Announcement about new expansion
(too old to reply)
2015-08-04 13:14:42 UTC
The next chapter in the World of Warcraft® saga is coming! Blizzard will
be unveiling the new expansion for World of Warcraft at gamescom 2015 in
Cologne, Germany. Watch the live stream on August 6 at 18:00 CEST and get
an exclusive look at what the future holds!
It will be interesting to see what they've got to offer...

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Catriona R
2015-08-04 16:23:44 UTC
Post by Urbin
The next chapter in the World of Warcraft® saga is coming! Blizzard will
be unveiling the new expansion for World of Warcraft at gamescom 2015 in
Cologne, Germany. Watch the live stream on August 6 at 18:00 CEST and get
an exclusive look at what the future holds!
It will be interesting to see what they've got to offer...
Yeah, after WoD my enthusiasm is a tad limited (I feel like this was
too short with far too little content for the money we all paid for
it), but hopefully they'll surprise me. I won't get excited until I
can see that there'll actually be interesting stuff to do at max lvl
as well though; even through WoD beta I thought this one was great...
because I only did the levelling experience, not max lvl, doh. Suspect
we'll not get huge detail on this announcement, most will come at
Blizzcon, but we'll see, at least we'll know the general theme :-)
Catriona R
2015-08-06 17:37:07 UTC
Post by Urbin
The next chapter in the World of Warcraft® saga is coming! Blizzard will
be unveiling the new expansion for World of Warcraft at gamescom 2015 in
Cologne, Germany. Watch the live stream on August 6 at 18:00 CEST and get
an exclusive look at what the future holds!
It will be interesting to see what they've got to offer...
Well! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/legion/

On the face of it, sounds awesome, Burning Legion, zones I've read
about but we've never seen yet, demon hunters, upgradable artifact
weapons, class orders (return of class quests!) all sounds cool. Lots
of potential for interesting story hooks with names and races from all
over the place - although there's so many that I wonder if it's tying
up the loose ends in the story for the end of the game, hopefully not.

I'll hold onto caution for now, after WoD sounded great, and even
played great, up until reaching max lvl. Question isn't so much can
they create a cool world with interesting story; we all know they can,
but can they make it hold its interest after you've seen it once; will
there be much to do in endgame outside of raids? I didn't expect
answers to that question from this, hopefully Blizzcon will tell us
more; from interviews I've read from Ion Hazzikostas, he has openly
admitted they didn't get it right with WoD, so I do hope the right
lessons have been learned this time.
2015-08-07 06:48:26 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
The next chapter in the World of Warcraft® saga is coming! Blizzard will
be unveiling the new expansion for World of Warcraft at gamescom 2015 in
Cologne, Germany. Watch the live stream on August 6 at 18:00 CEST and get
an exclusive look at what the future holds!
It will be interesting to see what they've got to offer...
Well! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/legion/
On the face of it, sounds awesome, Burning Legion, zones I've read
about but we've never seen yet
To me it sounded more like warming up past content yet again.
Post by Catriona R
demon hunters, upgradable artifact weapons, class orders (return of class
quests!) all sounds cool
Potentially yes, but I guess it all depends on how the implement it.

Demon hunters sound like another variation of warrior/paladin/DK that can
either tank or deal damage, to make it really worth having one I think their
special abilities would need to be really cool, but then not making them
overpowered will be an issue.

Artifacts sound like the system of improving gear to new iLevels with the
addition of being available before max level.

Not sure what to make of class orders, there is not much information yet.
Post by Catriona R
Lots of potential for interesting story hooks with names and races from
all over the place - although there's so many that I wonder if it's tying
up the loose ends
Or just grabbing whatever they could find because they are running out of
new stuff.
Post by Catriona R
I'll hold onto caution for now
As you can tell, me too :-)
Post by Catriona R
after WoD sounded great, and even played great, up until reaching max lvl.
Question isn't so much can they create a cool world with interesting
story; we all know they can, but can they make it hold its interest after
you've seen it once
After we've seen it seven times, actually, because I fear apart from the
story most everything else will be similar to the 100 levels before. For the
lore fans the seventh time round will be cool, for all others, there might
not be enough to hold interest. But now this post starts to sound like the
one I made in the other thread :-)

