Brawl: Arathi Basin is up this week!
(too old to reply)
Peter T.
2018-12-13 11:55:26 UTC
Catriona, I know you considered doing it. Fun rep farm. :)
Peter T.
Catriona R
2018-12-13 14:55:47 UTC
Post by Peter T.
Catriona, I know you considered doing it. Fun rep farm. :)
Ahh thanks! I'll give that a go then, shame about the timing though,
I'm busy in the GW2 christmas festival lol, hopefully can make some
time for AB, I can use that rep, been stuck at honoured for about 10
Peter T.
2018-12-21 11:14:50 UTC
Catriona, I know you considered doing it.  Fun rep farm. :)
Btw. This week's brandnew brawl is quite fun too and very different to
other battlegrounds. Typical Blizzard brawl style imho. :)

Dunno if it yields rep though.
Peter T.
Catriona R
2018-12-21 23:30:25 UTC
Post by Peter T.
Catriona, I know you considered doing it.  Fun rep farm. :)
Btw. This week's brandnew brawl is quite fun too and very different to
other battlegrounds. Typical Blizzard brawl style imho. :)
Dunno if it yields rep though.
Cool, it's years since I pvped, must get back into it at least a bit
sometime, these brawls sound kinda fun! Had intended to go Arathi but
skipped the first few days while on GW2 and then caught a stinking
cold that left me wanting to do nothing at all that involved using my
brain for several days, it's only today I've logged back into WoW at
all so oh well, I'll have to look out for it next time it comes
around, just my luck with the timing!

Gotta say I've never been less motivated to play a new patch, there
actually *is* story content added and things I'd usually be interested
in, but I've not touched it yet, guess that's on me rather than the
game at this moment... or maybe partly on the story for making me not
even want to go near Darkshore anyway given what we already did there;
I want the nelves to get (what's left of) their home back!

Hopefully I'll get back into it soon, for now I'll just do regular
stuff until the mood's there to actually enjoy the story. When the
mood is there, I see Alliance story no longer requires mythic dungeons
so that is interesting to me, it'll be fun to explore their zones and
storylines when I'm in the right mood! Did some on beta but there's a
good bit that'll be new to me :-)
2018-12-30 03:40:01 UTC
Post by Peter T.
Catriona, I know you considered doing it. Fun rep farm. :)
Am sad now I didn't do it but was hit by the winter depression.

Am taking D-vitamin, and sitting infront of a special therapeutic-lamp
30 minutes every morning, but got hit bad right at the time for rep

Well, a chance comes again later...

I also had planed to cancle my wow sub, or actually change it to 1
month, and then cancle it and take a brake till flying came back...

Stupid slow me (was a few hours too late) just paid for half a year
more :-(

Well a guildie will be happy, since I was giving him my bank-mule, and
now he don't have to find space for all the mats. He calculated he
could get more than 3mill for all my mule had gathered, and I said
give me half or a third and I will be happy.

My plan is to move to your server Cationa, where most of my guild
moved, but I'm in doubt if I actually wanna raid again with all the
demans that follows.

It might be more fun to do old achievements together with you and your
Allan Stig Kiilerich Frederiksen
"When you try to change a mans paradigm, you must keep in mind that he
can hear you only through the filter of the paradigm he holds."
-Myron Tribus
Catriona R
2019-01-22 13:43:43 UTC
On Sun, 30 Dec 2018 04:40:01 +0100, ASKF
Post by ASKF
Post by Peter T.
Catriona, I know you considered doing it. Fun rep farm. :)
Am sad now I didn't do it but was hit by the winter depression.
Am taking D-vitamin, and sitting infront of a special therapeutic-lamp
30 minutes every morning, but got hit bad right at the time for rep
Oh, I sympathise, I get that too, not quite so badly but usually spend
much of November and Dcember struggling to motivate myself to do much!
At least by now it's starting to get noticeably lighter which helps...
Post by ASKF
I also had planed to cancle my wow sub, or actually change it to 1
month, and then cancle it and take a brake till flying came back...
Stupid slow me (was a few hours too late) just paid for half a year
more :-(
Oops! :-( I've been undecided about mine for a while, I probably would
have cancelled it if I wasn't on a run of over 10 years continuously
subscribed and really only missed 3-4 months since March 2005. As it
is I'm already subbed through till March or April thanks to early BfA
goldmaking, and I'll definitely be playing Classic when summer comes
so I guess I'll leave it, I do still have some fun when I play, it's
just not such a big thing for me as it used to be.

