What is Darkmoon Faire Rep good for?
(too old to reply)
Mike S.
2020-05-08 13:01:05 UTC
Unless I missed a vendor somewhere, they all seem to just want tickets
or fish. What does Darkmoon faire rep get you?
Peter T.
2020-05-08 13:54:45 UTC
Post by Mike S.
Unless I missed a vendor somewhere, they all seem to just want tickets
or fish. What does Darkmoon faire rep get you?
Consider it as what it is; a travelling tivoli that visits your town for
a few days. :)

There are loads of achievements to grab, farm a few mounts and pets, buy
items (mainly replicas), get a useful 10% buff etc..
DMf was a sparse tivoli back in vanilla, but it has slowly grown in size
with quests, events and other stuff over the years. So if youre bored
questing or doing daily stuff and you have a few hours to kill go visit
the DMF for an hour or two and have some fun.
Peter T.
Mike S.
2020-05-08 18:05:58 UTC
Post by Peter T.
There are loads of achievements to grab, farm a few mounts and pets, buy
items (mainly replicas), get a useful 10% buff etc..
DMf was a sparse tivoli back in vanilla, but it has slowly grown in size
with quests, events and other stuff over the years. So if youre bored
questing or doing daily stuff and you have a few hours to kill go visit
the DMF for an hour or two and have some fun.
I know what the Darkmoon Faire has. I am talking about the
*reputation* specifically. I am exalted with the Darkmoon Faire. What
does this exalted status get me exactly? I don't seem to need it for
Catriona R
2020-05-08 19:43:19 UTC
Post by Mike S.
Post by Peter T.
There are loads of achievements to grab, farm a few mounts and pets, buy
items (mainly replicas), get a useful 10% buff etc..
DMf was a sparse tivoli back in vanilla, but it has slowly grown in size
with quests, events and other stuff over the years. So if youre bored
questing or doing daily stuff and you have a few hours to kill go visit
the DMF for an hour or two and have some fun.
I know what the Darkmoon Faire has. I am talking about the
*reputation* specifically. I am exalted with the Darkmoon Faire. What
does this exalted status get me exactly? I don't seem to need it for
There is nothing specific for it other than the satisfaction of
completing it. It's also part of an achievement for similar
reputations, which also give little to no reward for completion (quite
a few factions from the early days of the game are like that):
https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=2336/insane-in-the-membrane -
Darkmoon Faire used to be a LOT harder to gain reputation with and
that achievement as a whole was pretty hard work, one for the
completists out there (I was one back then and completed it in the
expansion it was released, before any of it became easier; I doubt I'd
do it again now...)
2020-05-09 05:45:44 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by Mike S.
Post by Peter T.
There are loads of achievements to grab, farm a few mounts and pets, buy
items (mainly replicas), get a useful 10% buff etc..
DMf was a sparse tivoli back in vanilla, but it has slowly grown in size
with quests, events and other stuff over the years. So if youre bored
questing or doing daily stuff and you have a few hours to kill go visit
the DMF for an hour or two and have some fun.
I know what the Darkmoon Faire has. I am talking about the
*reputation* specifically. I am exalted with the Darkmoon Faire. What
does this exalted status get me exactly? I don't seem to need it for
There is nothing specific for it other than the satisfaction of
completing it. It's also part of an achievement for similar
reputations, which also give little to no reward for completion (quite
https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=2336/insane-in-the-membrane -
Darkmoon Faire used to be a LOT harder to gain reputation with and
that achievement as a whole was pretty hard work, one for the
completists out there (I was one back then and completed it in the
expansion it was released, before any of it became easier; I doubt I'd
do it again now...)
Aren't there some purchases available that require exalted reputation?