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Catriona R
2015-08-07 13:43:29 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
The next chapter in the World of Warcraft® saga is coming! Blizzard will
be unveiling the new expansion for World of Warcraft at gamescom 2015 in
Cologne, Germany. Watch the live stream on August 6 at 18:00 CEST and get
an exclusive look at what the future holds!
It will be interesting to see what they've got to offer...
Well! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/legion/
On the face of it, sounds awesome, Burning Legion, zones I've read
about but we've never seen yet
To me it sounded more like warming up past content yet again.
Well, we've had Burning legion before, but then they're an everpresent
threat in the storyline, so we were always going to fight them again;
we've know that for years and years :-)
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
demon hunters, upgradable artifact weapons, class orders (return of class
quests!) all sounds cool
Potentially yes, but I guess it all depends on how the implement it.
Demon hunters sound like another variation of warrior/paladin/DK that can
either tank or deal damage, to make it really worth having one I think their
special abilities would need to be really cool, but then not making them
overpowered will be an issue.
True, I'm not really interested in new classes overall, but people
tend to throw tantrums when there aren't any (I don't understand why,
there's already loads of classes, surely enough to fit any playstyle),
so if there has to be a new one, these at least look cool. Whether the
playstyle interests me is another question; I hope it's not another
one that feels kinda roguelike, because hey, if I want to be a rogue,
I *have* a rogue that was my first main, and I'd rather play him...
Post by Urbin
Artifacts sound like the system of improving gear to new iLevels with the
addition of being available before max level.
Well, to me they sound rather like that Path of the Titans that never
made it in Cataclysm (or was it Wrath? I forget now), as it seems
it'll give you almost like extra talents, rather than only ilvl...
have to wait and see the details but it has potential :-) Although I'm
not sure if seeing every single person wileding variants on the same
spec weapon won't get a bit boring...
Post by Urbin
Not sure what to make of class orders, there is not much information yet.
I'm hoping for something like Ravenholdt was for rogues back in the
day, with class flavour and questlines. Could be nice if each class
actually gets different quests, and not all doing exactly the same
stuff; would make levelling alts more appealing.
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Lots of potential for interesting story hooks with names and races from
all over the place - although there's so many that I wonder if it's tying
up the loose ends
Or just grabbing whatever they could find because they are running out of
new stuff.
But people don't like new stuff, if you believe all the tantrums over
MoP, which was all new. I loved it, but apparently others hated it...
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
I'll hold onto caution for now
As you can tell, me too :-)
Hehe well I think I'm a little less cautious; as I love the sound of
it all, so I won't write it off before it happens. I just won't get
hugely excited until I can see there'll be stuff to do at max lvl this
2015-08-07 17:01:40 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
The next chapter in the World of Warcraft® saga is coming! Blizzard will
be unveiling the new expansion for World of Warcraft at gamescom 2015 in
Cologne, Germany. Watch the live stream on August 6 at 18:00 CEST and get
an exclusive look at what the future holds!
It will be interesting to see what they've got to offer...
Well! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/legion/
On the face of it, sounds awesome, Burning Legion, zones I've read
about but we've never seen yet
To me it sounded more like warming up past content yet again.
From the little I've seen, that was my feeling as well. But everything
I've seen has been second or third hand.
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
demon hunters, upgradable artifact weapons, class orders (return of class
quests!) all sounds cool
Potentially yes, but I guess it all depends on how the implement it.
Demon hunter makes me think they are Diablo-fying Wow. I despise Diablo.
Post by Urbin
Demon hunters sound like another variation of warrior/paladin/DK that can
either tank or deal damage, to make it really worth having one I think their
special abilities would need to be really cool, but then not making them
overpowered will be an issue.
Of course they will be overpowered. Remember when DKs were new?
Post by Urbin
Artifacts sound like the system of improving gear to new iLevels with the
addition of being available before max level.
They sound to me like "login and do what we tell you and you get a
legendary and you get a legendary and YOU get a legendary."
Post by Urbin
Not sure what to make of class orders, there is not much information yet.
What they've done to PVP, even as little as we know, is unforgivable.
Then again, I gave up on WoW PVP before MOP.
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Lots of potential for interesting story hooks with names and races from
all over the place - although there's so many that I wonder if it's tying
up the loose ends
Or just grabbing whatever they could find because they are running out of
new stuff.
And really, very few people care much about lore and a lot of people
don't care *at all* about lore.
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
after WoD sounded great, and even played great, up until reaching max lvl.
Question isn't so much can they create a cool world with interesting
story; we all know they can, but can they make it hold its interest after
you've seen it once
After we've seen it seven times, actually, because I fear apart from the
story most everything else will be similar to the 100 levels before. For the
lore fans the seventh time round will be cool, for all others, there might
not be enough to hold interest. But now this post starts to sound like the
one I made in the other thread :-)
One of the things in the game that I view as a great summary of
everything that is wrong with WoW is the forced and repeated cinematics.
Every time I build a boat, cinematic. Everytime I get into Auchadon or
Grimrail, MULTIPLE cinematics. It really indicates to me a hostility
toward the player.
Do Alaska and Hawaii have Interstate Highways?
Catriona R
2015-08-07 17:45:04 UTC
On Fri, 7 Aug 2015 17:01:40 +0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Demon hunter makes me think they are Diablo-fying Wow. I despise Diablo.
Demon hunters existed in Warcraft long before Diablo, so far as I
know; we've just not been able to play them till now. Plus the D3
demon hunter is completely different to the WoW one, D3 is more like
WoW hunter (except it can dual wield crossbows), ranged class, while
WoW is melee class, only thing in common is the name from what I can
Post by Lewis
And really, very few people care much about lore and a lot of people
don't care *at all* about lore.
Yet one of the most common complaints I've seen about WoD is no
storyline at max lvl... it adds something to the experience even for
those who don't see it as a major part of the game. Those who don't
care at all, well, I'm not sure why they'd even play an RPG.... they'd
be better in a hack and slash like Diablo where the primary focus is
loot :-)
Post by Lewis
One of the things in the game that I view as a great summary of
everything that is wrong with WoW is the forced and repeated cinematics.
Every time I build a boat, cinematic. Everytime I get into Auchadon or
Grimrail, MULTIPLE cinematics. It really indicates to me a hostility
toward the player.
I love the cinematics, but not in the middle of an instance. It's
awesome to link stuff like that... but as the healer I know if I stop
and watch I'll get "wtf heal" when I finish watching and find the rest
of the party dying because they pulled... it could use an NPC at the
end who'll replay them if you hit skip, because as it is, I don't get
to see them until I outgear the instance enough to go there solo/duo
with my bf. Waste of good cinematics!
2015-08-07 20:50:51 UTC
Post by Catriona R
On Fri, 7 Aug 2015 17:01:40 +0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Demon hunter makes me think they are Diablo-fying Wow. I despise Diablo.
Demon hunters existed in Warcraft long before Diablo, so far as I
know; we've just not been able to play them till now. Plus the D3
demon hunter is completely different to the WoW one, D3 is more like
WoW hunter (except it can dual wield crossbows), ranged class, while
WoW is melee class, only thing in common is the name from what I can
Post by Lewis
And really, very few people care much about lore and a lot of people
don't care *at all* about lore.
Yet one of the most common complaints I've seen about WoD is no
storyline at max lvl... it adds something to the experience even for
those who don't see it as a major part of the game. Those who don't
care at all, well, I'm not sure why they'd even play an RPG.... they'd
be better in a hack and slash like Diablo where the primary focus is
loot :-)
Post by Lewis
One of the things in the game that I view as a great summary of
everything that is wrong with WoW is the forced and repeated cinematics.
Every time I build a boat, cinematic. Everytime I get into Auchadon or
Grimrail, MULTIPLE cinematics. It really indicates to me a hostility
toward the player.
I love the cinematics,
Over and over and over and over again? Every time I build a boat, which
has been 15 times so far, I get the same exact cinematic. Every time I
go to Auchidon I get the exact same cinematics. Once? Fine. Every single
time? Not fine. Not fine *at* *all*.
Post by Catriona R
Waste of good cinematics!
The forced cinematics make me mad enough that I can't even say if they
are good or not, as I am scrambling as fast as possible to hit escape
and mouse over to the cancel button. The only one I know I've watched is
the one for some underwater instance in Cataclysm. Yes, it was cool the
first time. It was not at all cool the second time. It was even less
cool the 100th time.