Feels rather sad tbh, realising I actively prefer another MMO (GW2),
that's *never* been the case but for whatever reason/combination of
reasons, BfA isn't doing it for me while GW2 is.

I've been away from home the last 3 weeks after my mother died very
suddenly on December 31st ("happy new year"... I'm just holding onto
the small positive that it WAS a happy new year for the 4 people who
received some of her organs in transplants), and my mind is much more
on the GW2 story patch that happened 2 weeks ago than on anything I've
missed in WoW! I will get back into WoW but GW2 will come first in my
catching up, which is pretty much unheard of for me...
Post by ASKF
Well a guildie will be happy, since I was giving him my bank-mule, and
now he don't have to find space for all the mats. He calculated he
could get more than 3mill for all my mule had gathered, and I said
give me half or a third and I will be happy.
My plan is to move to your server Cationa, where most of my guild
moved, but I'm in doubt if I actually wanna raid again with all the
demans that follows.
Honestly, I cannot recommend my server at all if you're not raiding. I
mean, if you like a place that's so large you never see the same
person twice, rarely even see the same guild names enough to recognise
them, but has a ton of lag and massive competition for everything
(like yeah, the lag's slowed now everyone's stopped playing but the AH
was SO slow it was unusable outside of the middle of the night for the
first month of BfA, just as one example of overloading), I guess it's
fine, but I hate it now, have so much more fun on Darkmoon Faire,
which is the opposite extreme, being very low pop.

I'd have left long ago if it wasn't for old memories (It's been there
since 2005) and the chance of finding old friends, but in these days
of Battle.net tags and cross-server everything I can stay in touch
with friends anyway... but we haven't had a free transfer in years
(the thought of paying to move 20+ characters AND two guilds... eek!),
and even if we did, what's the chance of ALL my names being free?
Pretty low, so I'm stuck here (I'm attached to my characters in their
original form; they're not my characters if I have to change name...
or race, which is why I feel stuck on Horde despite hating their side
of the current story... yeah, I wonder why my WoW motivation is
Post by ASKF
It might be more fun to do old achievements together with you and your
He quit months back lol, maybe eventually I'll get him to come back,
as I saw in the last patchnotes that Siege of Boralus now has heroic
mode. Even with the difficulty increase we should be able to duo that
(or at least 3-man it, as I have a friend who might be willing to
help), so we can do the Alliance story now! But with the sheer amount
of dungeons involved in that story, I'm not doing it alone lol, could
just about tolerate one queued dungeon but four, nah, I'll wait for
him, just glad it's still possible to duo normal dungeons, that was a
big highlight of Legion for us, being able to do these things without
pugging them!

I'd say I've got less social over the years, as I really hate pugging
now and get so stressed out by it... except I was actually fine with
pugging when I tried vanilla a few years back, bit stressed due to
poor expectations but enjoyed most runs as they were what I remembered
from the old days, careful pulls, CC etc, and even a little friendly
talking.. Hmm, yeah, it's actually the common attitudes of players in
modern dungeons (gogogospeedrun) that's my problem, not just me!
2019-01-23 08:33:44 UTC
Post by Catriona R
I've been away from home the last 3 weeks after my mother died very
suddenly on December 31st
I'm so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how you feel at the moment. I
hope you have friends who are there for you and help you through this
difficult time! I wish you strength and happy moments despite it.

Sorrowful greetings
Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Catriona R
2019-01-23 13:51:44 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
I've been away from home the last 3 weeks after my mother died very
suddenly on December 31st
I'm so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how you feel at the moment. I
hope you have friends who are there for you and help you through this
difficult time! I wish you strength and happy moments despite it.
Sorrowful greetings
Thank you, it was a huge shock but in some ways could have been worse;
I left home 16 years ago and have always lived 200+ miles away from my
parents, so I've been used to only seeing her 1-2 times a year, rather
than all the time as would be normal for most people, it's nothing
like so big a change in my life as it is for my dad who's been married
to her for over 40 years. It's all a bit surreal as it happened so
suddenly, I'd talked to her on the phone on the afternoon of the 30th,
she sounded absolutely fine then, but collapsed overnight.