(I've never done DMF nearly enough to be exalted, I don't think).
He'd never felt really at home with swords, but a cleaver was a
different matter. A cleaver had weight. It had purpose. A sword
might have a certain nobility about it, unless it was the one
belonging for example to Nobby, which relied on rust to hold it
together, but what a cleaver had was a tremendous ability to cut
things up.
Catriona R
2020-05-09 12:29:23 UTC
On Sat, 9 May 2020 05:45:44 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Post by Catriona R
Post by Mike S.
Post by Peter T.
There are loads of achievements to grab, farm a few mounts and pets, buy
items (mainly replicas), get a useful 10% buff etc..
DMf was a sparse tivoli back in vanilla, but it has slowly grown in size
with quests, events and other stuff over the years. So if youre bored
questing or doing daily stuff and you have a few hours to kill go visit
the DMF for an hour or two and have some fun.
I know what the Darkmoon Faire has. I am talking about the
*reputation* specifically. I am exalted with the Darkmoon Faire. What
does this exalted status get me exactly? I don't seem to need it for
There is nothing specific for it other than the satisfaction of
completing it. It's also part of an achievement for similar
reputations, which also give little to no reward for completion (quite
https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=2336/insane-in-the-membrane -
Darkmoon Faire used to be a LOT harder to gain reputation with and
that achievement as a whole was pretty hard work, one for the
completists out there (I was one back then and completed it in the
expansion it was released, before any of it became easier; I doubt I'd
do it again now...)
Aren't there some purchases available that require exalted reputation?
(I've never done DMF nearly enough to be exalted, I don't think).
None that I know of, or that I can find on Wowhead. Not to say there
isn't any, but I can't find out about them if there are,and I suspect
there aren't; there certainly weren't in the early days as most people
never got anywhere near exalted, and I don't recallhearing of any
being added since.
Mike S.
2020-05-10 14:11:04 UTC
On Sat, 09 May 2020 13:29:23 +0100, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
None that I know of, or that I can find on Wowhead. Not to say there
isn't any, but I can't find out about them if there are,and I suspect
there aren't; there certainly weren't in the early days as most people
never got anywhere near exalted, and I don't recallhearing of any
being added since.
I went to every vendor I could find at the faire and none of them
seemed to require rep at all. Just fish or tickets for rewards. I
thought maybe I was missing something which is why I started this
2020-05-11 16:56:23 UTC
Post by Mike S.
On Sat, 09 May 2020 13:29:23 +0100, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
None that I know of, or that I can find on Wowhead. Not to say there
isn't any, but I can't find out about them if there are,and I suspect
there aren't; there certainly weren't in the early days as most people
never got anywhere near exalted, and I don't recallhearing of any
being added since.
I went to every vendor I could find at the faire and none of them
seemed to require rep at all. Just fish or tickets for rewards. I
thought maybe I was missing something which is why I started this
Checked with my friend on why he ground DMF rep. He wasn't sure, but he
thought there maybe used to be a neck piece that required it.

My guess was the old card decks, but he didn't think so.
I wrote this song two hours before we met. I didn't know your name,
or what you looked like yet....
2020-05-29 06:48:59 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by Mike S.
On Sat, 09 May 2020 13:29:23 +0100, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
None that I know of, or that I can find on Wowhead. Not to say there
isn't any, but I can't find out about them if there are,and I suspect
there aren't; there certainly weren't in the early days as most people
never got anywhere near exalted, and I don't recallhearing of any
being added since.
I went to every vendor I could find at the faire and none of them
seemed to require rep at all. Just fish or tickets for rewards. I
thought maybe I was missing something which is why I started this
Checked with my friend on why he ground DMF rep. He wasn't sure, but he
thought there maybe used to be a neck piece that required it.
My guess was the old card decks, but he didn't think so.
Yeah, back in vanilla, that was my first ever epic item, when having an epic
for non-raiding, casual players really was EPIC. It involved collecting
card decks. You'd get cards for trading in crafted items. I specifically
dropped herbalism and took up skinning to farm leather, so one of my guild
mates could craft some specific item to trade in. The rewards you could buy
improved with reputation, the epic necklace becoming available at exalted.

However, it's been a decade, so I might misremember ;-)

I hope you're all well. Did the lockdown increase server population? I know
that my kids complained about their minecraft servers lagging like hell
because of all the people playing that hadn't played before :-)