(I forget the name of the ins-- wait, Throne of Tides I think it was.)
It was sad music. But it waved its sadness like a battle flag. It said
the universe had done all it could, but you were still alive.
Catriona R
2015-08-07 21:27:38 UTC
On Fri, 7 Aug 2015 20:50:51 +0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
I love the cinematics,
Over and over and over and over again? Every time I build a boat, which
has been 15 times so far, I get the same exact cinematic. Every time I
go to Auchidon I get the exact same cinematics. Once? Fine. Every single
time? Not fine. Not fine *at* *all*.
Yeah, they need to be optional; that said, I do enjoy seeing them
again if I've not been to a zone/done something in some time, it's
nice to watch again. But every single time, yeah, that's annoying.
Should really be a popup window: "Watch cinematic? Yes/No" rather than
throwing you straight into it. And that shipbuilding one is just
pointless, at least most the dungeon/questline ones add to the story
of the place.
Peter T.
2015-08-07 21:04:42 UTC
Post by Lewis
One of the things in the game that I view as a great summary of
everything that is wrong with WoW is the forced and repeated cinematics.
Every time I build a boat, cinematic. Everytime I get into Auchadon or
Grimrail, MULTIPLE cinematics. It really indicates to me a hostility
toward the player.
_Most_ times you can press the escape key. But I agree.

What annoys me most are all the almost invisible obstacles in the
environment. A VERY small fence, a very tiny tree there that are very
hard to see because it has the same colors as all the stuff around it.
I dont know how many times I have died because I was stuck in a fence
while I had a handful of mobs around me.
Peter T.
2015-08-07 23:29:13 UTC
Post by Peter T.
Post by Lewis
One of the things in the game that I view as a great summary of
everything that is wrong with WoW is the forced and repeated cinematics.
Every time I build a boat, cinematic. Everytime I get into Auchadon or
Grimrail, MULTIPLE cinematics. It really indicates to me a hostility
toward the player.
_Most_ times you can press the escape key. But I agree.
You have to press escape AND then mouse over to the right button.
Meanwhile, the cinematic keeps playing.

Really, the entire cinematic intrusion is as player-hostile as it is
possible to be.
Post by Peter T.
What annoys me most are all the almost invisible obstacles in the
environment. A VERY small fence, a very tiny tree there that are very
hard to see because it has the same colors as all the stuff around it.
I dont know how many times I have died because I was stuck in a fence
while I had a handful of mobs around me.
Yep. The annoyance of riding a huge mount and getting stuck on a 6"
fencepost is pretty high.
Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to
show you any stinking badges.
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