Social person that I am, I have no friends other than my boyfriend who
I live with (who managed to get enough time off work to travel with me
after I got the news, which was such a big help, 7 hours on a train
alone would've been awful), I hadn't even met most of my family in
over 10 years before this, although they were all lovely when we met
at the funeral so I'll make more effort to keep in touch with them

I'll be alright anyway, just getting used to the idea really, and
obviously I'll be keeping in touch with my dad a lot, he's the one
who'll find it really hard I think!

Anyway enough of me, it's good to hear from you, hope your life is
going well at present! :-)
2019-01-29 11:53:34 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Anyway enough of me, it's good to hear from you, hope your life is
going well at present! :-)
Thanks, we're doing well. Kids starting to be teenagers, so we've got our
hands full of two moody monsters a lot of the time, but so far we've kept
them in check :-)

I haven't had much time to play during the last two years, so it's been on
and off, as I had time.

I went back to WoW without a subscription and levelled a few characters from
1-20, doing this once for every race and class. Basically just for old times
sake and to see the story lines of the horde starting zones (I never really
played any horde characters) and to see how the current story line is in the
alliance zones (I levelled mine a long time ago, so quite a bit has
changed). I did this on and off, spread out over the year, but never
re-subbed (and not going to).

I started Witcher 2 when I bought a new computer (the old one, over 10 years
old couldn't handle it), but I got stuck somewhere after a while and could
not find the energy to keep going. Then some time last year I started
playing Skyrim and really enjoyed that. When I was done with that I looked
at Assassin's Creed and really loved it, I'm just about finishing the last
chapter of the first game and will probably try out AC 2 as well.

Other than that work, my family and other real life obligations are keeping
me pretty busy. I do still check this group every once in a while, though it
has been very quiet lately.

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Catriona R
2019-01-29 22:44:56 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Anyway enough of me, it's good to hear from you, hope your life is
going well at present! :-)
Thanks, we're doing well. Kids starting to be teenagers, so we've got our
hands full of two moody monsters a lot of the time, but so far we've kept
them in check :-)
Hehe sounds like fun, hope they're not as much of a pain as I was in
my teen years, no idea how my parents put up with me back then ;-)
Post by Urbin
I haven't had much time to play during the last two years, so it's been on
and off, as I had time.
I went back to WoW without a subscription and levelled a few characters from
1-20, doing this once for every race and class. Basically just for old times
sake and to see the story lines of the horde starting zones (I never really
played any horde characters) and to see how the current story line is in the
alliance zones (I levelled mine a long time ago, so quite a bit has
changed). I did this on and off, spread out over the year, but never
re-subbed (and not going to).
Cool, the starter zones have some fun stuff in them. I can understand
the not resubbing, it takes a lot of time and right now doesn't even
feel really worth that time lol.
Post by Urbin
I started Witcher 2 when I bought a new computer (the old one, over 10 years
old couldn't handle it), but I got stuck somewhere after a while and could
not find the energy to keep going. Then some time last year I started
playing Skyrim and really enjoyed that. When I was done with that I looked
at Assassin's Creed and really loved it, I'm just about finishing the last
chapter of the first game and will probably try out AC 2 as well.
Haven't played any of those games, I always meant to try Skyrim
sometime, I heard so much good about it, maybe one day! I just caught
up on the latest GW2 story patch tonight, that game's filling the
WoW-sized gap in my gaming time at present lol, quite nice not caring
about the gear treadmill but just having fun exploring stuff. I've
been playing it 2 years now and still have tons of things I've not
really explored, plus I'm not hating the storyline, which is something
of a plus lol (although the latest development is a bit of a shock,
actually surprised I avoided spoilers given I'm 3 weeks late playing
it thanks to RL!)
Post by Urbin
Other than that work, my family and other real life obligations are keeping
me pretty busy. I do still check this group every once in a while, though it
has been very quiet lately.
I was actually surprised to find several messages when I came back
after my 3 weeks away, it's often rather dead here, usually only
arguments about Classic wake us up now ;-) I miss the days when this
was such a lively group, all the Usenet groups I used to use have gone
much the same way but a shame, I liked having someplace rather less
toxic than MMO-C/official forums and less meme-y than Reddit to
discuss WoW!