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Nethergarde Keep-EU (PvE Classic) | Urbin (19), Hunter | Sunh (10), Priest
2020-05-29 08:43:20 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Lewis
Post by Mike S.
On Sat, 09 May 2020 13:29:23 +0100, Catriona R
Post by Catriona R
None that I know of, or that I can find on Wowhead. Not to say there
isn't any, but I can't find out about them if there are,and I suspect
there aren't; there certainly weren't in the early days as most people
never got anywhere near exalted, and I don't recallhearing of any
being added since.
I went to every vendor I could find at the faire and none of them
seemed to require rep at all. Just fish or tickets for rewards. I
thought maybe I was missing something which is why I started this
Checked with my friend on why he ground DMF rep. He wasn't sure, but he
thought there maybe used to be a neck piece that required it.
My guess was the old card decks, but he didn't think so.
Yeah, back in vanilla, that was my first ever epic item, when having an epic
for non-raiding, casual players really was EPIC. It involved collecting
card decks. You'd get cards for trading in crafted items. I specifically
dropped herbalism and took up skinning to farm leather, so one of my guild
mates could craft some specific item to trade in. The rewards you could buy
improved with reputation, the epic necklace becoming available at exalted.
However, it's been a decade, so I might misremember ;-)
I just remembered its name, here it is:


And it seems I was mistaken, you didn't need exalted rep with them, just the
1200 tickets. However, farming the tickets brought you a long way (if not
all the way, no longer sure) towards exalted with them.

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Nethergarde Keep-EU (PvE Classic) | Urbin (19), Hunter | Sunh (10), Priest
Peter T.
2020-05-29 21:08:39 UTC
Post by Urbin
Aahh that was _the_ times where you actually had to _work_ for your
progression. I just read the comments. :)
Peter T.
Catriona R
2020-05-30 02:51:40 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Urbin
Yeah, back in vanilla, that was my first ever epic item, when having an epic
for non-raiding, casual players really was EPIC. It involved collecting
card decks. You'd get cards for trading in crafted items. I specifically
dropped herbalism and took up skinning to farm leather, so one of my guild
mates could craft some specific item to trade in. The rewards you could buy
improved with reputation, the epic necklace becoming available at exalted.
However, it's been a decade, so I might misremember ;-)
And it seems I was mistaken, you didn't need exalted rep with them, just the
1200 tickets. However, farming the tickets brought you a long way (if not
all the way, no longer sure) towards exalted with them.
I remember that one, I think that was my first epic too (only later
did I learn that a blue quest reward is actually better stats... but I
loved my self-earned epic so didn't care!), I spent a lot of my last
couple of levels before 60 farming yetis in Winterspring for leather,
think it was rugged armor kits that were the last level handin for the

You couldn't get anywhere near exalted from that though, I just
checked wowhead and one contemporary comment says you stop getting rep
from handins partway into friendly, so, yeah... I knew I remembered
crafting TONS of cards on my scribe when I was working on it back in
Wrath, and figured if the vanilla handins gave easy rep I'd have
likely done those instead, now I see why I had to do the card decks
route! https://classic.wowhead.com/faction=909/darkmoon-faire#comments

Great to see you again, hope everything's good with you! Yes,
populations increased a fair bit, not so obviously noticeable on live
(my server's high population anyway, a bit higher doesn't greatly
stand out, probably more obvious on smaller realms), but Classic got
queues again on many servers, mine included... I hadn't been playing
much these past few months, guild politics put me off but anyway I
finally quit that guild this week and started playing again, and oh
yes, 45 mins queue at peak times. Could be worse, but seeing as I'm
levelling an alt on my 2nd account and wanted to "quickly" mail some
stuff over from my main account, that login queue was rather unhelpful
2020-06-16 12:37:26 UTC
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
Post by Urbin
Yeah, back in vanilla, that was my first ever epic item, when having an epic
for non-raiding, casual players really was EPIC. It involved collecting
card decks. You'd get cards for trading in crafted items. I specifically
dropped herbalism and took up skinning to farm leather, so one of my guild
mates could craft some specific item to trade in. The rewards you could buy
improved with reputation, the epic necklace becoming available at exalted.
However, it's been a decade, so I might misremember ;-)
And it seems I was mistaken, you didn't need exalted rep with them, just the
1200 tickets. However, farming the tickets brought you a long way (if not
all the way, no longer sure) towards exalted with them.
I remember that one, I think that was my first epic too (only later
did I learn that a blue quest reward is actually better stats... but I
loved my self-earned epic so didn't care!), I spent a lot of my last
couple of levels before 60 farming yetis in Winterspring for leather,
think it was rugged armor kits that were the last level handin for the
Indeed, I spent hours in that yeti cave :-)
Post by Catriona R
You couldn't get anywhere near exalted from that though, I just
checked wowhead and one contemporary comment says you stop getting rep
from handins partway into friendly, so, yeah... I knew I remembered
crafting TONS of cards on my scribe when I was working on it back in
Wrath, and figured if the vanilla handins gave easy rep I'd have
likely done those instead, now I see why I had to do the card decks
route! https://classic.wowhead.com/faction=909/darkmoon-faire#comments
Thanks, I must have misremembered again. I guess the only use of grinding
rep to exalted with them was for the 40 exalted factions achievment. I have
no idea if it is any good today.
Post by Catriona R
and oh yes, 45 mins queue at peak times.
Ouch, I don't think I've ever had 45 minute queues during all my years of
playing wow...

