Catriona R
2013-12-07 01:10:24 UTC
Never mind outside the game - beware of ingame messages too!
Apparently, it's possible with some addons which let people share
custom settings with others (via whispering a link or code), to inject
code which doesn't so what you might be expecting... things like, mail
all your gold to someone else, or trade it all to someone. Seems to be
mainly WeakAuras and maybe TellMeWhen affected at present, but by the
sounds of things, pretty much any similar addon which lets you share
codes/settings with other users is a risk. Seems it's only a problem
if you click the link to run it, so lesson of the day: don't accept
things like that from untrusted sources, just in case!
Apparently, it's possible with some addons which let people share
custom settings with others (via whispering a link or code), to inject
code which doesn't so what you might be expecting... things like, mail
all your gold to someone else, or trade it all to someone. Seems to be
mainly WeakAuras and maybe TellMeWhen affected at present, but by the
sounds of things, pretty much any similar addon which lets you share
codes/settings with other users is a risk. Seems it's only a problem
if you click the link to run it, so lesson of the day: don't accept
things like that from untrusted sources, just in case!