On Sat, 20 Mar 2021 05:11:54 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by LewisYep, but while that is annoying, it isn't nearly as annoying to me as
getting a piece that is 2 ilvl higher than the piece you JUST got that
replaced a piece you got a couple of hours ago that replaced a piece you
picked up that morning.
Heh, I can't say I ever find getting an upgrade to be "annoying",
maybe slightly so if I only got upgrades for one slot and have other
slots lagging behind!
Post by LewisI do not foresee ever changing covenants from fairland, and I will not
grind for appearances. Each of my characters has an appearance that I
set for that character and I transmog to that. My main is a black fur
worgen with a top hate and a gold braided fancy jacket and the plainest
looking bow I could find in the game. My paladin is wearing the
pre-legion into armor set (sort of a burnished bronze look) and a very
plain sword, though she changes outfits in the city into a long pink
dress that classes with her short red hair. Etc.
I did spend time picking out a look for ever character, but I nearly
never change their look once it is set.
I tend to change my main each expansion, basically when I complete
some set I like the look of, I'll use that for the rest of the
expansion (unless I get lucky and find two sets I like in less time
than that), but my alts are similar to you: pick a set and stick to
it, although likewise if I happen to complete a better one, I'll
happily switch to it.
Post by LewisAppearances are something that I get because I happen to get drops, not
something I erver thing "Oooo, I want that gear for how it looks". That
may be because I think most of the gear in WoW looks terrible (there is
Hehe some items I totally agree! For me it's more the collection game:
I have no interest in raiding or pvp,so my endgame is collecting
things, mainly pets and mounts, but filling out the wardrobe is also
fun. I'll obviously never max things out, but I enjoy getting as much
as I can. Not too convinced the covenant gear is worth it though,
especially as the best looking variant of my main's set was the free
one from the questchain (which I'm using as this expansion's
"outfit"). But even if I don't get the appearances, I still want the
pets and mounts.
Post by LewisPost by Catriona RHehe that's a story I kow well lol. Gets easier with better gear, even
my healer spec can take 3 mobs with only moderate annoyance now but
some elites are still very much "there's a reason this is labelled a
group quest" for me.
But, annoyingly some labeled that way are totally undeserving of the group
tag. I know I have done at least 3 that "required" a group and I had no
problem soloing them as long as I kept healing my pet, but other with
seemingly the same requirements and about the same health are much much
Yeah it's not all consistent, although, I'd guess they're figuring
that soloable by hunter doesn't necessarily mean soloable by other
classes ;-)
Post by LewisPost by Catriona RMy memory may well be faulty, but I don't notice any problems with my
hunter's pet compared with how it was in vanilla (I did have a hunter
The pets simply do not behave the same. For example, I could set a pet
to tank a mob while I fought an entirely different mob. This was a basic
need in 1.x for hunters, and you cannot do that now, your pet will, just
like in current content, always switch to your target.
Heh, I've never yet found a situation where I'd want to do that, so
not surprising I haven't noticed it then. Seeing as the deadzone was
still a thing in those days, I'm always going to be more effective
shooting the mob my pet is holding at range than meleeing the one in
my face (yes, yes, kiting, I know... I also suck at it bigtime and
inevitably make the situation worse by facepulling extra mobs :-P). I
guess I can see a use against ranged mobs, but it's rather situational
for me - a warlock would be another matter, as they don't have a
deadzone (although I've not seen it on my warlock either yet, I'll pay
more attention when I'm next playing that alt!).
Post by LewisYou also cannot
use your pet to pull mobs away so that you can sneak in and loot a
chest because the current game doesnt allow you to open anything while
in combat.
I had to look that one up to see when that change was made, seemingly
in TBC at some point so at least it'll be accurate when that comes
out. Couldn't remember for sure: I do indeed remember being able to
sap and loot a chest but then I played before 1.12 so which memories
are from when it sometimes hard to disentangle.
Post by LewisYou cannot mount in combat, though that change may have been made during
1.x, so if you are in an area with a bunch of low-level mobs, you
probably cannot mount at all because your aggro radius is so large every
level 5 bunny rabbit can keep your level 60 from mounting.
I don't ever remember being able to mount in combat: I'd have got my
first mount around patch 1.5, admittedly I quit right after so
wouldn't remember much, and rerolled when I returned, but my 2nd
character's mount would date to 1.8, so I'd guess that was a fairly
early change.
Can't say I have your problems with aggro range: I soloed Deadmines on
my hunter (lvl 32) last night and was walking right past half the mobs
(and those tunnels are quite narrow - clearing one side alone was
plenty of space), that's like a 15 lvls difference so something is
very wrong there if you're not exaggerating enormously. Although given
your comments I doubt you've even levelled that far on Classic, it
doesn't sound your thing :-P
Post by LewisPost by Catriona Rback then, although certainly, 15 years haven't kept the memory
fresh), aside for an annoying liking for spamming Claw and so never
generating enough focus to cast Growl, no matter how I position them
in the actionbar, which was easily enough solved by disabling Claw
autocast and micromanaging it more. Otherwise it has proper defensive
mode, which is so much better than the present-day assist mode, and I
don't notice anything else which stands out.
Oh, and the way that growl works is entirely different to. It was
basically impossible for me to ever pull aggro off my pet, I'd start
with growl and the only may my pet lost aggro was by dying.
