of 100 lvl mobs, many elite. I had to corpserun, about
10 yards at a time, to get out of them. My toon had fully red
armor by the time I got out and could repair.
Its also a HUGE pita to rejoin with a group which may be on the
far side of the pit. There's only so many mass rezes available.
I finished it off solo, using the cannon and an Iron Star at the
south end of the pit.
I've not been there yet, but I've heard people say, don't go to the
bottom, it's a deathtrap, easier to stay at the top and camp respawns
there, apparently. I can believe it, I had a look from above one day
and it looked crazy!
My painful experiences have been in Nagrand, exploring that mainly
elite area - beware by the mushroomy coastal bits, there's some
enormous packs of Warsong wolfrider types, if they spot you, you're
dead... :-(
Did it again today, much better. I went into the group finder, and
joined the largest group for the area I could find. This time I
didn't get separated from the main group, and finished the event
in about 20 minutes.

That seems a good way to do it. The group had a continuous
stream of people joining, finishing, and leaving.

Catriona R
2014-11-24 02:56:03 UTC
On Sun, 23 Nov 2014 19:40:10 -0600, Cryptoengineer
Post by Cryptoengineer
Did it again today, much better. I went into the group finder, and
joined the largest group for the area I could find. This time I
didn't get separated from the main group, and finished the event
in about 20 minutes.
That seems a good way to do it. The group had a continuous
stream of people joining, finishing, and leaving.
Sounds good, I may try that soon, although I'm sticking with the solo
ones at present since my bf is actually active in the game at present
so we do them together - how long this will last is debatable, he gets
bored easily so I give it a week max before he's off levelling another
alt and I'm back to soloing for a bit ;-)

Has anyone here managed to make a garrison invasion appear yet?
Apparently they come from killing enough mobs to annoy a faction who
then invade you, well we had the Bloodmaul ogres for the daily today,
and I was farming them for some time the last 2-3 days even before
that (convenient and fairly quiet farming spot for me), they've still
not got that angry with me yet though :-( Probably I haven't grinded
enough yet, but frankly, I'm getting bored of them so don't really
want to farm for more than an hour at a time!
2014-11-24 19:02:51 UTC
Post by Catriona R
On Sun, 23 Nov 2014 19:40:10 -0600, Cryptoengineer
Post by Cryptoengineer
Did it again today, much better. I went into the group finder, and
joined the largest group for the area I could find. This time I
didn't get separated from the main group, and finished the event
in about 20 minutes.
That seems a good way to do it. The group had a continuous
stream of people joining, finishing, and leaving.
Sounds good, I may try that soon, although I'm sticking with the solo
ones at present since my bf is actually active in the game at present
so we do them together - how long this will last is debatable, he gets
bored easily so I give it a week max before he's off levelling another
alt and I'm back to soloing for a bit ;-)
Aphexis shards are the new VPs - you can buy good armor with them. I
expect to be farming them for quite a while.
Post by Catriona R
Has anyone here managed to make a garrison invasion appear yet?
Happened to me the first or second day of my garrison, not since.

2014-11-24 22:43:41 UTC
Post by Cryptoengineer
Post by Catriona R
Post by Cryptoengineer
That seems a good way to do it. The group had a continuous
Has anyone here managed to make a garrison invasion appear yet?
Happened to me the first or second day of my garrison, not since.
There is one automatic between lvl 1 and 2 but haven't seen any others.
Catriona R
2014-11-24 23:14:48 UTC
Post by Wallen
Post by Cryptoengineer
Post by Catriona R
Post by Cryptoengineer
That seems a good way to do it. The group had a continuous
Has anyone here managed to make a garrison invasion appear yet?
Happened to me the first or second day of my garrison, not since.
There is one automatic between lvl 1 and 2 but haven't seen any others.
Glad it's not just me! Yep, had the levelling one, but none at 100
still, seems by my reading that I might've misunderstood a bit, and
should be grinding mobs from the active daily areas instead of any
area which can have a daily, ok, still no luck as yet though! That
said it was Mok'Gol today and that place is impossible to grind - way
too many players, way too few mobs, took forever to do the daily and I
really just wanted out by the time it ended lol, no grinding that for
