Post by Peter T.Post by Catriona RI'd go to a medium-high pop realm in your position, not one as
overpopulated as Draenor, but then I know from experience what
over-full realms are like - give me an empty one any day ;-)
Nah. I just got online 3 hours ago. I was able to buy a token from the
char selection screen. Cool. :)
Yeah, useful system, I like that design :-)
Post by Peter T.DMF: tumbleweeds everywhere.
It's not that bad, ER/DMF alliance have 2-3 times Draenor alliance pop
;-) And tbh it honestly doesn't seem that quiet when I'm playing,
sure, out in the world it's mainly Argent Dawn people I see, but SW is
far from empty, and there's certainly a good number of lower lvl
players actually on ER/DMF - ironman seems to be picking up a bit
again lately which is helping there a little, at least.
Post by Peter T.Draenor: peeps everywhere. Me like!
I made a orc hunter and ran to Org. I could see someone multiboxing
with 20 accounts from the FP in Org. Funfun. :)
It's fine as it is right now, yeah... this is way below peak pop
though, if WoD hasn't totally killed enthusiasm you'll see more when
6.2 hits, and you'll certainly see when the next expansion comes lol.
Before I upgraded my graphics card a few months back, I couldn't go to
the front of Org unless I wanted fps to drop visibly, and as my eyes
are sensitive to lower fps (anything below 50ish gives me a headache),
I basically spent all my time in the tauren bit of the town, and even
that was busier than I liked. Much better now, since for the first
time the expansion city has an AH, that to me is one of the WoD
changes that I like; people sit in their garrison instead of turning
cities into a massive lagfest!
Seen that multiboxer around a bit lately, at least assuming it's the
same one I've seen, 20-odd warlocks I think, with a number of rather
fancy mounts, a friend of mine wanted the spectral tiger because it
was unusual, and I had to tell him it looks rather common when this
guy's riding around with 20-odd of them in a line :-D