It works like that now, IF you disable autocast on anything with a
lower focus cost than Growl. Buggy, but the workaround works: my bear
holds aggro perfectly (so long as I wait for Growl cd when switching
mobs lol). The ability priority is messed up, he should wait for focus
to cast Growl if I put it furthest left on the actionbar, and doesn't,
but once I disabled Claw autocast it was fine (Bite is same focus cost
so that can stay on autocast). Definitely incorrect, I pulled up an
old screenshot of my vanilla hunter and he had Claw on autocast no
problem (interestingly he didn't have Bite at all, wonder which
approach is better out of using both, or just one lol, right now I'm
not really using Claw much but once I talent the extra focus regen it
should be more usable, but if I only take one then Bite autocast is
more efficient than manually casting Claw, for sure...)
Post by Lewis"Classic" is not WoW 1.x, it is something that sort of resembles WoW 1.x
running on a WoW 9 engine with WoW 9 restrictions.
Well obviously it's not exactly the same, unless you like being
overrun by botters and hackers, it had to be redone to some extent.
The engine is different but the main experience (world, questing,
talents, abilities, gameplay in general) is 99% the same, there's very
little noticeably different, and many of the UI changes are
improvements (for example: autoloot - optional, but an accessibility
function to me, when I remember how much trouble I had with sore
fingers and wrists for YEARS after vanilla, all due to mass farming
and pickpocketing sessions without autoloot available).
The biggest differences I notice are more player-driven, boosting,
mage aoe farming, speedrunning, etc, and sadly it's not possible to
get people to unlearn 15 years of changing habits and playstyles. I'm
just glad most the tryhardism seems concentrated on the PVP servers,
it's still possible to pug fairly normally on my PVE realm.
Post by LewisPost by Catriona RYeah, it's way too much for a single run of anything nowadays. I'm
guessing it was a run he wasn't really geared for so needed a lot of
waiting for cooldowns and careful pulls... even so, no way. If I'm
having fun playing and time stretches out to hours, cool, but not
going into something expecting it to take that long.
I did Torg again and I don't like it much. It's too fiddly and you can't
tell where your going and the map is basically useless and the mini-map
doubly so. It appears freeing the spirits in there does exactly nothing,
Check your buffs! Each spirit (clickable ones, not the random ones
that vanish when you walk over them) gives you a 1% main stat buff,
which in itself isn't a lot but when you've freed like 20 of them in a
run, adds up.
Post by Lewisand I guess collection phanta might seem useful, but I've only used it
to buy the semi-permanent boosts, so mostly it is pointless and having a
choice between powers for disengage (which I maybe use on a weekly
basis), aspect of the cheetah (which I never use) and more phanta is
just... great, you interrupted me for this garbage? The completely
random nature of the powers you get choices of also seems not fun, but I
havent done it enough to see if there is some sort of underlying
It's mostly random, although certain rare mobs will give special ones
related to the type of mob (if you're in a zone with black ghost guys
that put crap all over the ground, you'll be very happy to find a rare
one of them, as it drops a power that makes the crap heal you instead
of damage you!). While it won't help you yet, if you reach rep levels
with Ven'ari (the Broker NPC in the cave outside Torghast) she'll sell
permanent buffs, some of which improve the powers you get, either
giving you more chocies or higher rarity choices, or letting you buy
cheap powers from the vendors inside. I'm guessing you won't find the
repgrind at all attractive though, and I don't blame you (got bored
myself before hitting max, waiting for 9.1 and less pain in the
Also sometimes, thinking outside the box and accepting abilities for
abilities you rarely use can be beneficial, I originally went into it
thinking half my powers were useless as they were for abilities I
don't use... then I realised maybe if I get the right combination I
should try using them. Like for me, there's one out there which makes
you deal more damage to feared mobs... eh, well that's useless when
fear breaks from damage, right? Yeah, but there's also one that makes
your fear not break so fast from damage... and then another was added
this patch which makes your fear *deal* damage (which does not break
fear), and all of a sudden I'm going to want that feared mobs take
more damage power!
Can be worth seeing how different powers interact and maybe trying
something different, although I still prefer ones which buff abilities
I regularly use, for sure.
Post by LewisPost by Catriona RPost by LewisThere is a mount that is usable in The Maw, which is why my friend was
running it over and over.
Yeah, that's available from the highest difficulty of Twisting
Corridors, I rapidly decided it's not worth it and I'd rather walk
until I reach a much better gear level. Turns out in 9.1 we can mount
in the Maw anyway once we do some story quests, great!
Yay. That was the run that took him "only" 8 hours, was getting his
mount. Perhaps it took him more than one run, but I don't think so.
I'd hope it was more than one run, sheesh. You do in total have to do
8 runs of it, as the mount is a reward for level 8, but it does sound
like 8 hours for one run, yikes. Even 2 hours is too much for me when
it barely rewards anything, I'm kinda hoping they'll increase the
cosmetic/fun rewards for it, as I *want* to do Twisting Corridors, in
principle it's the kind of thing I'd love, but it's just not worth the
time at present. Fill it full of pets, toys, and sellable transmog
like island expeditions were and I'll do it much more.
Post by LewisI will probably play until I'm allowed out of the house and we can do
things like go to restaurants safely. The sooner the better.
Heh yeah, roll on full vacccination and an end to all this. I'm a
stay-at-home type anyway so it's not affected me as much as many, but
it'd be nice to just be able to go to shops or out for a daytrip
without wanting to avoid crowds (erm, any more than I usually do - I
find crowds overwhelming at the best of times, but they're not usually
a threat to my health...). Progress is going well here, but hopefully
the return to normality will be slow enough to not let it spike again,
everyone's sick of the in and out of lockdown now, lets do it right
and have it be the last time.