Is this a hint of future lore?
(too old to reply)
2014-02-18 15:39:08 UTC
I haven't noticed this before - its not an area I visit often.

Down in SW harbor there's a small dock with a squad of SW guards standing
above it. In the water is a group of small boats, occupied by Horde NPCs.
If you talk to the lead guard, he'll tell you 'they want to talk'.

For all I known they've been there since MoP dropped, but I don't think so.

Catriona R
2014-02-18 15:58:08 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
I haven't noticed this before - its not an area I visit often.
Down in SW harbor there's a small dock with a squad of SW guards standing
above it. In the water is a group of small boats, occupied by Horde NPCs.
If you talk to the lead guard, he'll tell you 'they want to talk'.
For all I known they've been there since MoP dropped, but I don't think so.
That's old lore, actually - it's from the Cataclysm patch which
introduced Zul'Gurub, when you're 85 you can get a quest from the
leader of those trolls, sends you around STV in a phased version of
the zone for a while, then leads up to going into ZG.

Basic story behind it is Vol'jin becomes aware of the threat the
Zandalari are posing or something like that, wants to sort it out, but
he doesn't trust Garrosh, so he's recruiting adventurers on the quiet
- and isn't too picky which faction said adventurers come from, so
sent representatives to SW too :-)
