Catriona R
2014-04-03 01:01:03 UTC
Awesome change - my alliance rogue can finally go looking for loot
then (Draenor population = 95% Horde and I saw how much pvp happens in
x-realm pug raids and didn't want to lose my 0 HKs on that character).
Haven't even played in about a month, thanks to D3, but this might
just get me back in Pandaria a little :-)
Awesome change - my alliance rogue can finally go looking for loot
then (Draenor population = 95% Horde and I saw how much pvp happens in
x-realm pug raids and didn't want to lose my 0 HKs on that character).
Haven't even played in about a month, thanks to D3, but this might
just get me back in Pandaria a little :-)