Post by Catriona ROn Fri, 20 Jun 2014 19:58:01 +0930, | || ||| ||||| || |
Post by unknown7 days will get you a legendary cloak? Meh, I suspect not.
the drop rate of unobtainium has been buffed , double meh
Why not just leave it up until wod?
Would be nice if they did that, perhaps they intend to bring it back
at some point though. Only this buff and the valor one have been
datamined, wouldn't surprise me if they repeat both every few weeks
till 6.0 comes, to give people something at least slightly different
to think about. The valor one did get me back playing my main server,
which I hadn't really been on for a month or so before that, so it
worked for me! Not sure I'll do much with the Black Prince one though,
it's such a long grind if you didn't do it at the time.
I bet anyone just starting the 3k valor section is a bit annoyed
though, no benefit at all from this! Should've been longer to let
everyone get something out of it :-)
[ warning: ramble ahead ]
Yeah, there are many gates in the chain, most of which are closed by my
play style.
I don't expect blizzard to do much to suit me, maybe there are a few
million but it is almost all about the ~8 million regular payers.
Finding things to do isn't a problem, choice is.
I come back and move through old content, it is much like wandering
through an old movie set, tattered facades with tumbleweeds blowing
through it. I don't mind that , feels like home :-)
I have 5 90s with a sixth working towards the wod prof upgrade at 60.
Maxed profs on all, ~500 ilvl on most, one at 525-ish, one or two 450
items can drag the average down a lot .
I could do 5 or 6 things on each generally , plus another 3 or 4
particular things like prof recipes, prof dailies.
50 things to do, each with travel times and other time gates.
Some things have changed and I don't commit a lot to memory about wow.
I notice that there really isn't much direction to tie things together
in-game or make decision any easier. After a week of running with 20
wowhead pages on one monitor and wow on the other I catch up.
If you are immersed I suppose things remain familiar and choice is
easier but I am pretty much just pressing buttons at random.
[and I repeat, I don't expect the game to do much about that just for me ]
In a few months what I have will see me through to 92-93, some to 95,
then for a very short time I may be on a par with most gear.
If I chose to grind a cape on one it would see me through to 100 but
that brings up another point.
I like going into immersion, this bit of pixellated bling is important
for a short time and a nice jolt of brain juice when I get it.
If you are kitted up to 97-100 wouldn't the earlier parts of the
expansion be a bit of a cakewalk/grind with little reward and detract
from the wonders of the much anticipated new expansion?
woops, another morning ramble without enough coffee, just displacement
activity putting off shovelling :-)