(too old to reply)
2020-04-07 11:24:47 UTC
Well, into the 4th week of being stranded at home I am nearly o the point
where I am bored enough I may resub to WoW for a month or two.

Anything of note in the last 4 months or so?

When I left off the new raid had not opened and I had finished unlocking
flying through the extremely tedious rep grind of Mecha-island. As soon
as I hit the rep I hearthed and haven't returned.*

I'd finished the entirety of the War Front questline, and was definitely
moving into the pre-WoW-next content with the new invasions in Uldu-what
(Uldum> Ulduar? those are both zones, right? Anyway, one of those) and
the other place. I did each of those zones a couple of times, but it
appeared to be a largely pointless rep grind for a very slight leg up on
the new content expansion I will not be buying, so I stopped.

I'll be using in-game gold, so the sign-up will be free, and it will be a
way to kill an hour or three each day without obsessively reloading web
sites and checking how many people died since the last time I reloaded.

Ideas? Suggestions? (probably not going to do PVP and not going to grind
rep, but I might do some achievement farming in raids/instances I can
solo and maybe a very little LFG/LFR on my Tankadin/Hunter,

* Mech-island wasn't all that bad the first time you did things, but the
20th time you did them for 75 rep you definitely wanted to beat a
developer with a improvises weapon about the head and shoulders.
Especially when you realized that at 20 times, you were maybe a 3rd of
the way through the grind.
The whole thing that makes a mathematician's life worthwhile is that
he gets the grudging admiration of three or four colleagues
Catriona R
2020-04-07 16:19:20 UTC
On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 11:24:47 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Well, into the 4th week of being stranded at home I am nearly o the point
where I am bored enough I may resub to WoW for a month or two.
Anything of note in the last 4 months or so?
Sounds like you've already seen the NZoth assaults related to the new
raid so not really, unless you're interested in the Horrific Visions -
1-5 player content, I enjoy the challenge of improving at it, it's
nice to have content which feels designed for me, but just because I
like it doesn't mean everyone does!
Post by Lewis
I'll be using in-game gold, so the sign-up will be free, and it will be a
way to kill an hour or three each day without obsessively reloading web
sites and checking how many people died since the last time I reloaded.
Ideas? Suggestions? (probably not going to do PVP and not going to grind
rep, but I might do some achievement farming in raids/instances I can
solo and maybe a very little LFG/LFR on my Tankadin/Hunter,
Legion content had legacy loot mode enabled this week, so if you like
collecting transmog you'll get more of it soloing those dungeons/raids
than you would before with only personal loot. Not that much of it is
soloable, but normal modes seem fairly alright, been having a go at
some with my bf, we actually duoed most of Nighthold on mythic but
couldn't do the last boss. Tomb of Sargeras normal was pretty easy for
two though, with the exception of getting lost trying to find our way
between wings (neither of us ever did it on anything other than LFR
before lol). So I'd imagine normal modes may well be achieveable solo,
possibly even heroic depending on the raid.
Post by Lewis
* Mech-island wasn't all that bad the first time you did things, but the
20th time you did them for 75 rep you definitely wanted to beat a
developer with a improvises weapon about the head and shoulders.
Especially when you realized that at 20 times, you were maybe a 3rd of
the way through the grind.
Lol. I like the place but yeah, some of the dailies got annoying.
Although you're done now anyway, if you ever want more rep there for
higher rewards, by far the least annoying method is to just do the big
daily for 3 rares, or 6 chests etc etc (especially on WQ bonus week as
it is a WQ so does benefit from the 50% rep bonus) and ignore the
rest/only do the least annoying ones. Slower but less irritating!
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