On Tue, 1 Sep 2020 15:31:03 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by LewisPost by Catriona RHeh, I don't recall AQ Twins being that bad, perhaps I did it more
recently when character power makes it easy to bruteforce it. Or
Unless it is changed you cannot damage the Twins unless they are
separated. You used to be able to send your pet to hold one, while you
killed the other, but Wow decided pets would always attack your target,
so it became impossible.
Ah yeah, looked it up and they heal each other, nowadays you can just
oneshot them on the pull before theystartwith the healing, I guess I
did it late enough that that was the option then. As for the pets, it
should work if you set the pet to passive and manually tell it to
attack then change your own target? Might not, I haven't played pet
classes a lot since they changed it.
Post by LewisPost by Catriona Rperhaps I didn't solo it, can't really remember now! Blizz are mostly
good at fixing unsoloable mechanics in older raids these days,
thankfully; they realised that transmog means people are going to want
to solo and it's not fair to punish certain classes. The worst one I
recall for ages was the green dragon in Icecrown, who you had to
*heal* to win the encounter... I believe bandages did work for
non-healer classes (I was soloing on a priest so didn't have to deal
with it) but still, what a nightmare, think that got fixed more
recently though.
I got stuck on the ship, but there is a strategy that makes the ship
possible (ignore the axe throwers until you jump across) that evidently
makes it trivial, but I haven't tried it. It's a long grind to get to a
1.2% drop off the Lich King :)
Also, I could never solo Deathwing. I never figured out how to complete
the 'back' stage.
Urgh I HATE that fight. It's reliably doable with the right tactics
but such a pain, and so easy to screw up. Basically, kill a tentacle
and park yourself in the spot the tentacle was at (it glus you to the
back while you're on the spot, so Deathwing rolling can't throw you to
your death), and afk a while till a decent number of slimes spawn
Kite the pile of slimes next to the plate (and check you're going
towards Deathwing's head, not his tail, got that one wrong a few times
as it looks the same unless you play with the camera angle to check),
aoe the mobs plus kill a tentacle so elemental guy spawns, kite ele
through the slimes' corpses till his portrait has a counter of 9 on
it, then kill him next to the plate. While running from left side to
right side constantly to not have Deathwing roll on you.
At that point if you've managed to kill the ele in the right spot
*and* not get thrown off Deathwing's back, the plate should lift and
there's a tendon holding it down - quickly target and kill that.
Probably a good idea to run to a tentacle spot to glue yourself down
again while the ele is exploding. Then rinse and repeat twice more,
and eventually you'll kill the thing.
My early goes I tended to hit the enrage timer due to too many
screwups, losing my buffed ele to rolls or exploding him in the wrong
spot, else I'd get thrown off myself and wipe, I got better with
practice but it is the worst fight out there solo. With 2 people, it
becomes easy: one stand on each side and stay there!
Post by LewisI know for certain I did not get rustbolt in WoW 8 since I hearthed off
the island and never returned the instant I got flying.
I THINK I maxed all the other reps.
No, wait, they added a few others later, didn't they? Some dumb bee rep
and something else having to do with the corruption mechanism? I
forget, I'd largely checked out by then.
Yeah, Rustbolt and the Nazjatar reps from 8.1, then the bee rep
(Alliance only), and Uldum and Pandaria reps with N'Zoth invasions.
Actually I'm not 100% sure I got exalted with both the NZoth reps, I
imagine I must have (I definitely maxed one, less sure of both) but I
kinda got bored and stopped doing them a while back.
I see there's a double rep bonus for Legion and BFA reps this month so
I'll try and get around to playing more for the factions I still need
paragon chest rewards from... Nightfallen still haven't given me their
mount, although at least I got the rest of the Legion factions done
last time there was a double rep month. I certainly don't have the
paragon chest items for the N'Zoth factions as I never got that far
past exalted...