Post by moragAnyone have any advice on getting here, without having to make a
suicide leap from the cliffs above? For the life (or death) of me I
can't seem to find any way down that's survivable.
I had to grin when I read this, because on my first trip to this beach
I took the same route. (With the same result, and it was a long corpse
Anyway, I was there on Tansi to tame one of the turtles and learn a
skill (Higher rank of Bite, IIRC). Back then there was no Revantusk
Village, and the turtles were hostile. So even when I did manage to
land safely, I was looking at some very angry turtles. :) After a
second corpse run and a third jump off the cliff I tamed one and I
just hearthed back. So even after all that I didn't know about the
path coming up and connecting near Jintha'Alor.
It wasn't too long after I did the "Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog" quest
here that they put in Revantusk and made the turtles neutral. (I mean
not long as in, "Hey, they were RED when I was here LAST WEEK".)
This made the quest a walk in the park compared to the death-defying
accomplishment it was back then. ;)
Tansi, 70 Orc Hunter, Arathor
Eseer, 70 Troll Mage, Arathor
Obidon, 70 Undead Warlock, Arathor
Tiomi, 66 Tauren Shaman, Arathor
Tahota, 62 Tauren Warrior, Arathor