Post by UrbinPost by Catriona RHehe, a shame, but I can understand :-) Best stay away from classic
when it comes out then, it'll likely be far more timeconsuming than
retail now is ;-)
I don't plan to. I've been away so long, that I'm not really missing it. My
brief foray into levelling from 1 to 20 was fun but it also showed me that
it would be too easy to get sucked into it again, so I'll be safe and stay
Besides, while I have very fond memories of classic wow, I don't think it
would be the same. One of the awe inspiring factors of WoW at the start was
the sheer scope of the world. After having levelled my first character
(dwarf hunter Urbin) through Dun Morogh and going through the tunnel to
Loch Modan and not just seeing another snowy valley but another zone as big
as the one I had already played through I was totally knocked out! Knowing
the world inside out (at least the world as it was before the Cataclysm)
means no more awe inspiring revelations.
Very true, for me a lot of the draw was revisiting old memories, the
original "wow" factor can't come back, but reliving the questchains
that were altered or outright removed, that was cool. Escorting
Marshal Windsor still felt awesome to me, even though there's plenty
more advanced things in modern WoW! I also love seeing the old world
again, too, the Loch Modan dam unbroken is still really impressive
now, Thousand needles minus the water looks much cooler too.
Post by UrbinI also remember the hard work it was farming gold from 38 to 42 until I had
the 100g to afford the slow mount, don't even get me started about the 1000g
for the fast one at 60.
Pre-60 wow was pretty much a single player game because finding a DD spot in
a group without a large guild was almost impossible. Only when I joined my
final guild around level 58 did I get to regularly see all of the instances.
True indeed, I didn't have so much trouble on Nost, though, I think
people there were a little more relaxed about group composition, so
willing to try a group with a paladin tanking (eh, pallies were bugged
on nost and had way more threat than originally, which helped lol),
and that slightly reduced the problem of numbers for each role. some
dungeons in the 40-50 range took days to find groups for though,
unluckily I was at a speed that left me behind the super-fast
levellers and ahead of the main crowd, so there were only a few people
in my lvl range... on the plus side you did get to see the same people
quite often, which made it more social, at least!
Post by UrbinI did love the old level 60 instances and those are one of the things I
would go back for, but I can't imagine levelling from 1 to 60 at the
original speed.
For me the original speed is something I like, as it felt like a long
journey, exploring the world. But I appreciate that is less good for
someone with limited time to play!
Post by UrbinI love the new dungeon seeker, I practically levelled my resto shaman from
15 to 85 purely from healing in dungeons. That would be a pain in vanilla
I find it funny when I see people saying dungeon finder ruined WoW. In
some ways, yes, it contributed to the reduction in community feeling.
But, it meant I actually DO the dungeons at all - since I find being
in a guild is pretty stressful and hard work, I've never joined
another one since wrath, so don't have a social group to run with
(well, I have some friends now, that I would group with,
but they all play Alliance and Blizzard's talk of friendship and
togetherness only applies to people who picked the same colour...). So
it's benefitted me!
I can manage without it in classic, but having been lucky enough to
fall into a group that suited me helped a lot there; I did pug a bit
on Nost while waiting for guildies to catch up but far preferred
running in guild groups.
Post by UrbinSo while classic wow holds tons of great memories, I don't think I would
want to relive the old world in the truly old fashion. I would love to go
back to a pre-cata world for old times sake, though!
I can understand you there - I enjoy both ways tbh, classic for
memories, Legion for relaxing in my less-social manner hehe.
Post by UrbinPost by Catriona RPost by UrbinLately, I've been playing skyrim. I like the gameplay and the important part
the storyline plays, it's really immersive, even if it is a few years old.
I've often heard good things about that game, keep meaning to try it
I think you would like it. It has a rich world with many NPCs but is a
single player game which suits my situation as I can pause out of it any
time the family needs me (remember Burt ranting about WoW not having a pause
button all those years ago? :-)
Haha I do indeed, wonder whatever happened to him :-)
Post by UrbinI love its seamless open world, the endless storylines that appear all over
the place. Mobs scale with your level, so you can't outlevel areas or quests
which is really cool. NPC interaction is really immersive and there is lore
to fill all your needs. I've made it as far as level 52 and I have seen
maybe half of the world and probably less than a third of the quest content.
Sounds cool, some of that sounds like what I'm enjoying with GW2, the
scaling and storylines, love learning about the lore there.
Post by UrbinOf course it's a few years old, so while the graphics are pretty impressive
(realistic instead of WoW's comic book style) there are certainly modern
games that look better.
I'm not one who cares so much for graphics quality as much as the feel
of them, for example in many cases I prefer the original WoW character
models - they just had more personality than the new ones. Yes, they
were blocky, but they felt alive! Another thing WoD rushed and made a
mess of, a real shame they're unlikely to fix them now, as people who
like the new models would complain.
Post by UrbinPost by Catriona Rthen I discovered vanilla WoW was playable... 6 months disappeared ;-)
Should you try Skyrim, don't blame me if you loose another 6 months :-)
Hehe :-) I don't dare at present, already got Legion and GW2 to keep
up with... if I run out of stuff to do in Legion (looks like we're in
for another content drought) I'll consider another game, but I only
have 4 classes max lvl, so I have a LOT of class stories to do first
;-) Often wish there were more hours in the day for everything I want
to do hehe.