Post by UrbinI've gotten into the closed beta a while ago. I've played it for a while,
finding it well made and fun to play. I probably managed to win about 2
games in 5 with some luck. I've unlocked all classes but not levelled all of
them to level 10 yet. It held quite a lot of attraction at first, but I
haven't played it in a month or so and doubt that I'll go back for it
regularly, but can certainly see myself occasionally playing a little
(though the more head start others have, the worse your chances will likely
be except for arena mode).
In theory, that last point shouldn't matter, as you get placed against
people of your ability... in theory, at least. In reality the
matchmaking isn't always that accurate, but it's not too bad anyway; I
play quite a bit and never get put against people with tons of
high-end cards (my set is very middling; a few lucky finds but mainly
the cheaper ones), nor against total beginners, so it seems reasonable
that way. The first few days of a new season if you play ranked, you
can get put up against high end people, as ranking resets and
everyone's at the bottom again, but it usually doesn't take long to
sort itself out thankfully!
I don't play all the time but usually give it a go a couple of times a
week, mainly just do the dailies every few days to pick up enough
coins for arena, which is my favourite type of play at present.
Someday I should make an effort in ranked mode and see how high I can
get, best so far is rank 18, but it's not like I really tried...
should be able to make rank 15 or so, I'd guess, unlikely to go much
higher though, I'm just not that good!