Catriona R
2020-08-17 02:05:52 UTC
Well that was nice timing, been busy in RL and not playing any form of
WoW this week but my bf happened to log into Classic earlier and found
someone on a scarab mount posing in SW, with enough attention and
comments from onlookers to realise the gong had been banged very
recently indeed. Cool, I never saw the opening in vanilla (the guild
who rang the gong on my server did it in the middle of the night
without telling anyone) and I hadn't really expected to catch it this
time out, really glad I hit lucky!
Obviously, it's nothing special compared with more modern events,
really it seems to just be 10 hours of the same groups of mobs
respawning at 10-15 mins intervals, and as everyone knows much more
and servers are much more highly populated, it's basically get into a
raid, hope your raid's mages/hunters can tag anything at all, then
wait around for the respawns, it was probably a better experience the
first time out! Was fun to experience it at all though; I made 12k
more Brood of Nozdormu rep than I ever did in vanilla anyway :-)
Have to say I appreciated the surprisingly (for vanilla) user-friendly
event quests - there's 3 named mobs on a long respawn (or maybe only
once per event?) and if anyone at all has killed them, the quest is
available to everyone, whther they were part of the killing raid or
not. Unexpected!
WoW this week but my bf happened to log into Classic earlier and found
someone on a scarab mount posing in SW, with enough attention and
comments from onlookers to realise the gong had been banged very
recently indeed. Cool, I never saw the opening in vanilla (the guild
who rang the gong on my server did it in the middle of the night
without telling anyone) and I hadn't really expected to catch it this
time out, really glad I hit lucky!
Obviously, it's nothing special compared with more modern events,
really it seems to just be 10 hours of the same groups of mobs
respawning at 10-15 mins intervals, and as everyone knows much more
and servers are much more highly populated, it's basically get into a
raid, hope your raid's mages/hunters can tag anything at all, then
wait around for the respawns, it was probably a better experience the
first time out! Was fun to experience it at all though; I made 12k
more Brood of Nozdormu rep than I ever did in vanilla anyway :-)
Have to say I appreciated the surprisingly (for vanilla) user-friendly
event quests - there's 3 named mobs on a long respawn (or maybe only
once per event?) and if anyone at all has killed them, the quest is
available to everyone, whther they were part of the killing raid or
not. Unexpected!