Lich King down!
(too old to reply)
Catriona R
2013-12-06 23:34:41 UTC
Been meaning to try Icecrown for ages and finally got around to it
tonight - had expected to spill over to tomorrow tbh but cleared it in
under 3 hours, by two people who've never ever been there before, not
bad! 540 ilvl disc priest and 500ish prot pally with my feral druid on
follow in case we needed him (only really used him a couple of times
for emergency heals when my priest got turned into an ooze...). Mostly
we managed to figure out how fights worked on the fly and adapted, had
a few hiccups though:

First, gunship. I know it used to be considered really easy, but
that's by people who knew what they were doing. We didn't, and so we
didn't know small details like... the rocket jump shirt would be
helpful! Found the npc after we'd already started the fight and, well,
can't change your shirt in combat. You can imagine how that attempt
ended :-) 2nd try was far better, although still took us a little to
figure the details - first realising the mages are the cause of the
frozen cannons, aha! Then realising that the cannons damaging the ship
is key, not trying to kill Muradin, so concentrate on mages! After
that it wwas easy! Maybe we should've looked up tactics first, but
hey, more fun figuring it out on the fly :-P

Blood Queen was the other big problem, as we didn't quite realise what
the bite was, nor what an untreated one results in. So suddenly I'm
facing my bf's mindcontrolled character, with 2.5 million hp, 100%
increased dmg/healing, and he's got a self-healing seal on so I can't
get his health down at all, given he's also chainstunning me (jeez,
wtb diminishing returns please :-P). I was staying alive and slowly
whittling down the boss after I gave up on doing anything about my bf,
but then she enraged. Ouch. Second try, we Googled it, realised how
the bite works, and were prepared; this time my druid got it, I
figured we didn't need my healing much anyway, tabbed across and
nuked... bam, dead before the end of the bite debuff anyway :-)

Other than those fights, most were pretty simple, even the Lich King
wasn't too bad - my bf went flying off the platform at one point
(neither of us saw it coming, by pure luck I had my back to a wall!),
so I got to solo the rest, bit of a panic, and a massive "oh crap"
when he suddenly oneshotted me... till I realised it was the start of
the end-of-fight event. Yay! I'd seen the cutscene before, of course,
but seeing it right after actually killing him was seriously cool,
especially when you can go up to the throne and see Bolvar encased in
ice now.

Seriously fun stuff there, enjoyed that a lot, I love finally seeing
the big storyline places, even if it is several years late! Only got
Trial of the Crusader left of the Wrath raids now, we've done
everything else, so I guess that's next on our list... then maybe try
some of the easier ones on 25-man when we feel like a challenge:-)
Catriona R
2013-12-07 20:36:56 UTC
On Fri, 06 Dec 2013 23:34:41 +0000, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
Only got
Trial of the Crusader left of the Wrath raids now, we've done
everything else, so I guess that's next on our list...
Uh, well... that was hard. going on time left on buffs, it took us 13
mins, having never seen any of the fights before. Wow! Slight
anticlimax there... :-P
