Post by UrbinPost by Catriona RPost by LewisPost by Catriona RPost by UrbinPost by Catriona RPost by LewisSo I went ahead and reactivated my account for about 24,000 gold.
I'm jealous! 47k last I checked...yeah, I *can* afford it, but I don't
really want to, knowing what your prices are like :-P
Isn't it ironic that there was a time when people where paying real money to
gold farmers to get in-game gold and nowadays people have so much in-game
gold that they are using it to pay their subscriptions with it instead of
real money...
Yeah, I remember the days when I was scraping and saving to get 100g
for my first mount at lvl 40, now 100g is almost pocket change :-)
I didn't buy a mount until level 60, and that was the level 40 mount. It
took me *months* to save up the 1000g for a level 60 mount, and I ended
up getting a loan of 200g from a guildy who was tired of waiting for me
everywhere we went.
Yep, I got my lvl 40 mount at 40, but having spent aaages grinding
Duskwood orges (grey but decent cash/cloth drops) in the high 30s to
get enough gold. Took me months to get the 1k for the epic mount, but
I didn't like the human epic horse, so wanted another faction, which
meant a load more gold for runecloth turnins... in the end I was most
of the way there (had the 1k, but not the rep) when a friend quit the
game and sent me his gold; that was enough to get it and I was very
grateful to him! :-)
Yeah, I remember realising somewhere in the low thirties that I would need
100g at level 40 for the mount and I had less than 10g :-) I spent hours
solo farming the Deadmines (close to Stormwind and feasible, Stockades were
just a bit too difficult to solo at the time). Selling greens, blues and
cloth on the AH, vendoring everything else. I must have run that place
hundreds of times. By the time I hit 40 I had my 100g ready but after that I
was back to broke and couldn't even afford some of the new abilities from my
trainer that opened at 40...
Hehe I never tried Deadmines at that lvl, not sure if a (not at all
knowledgeable) rogue was strong enough for that tbh. I'll find out
when I get that high on my *cough* unofficial server - after asking
you how to join a group in German, I never saw any (wanting dps,
plenty looking for healers lol) over several days till I'd levelled
too high really, so I'll go back and solo it when I can. Won't be for
a while lol, I can just barely solo the elites outside the instance
and I'm 8-9 lvls higher than them... "elite" sure meant something in
those days!
Also as a leatherworker Ill try my luck in Wailing Caverns, and see if
anyone wants to buy deviate scale gear... probably not, it's not so
high pop as to have a thriving twink community, but you never know!
Post by UrbinOn the plus side, this prepared me for epic riding at 60, I started saving
straight away and made sure I hoarded all the gold I possibly could during
the next 20 levels. Still, when I reached 60 I was short a couple of hundred
gold and needed to do some farming. By then the Stockades where a very good
option because they dropped a considerable amount of wool which went at a
premium on my server.
Ah, the good old times!
Can't remember what I did for gold at that lvl; I think I spent the
late 50s farming yetis in Winterspring for leather, as I'd discovered
the existence of the Darkmoon necklaces; I did succeed in getting that
not long after hitting 60, so I guess that worked, but gold wasn't so
plentiful hehe - goldmaking and farming for gold weren't things I was
really any good at :-)
Post by UrbinI think the biggest wow effect in the early days was when I had finished
every quest in Dun Morogh and was sent to Loch Modan. Exiting the tunnel and
finding a whole new world without snow left me dumbstruck. I had thought Dun
Morogh was the extent of the game world and I was close to finishing the
game ;-) Being a total noob to both Warcraft and MMORPGs had its benefits.
Hehe yeah, I was aware from the map that there was a world beyond
Elwynn, but seeing the gates of SW for the first time was "wow".
Biggest moment I recall from the early days though was being in SW and
seeing someone in general saying everyone should come to the keep to
see dragons (I reckon it would've been one of the first times it'd
ever happened on that server; I was so lowbie that the game was
probably only about a month old) - of course I couldn't resist that
and so got to see the Onyxia chain event with Marshal Windsor for the
first time; that was amazing! :-) It stayed with me for ages
afterwards, and I was so happy when I finally got to that quest myself
(many months later, as I rerolled on a fresh server in between), loved
it :-)