Dun Morogh-EU (PvE) | Taalas (85), Shaman | Juran (65), Druid
Urbin (100), Hunter | Sunh (81), Priest | Vargal (42), Warrior
Greeta (90), Rogue | Surana (75), Mage | Gera (26), Paladin
Mymule (85), Warlock | Kordosch (75), Deathknight | Tunyatgong (12), Monk
Nethergarde Keep-EU (PvE Classic) | Urbin (19), Hunter | Sunh (10), Priest
2020-06-16 16:15:02 UTC
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
Post by Urbin
Post by Urbin
Yeah, back in vanilla, that was my first ever epic item, when having an epic
for non-raiding, casual players really was EPIC. It involved collecting
card decks. You'd get cards for trading in crafted items. I specifically
dropped herbalism and took up skinning to farm leather, so one of my guild
mates could craft some specific item to trade in. The rewards you could buy
improved with reputation, the epic necklace becoming available at exalted.
However, it's been a decade, so I might misremember ;-)
And it seems I was mistaken, you didn't need exalted rep with them, just the
1200 tickets. However, farming the tickets brought you a long way (if not
all the way, no longer sure) towards exalted with them.
I remember that one, I think that was my first epic too (only later
did I learn that a blue quest reward is actually better stats... but I
loved my self-earned epic so didn't care!), I spent a lot of my last
couple of levels before 60 farming yetis in Winterspring for leather,
think it was rugged armor kits that were the last level handin for the
Indeed, I spent hours in that yeti cave :-)
Post by Catriona R
You couldn't get anywhere near exalted from that though, I just
checked wowhead and one contemporary comment says you stop getting rep
from handins partway into friendly, so, yeah... I knew I remembered
crafting TONS of cards on my scribe when I was working on it back in
Wrath, and figured if the vanilla handins gave easy rep I'd have
likely done those instead, now I see why I had to do the card decks
route! https://classic.wowhead.com/faction=909/darkmoon-faire#comments
Thanks, I must have misremembered again. I guess the only use of grinding
rep to exalted with them was for the 40 exalted factions achievment. I have
no idea if it is any good today.
Post by Catriona R
and oh yes, 45 mins queue at peak times.
Ouch, I don't think I've ever had 45 minute queues during all my years of
playing wow...
Really? I remember queues of over 2 hours.
"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I think so, Brain, but then my name would be Thumby."
Brain: In a perfect world, your name would be Dummy!
Catriona R
2020-06-16 23:20:46 UTC
On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 16:15:02 -0000 (UTC), Lewis
Post by Lewis
Post by Urbin
Thanks, I must have misremembered again. I guess the only use of grinding
rep to exalted with them was for the 40 exalted factions achievment. I have
no idea if it is any good today.
Yep, and of course achievements were only added in Wrath, so prior to
that, well I'm not even sure it was realistically possible to get
exalted with them before Wrath (which added inscription to make card
decks a lot more achieveable), but anyone who did was doing it for
nothing more than the satisfactio of filling the bar!
Post by Lewis
Post by Urbin
Post by Catriona R
and oh yes, 45 mins queue at peak times.
Ouch, I don't think I've ever had 45 minute queues during all my years of
playing wow...
Really? I remember queues of over 2 hours.
WoD launch, we had queues of 6 hours+ on my stupidly overpopulated
server... tbh from mid-Cata up until WoD launch it was always 1-2 hour
queues every time there was any new content within the previous month,
and every reset day unless deep into a content drought. For all the
flaws sharding and cross-realm have, being able to just log in when I
feel like it was a great change, I'd never want to go back.

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