Kinda fun. Since we got 2 extra item upgrades so we now have 4 I decided
to check guildox a few mins ago. It seems like Asia has 6 item upgrades
while the rest of us (EU/US/Oceania) have 4 item upgrades.
Click a random char and check ther char on their armory by clicking the
small arrow at the nick. ^^
Peter T.
Does anyone know what sort of latencies they see in asia generally.. and are
the 6 upgrades a latency-compensation feature?
Actually while on the matter of latency, when Blizz changed the ingame
latency figures to home+world I saw an immediate drop in the total reported,
even though the actual* lancy changed not one bit.
let me explain what mean by actual(*) - While playing Wrath and doing ICC
my guild was stumped by the defiles the LK dropped since most of our guild
was in Western Australia which is a looong way from the US servers. Other
players in New Zealand were seeing the defiles way ahead of us (since the
cable routes through NZ before heading to the East coast of Australia then
cross country to us in the West) and were frustrated by how slow we were at
getting clear .. eventually we hit on having the NZ players call who had
defile and to tell us which direction to move to get clear of it over Vent.
We saw a small improvement .. at the time I was also experimenting with
different VOIP programs and found Mumble compression was far better than
Vent, and the latency was less than 1/2 - so the raid switched to Mumble and
that my friends, was the day we downed the Llitch King :) .. By having the
NZ players do as before, call defile for us to move a second before we saw
the raid alert. a whole second. We'd been playing over one whole second
behind the NZ players.
there were other telltale signs the numbers were false as well - my wife and
I sitting side by side did all manner of jump-off-high-things or
run-stop-run tests to see how much of a delay occurred, and they were always
over a second and they have remained over a second.
.. now as soon as Blizz changed to home +world we saw our numbers here
drop - before the absolute minimum I ever saw was around the 970 mark (which
was still a highly optimistic number, not reflected by game play ) and post
split I was seeing 305 world + 320 home numbers. - roughly 600's. and it
remains rare that my wfe's numbers and mine match. And our silly jump off
the roof speed tests still show latencies well over a second. Pre split
1200ms was common, many days I played at 1500ms, and we generally only threw
in the towel when it hit 1800ms or higher
now it's almost always 320 + 305
I may see home of 400 while she sees 290, but both of us pinging our router
or the closest exchange or each others will see numbers substantially lower
and 99% of the time our ping times will match precisely.
I'm rambling again ..
My point is, if Asia has latency issues that makes game play difficult then
compensating them with 6 slot pgrades makes sense. but Australian players
with 1 second + latency will never get such help, because they play on
english speaking servers and anyone seeing some aussie player running about
with a 6 slot upgrade is going to scream the house down about how unfair
that it.